Thursday night sit n go or ring game your choice in Downtown KW

I want to invite you to participate in a 20 person sit n go, or a ring game right of the hop.  If you have been to a West Side event before or would like to try us out for the first time sign up today.  Send me a PM for the address

The sit n go will be as follows:

20 min blinds
25.00 for 2500 chips
one rebuy 2500 chips for 25.00, your option to take your re-buy at any time, yes that means at the start of the tournament.

The ring game will be a 1/2 NL min buy in 40.00, max buy in 150.00

1.  Kyle                                                         11.
2.  Steve                                                      12.
3.  Shannon                                                  13.
4. Dennis                                                     14.
5.  Ron                                                         15.
6. Randy                                                       16.
7.  Wes                                                     17.
8.                                                                18.
9.                                                                19.
10.                                                              20.

1/2 Ring Game


Prophet 22


  • Count me in Brent.

  • I'm in!
  • Sign up today or PM. We had a full table on Tuesday.

    Prophet 22
  • Put me down as a definite 'maybe'. I'll give you a yea or nay tomorrow. Depends on weather and another game that might get cancelled.

    I need directions to this wonderful new place.
  • Given the weather expected Brent I have to pass. Last Thursday took me until 2 am to get home during the blizzard from KW to Milton.
  • how late do yoru ring games usually go brent?

    i work till about 11, but i'd want to play after if i can get a way out of course.

  • ring game ended at 3:00 am

  • I'm in as well. Randy will be there too.

  • Hey Brent, did you get my PM in regards to tonight?

    Steve L
  • I thought I replied back. That should be fine. There will be a ring game going on that you will be able to participate in. See you then.

    Prophet 22
  • Hey Brent, sorry I didnt recieve the PM, i need to know location details please.

    Steve L
  • I haven't heard back, but i'll be at the tourny tonight.
  • yes we are starting at 7:30 pm. You are not the first one to say my PM didn't go through.

  • You are not the first one to say my PM didn't go through.
    I got your PM (and within 5 min of mine to you), so seems to be working now.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Put me down as a definite 'maybe'. I'll give you a yea or nay tomorrow. Depends on weather
    so, that would be a 'nay' then.
  • I'm not sure what the numbers are like for the game since but I'm going to bring my pops. I hope that's allright Brent.
    Leaving shortly, see you soon.

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