
  • Assuming you guys are finishing tonight?
  • Well?

    What happened here people? Who were the final table?

  • Hey Mark Brent will post the final table of 7 and chip stacks when he gets home the final table will be tomorrow at 11:00 am at Kelly's Place.

  • It has been quite a day at the tournament of champions. With only 51 people entered we were able to get to a final table just before midnight with the blinds at 600/1200/200.

    There has been some teriffic play as you would expect at a tournament of champions. With two former champions sitting at the final table of 7

    Seat 1 Geoff "carmaker" 32000
    Seat 2 Jim Shaw April champion 114700
    Seat 3 Jeff Campbell March champion 23000
    Seat 4 Sammy 68000
    Seat 5 George 114200
    Seat 6 Cole "Hollywood" (I final past my driver test after the 4th try and my mom doesn;t have to drive me to the tournaments)with 111000
    Seat 7 Lou from Lucky Lou's Poker Tour 56000

    Best I can remember. Al has it all written down and signed for.

    Tomorrow starts at 11:00 for the tournament and ring game starting at 3:00 pm. If you need directions pm me are blazin72 for the address

    Prophet 22
  • Anyone surprised at seats 1, 2, 3 and 7...not me. Good luck guys!

  • Some great players at that final table... and Cole too! :D

    Can't wait to hear the final report. What's the official payouts?
  • Cole has a commanding lead just busting out Jim Shaw with about 420,000 to 80,000 lead over Lou.  GO COLE GO COLE

    If anyone get over to see the finals get brent to call me.

  • Congratulations to Cole on a hard fought out battle.  He took out 5 of the 6 players at the final table -- well done! Cole actually had me outchipped 9 to 1 going heads up.  I can't complain too much, as Cole was my sugar daddy, doubling me up on a couple of tough hands AJ cole -- A6 Magi. I caught a 6 on the river.  And, another hand I have pocket 6's vs AQ -- cole catches an ace on the flop and I catch 6 on the turn.

    In the end I have 65 and cole has 77.  Cole raises preflop and I smooth call.  Flop JJ6.  I'm likeing this.  Cole bets and smooth call.  Turn is a J.  Cool -- I don't have kicker problems.  Cole goes all-in.  Now, does he have a pair or not.  I decide it's time to gamble and a double up would put me in contention.  Call. I'm drawing dead and IGHN.

    Great tournament.  Loads of fun. And, I want to see Larry eat his hat!

  • congrats to cole, he played very well at the finally table. His loose image early in the tournament really played big today as he slow play some hands to break some of the bigger stacks at the table.
    I was very happy with my play, after my embarassing play at the lucky lou final i got back to my game.
    Wolfhound you would have been proud, at first break i was up to 17000. it was well above average but then i stayed there for about 7 hours. I managed to slide into the final table and i doubled to get back in the hunt.
    Early in the tournament i folded jacks to aces, maybe i should have seen the flop but it was too early to get involved and it helped my table image. I said i wouldn't do that later at the final table, well i should have. Early raise, then reraise all in, i have jacks in the small blind. This should have been easy fold, my gut said fold, but it was a big overbet by a fairly aggressive player and when i asked him if he had abig hand he said he did, so i call and he has kings.
    i am done and he hit the trips on the river for good measure.
    I am really happy with my play at this tourney, i was patient and picked my spots very carefully, i wished that i had not gone card dead in the middle but i survived. I just wishe that i had stayed patient, though i only had about 25000 and the blinds were 800-1600 with 200 ante , so maybe i was justified
    i have a tourney to go to now, thank brent for a great tourney and Al for directing and dealing the final table.
  • What were the payouts?
  • 1st- 2300$
    2nd- 1500$
    7th- 260$
  • Congrats to everyone at the Final Table. That was some awesome hold'em. Wish I could have stayed for the final hands....the 'chicken' was well done by the time I got home to take it out of the oven...thanks to Lou and his friendly banter! Now I've got to go find a hat that will fit in my BIG MOUTH!. Way to go Holywood. I hope you took your Mom out for a steak dinner at the Charcoal last night, minus the ceasar! And yes, I did pick up a few pointers watchin you guys play. Cole has some great bluffs. Lou you play a short stack like nobody I've seen! Sam, you deserved a better fate than Coles full house. Take care all. See yah at the table soon.
    The' Wine Man'
    Larry L.
  • congrats Cole! Sorry I didn't make it. Just wondering what the order of elimination was???
  • cole woods wrote:
    1st- 2300$
    2nd- 1500$
    7th- 260$

    You missed 4th, 5th and 6th.
  • stpboy wrote:
    Anyone surprised at seats 1, 2, 3 and 7...not me.  Good luck guys!


    Perhaps only giving you 1, 2, 3 and 7 was a slight at my comments earlier, haha. Seriously though, Cole is a good player. I haven't played with him in awhile, perhaps he has been learning from his buddy mark Radoja..a Very good player.
    Congrats Cole!

  • First time posting on this, but wanted to say a quick thanks to the organizers of the TOC. You guys always put on a well run, dispute free tourney attended by a good group of players.

    I enjoyed the tourney and wanted to send a quick post to congratulate Cole for his unpredictable play at the final table. well done!

    Congrats also to Lou, whom I continued to learn from at the tourney. Every one of these is a learning experience.

    see you next time.

    Jim Shaw (Q3)
  • Thanks again to everyone it was an awsome turny , westside does run the best poker tournments every month cant wait till the next event
  • I want to thank all those who came to our tournament of champions this past weekend. We had 51 players out of 63 who signed up, although some did tell me they weren’t coming. Despite the low number I thought it was a great tournament being so close to Christmas and everything.

    Special thanks for to Al for doing a great job.

    Play started pretty close to the schedule start time. Something we are going to work on in the new year. Each player started with 10 000 chips and blinds were 1 hour in length. It would be interesting to see if players could get away from big bets with blinds being 25/50. The answer came pretty quick, 12 minutes and 14 seconds into the tournament, our first player went out, two pair to a bigger two pair. Another player later told me a hand he had in the first hour JJ the bet was 600 and he folded; the difference between a veteran and a novice. Maybe a premonition.

    The final table was formed just after 11:00 pm.

    Seat 1 Geoff “Carmaker” 32 600 in chips
    Seat 2 Jim Shaw 114 200 in chips April Champion
    Seat 3 Jeff Campbell 21 200 in chips March Champion
    Seat 4 Sam P 63 800 in chips
    Seat 5 George Bokodi 114 200 in chips
    Seat 6 Cole Woods 111 900 in chips
    Seat 7 Lou G 51 600 in chips

    Play broke for the day with players coming back on Sunday to finish the tournament.

    It didn’t take long for the action to start. Four players are in the first hands the flop has J 5 3, two checks and Jeff bets 4000 Cole goes all in the other 2 players fold. Jeff thinks about it and says lets do it and pushes his chips in. Jeff shows Q J, Cole has K J, no help on the turn and a Jeff catches a Q on the river and doubles up.

    Geoff “carmaker” looks down and finds JJ again. Three players in the hand. Jeff C raises 5000, Sam goes all in and now Geoff has to think about what he is going to do knowing he needs to double up being the short stack. Sam taunts him saying he has a BIG HAND, Geoff thinks it is an over bet for the blinds and 5000 bet and final calls, Jeff throws his hand away and Sam show KK no help and a K falls on the river for good measure.

    The next play to talk about, two players in the hand Sam BB and Cole, flop comes 5 K 5. Sam bets 5 000, Cole calls, next card A, Sam bets 20 000, Cole looks confused and after 3 minutes flips 4 5 000 dollar chips in the air and announces call, the river is a brick Sam announces all in, Cole stands up and announce “I had the nuts on the flop, I call” and shows K 5, Sam is out.

    Jeff C has gained a lot of chips and is over 80 000. He is in a hand with Cole. Flop 2 K 3. Jeff bets 15 000, Cole quickly goes all in. Jeff looks at his cards and lifts them high enough for player 2 and the audience to see K J. 5 minutes goes off the clock and Jeff announces a call. Cole then asks Jeff “do you have two pair?” Jeff says know and shows KJ. Cole shows A K. No help for Jeff this time. Jeff is out.

    George is in a hand with Jim the flop is A Q 4. George bets 20 000 Jim announces he is all in. George thinks for a minute and calls and asked if Jim has an Ace. George’s friend who was watching announced “of course he has an Ace and Jim does in fact show the ace. No help for George and he is out.

    In the heads up match the line of the tournament goes to Cole. Cole finds a pair of 2’s and says to Lou, do you hunt? Lou response with how is that relevant? Well I have ducks and I want to know if you would shoot them down.

    I first met Cole in March and he told me after the first tournament was he wanted one of our rings that we give the champions from our tournaments. This one was well earned Cole congratulations you are the West Tournament of Champion year 2005.

    First Cole Woods 2300.00 plus 600.00 gold ring
    Second Lou G 1500.00
    Third Jim S 800.00
    Fourth George 470.00
    Fifth Sam 380.00
    Sixth Jeff C 320.00
    Seventh Geoff 260

    Look for the schedule in the near future for 2006 with a low limit re-buy tournament in January and a Heads Up tournament in February and a freeze out with bounty in March. Our tournament of champions will be held in June and will cover 3 day and 1 hour blinds again.

    West Side Poker Club
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