Game 6 Results

HORK42 takes home first place, along with $240. Great game Hork!! You never really got short stacked and you played a solid game.

Second, along with $140, goes to Derek, who with this showing tonight, will no doubtily take over Money AND Point Leader boards. Great play Derek, but now you KNOW the target is now on YOUR back.

I took down third place for $100, which surprises even me. I was so short stacked for so long, I didn't think I was going to make it, but I only went to war with decent cards, and only lost when my KQs was outdrawn by A 7.

Oh, and tonights CHUMP was David.

Pics and file will be sent out over the weekend. Great game all around. Thanks for coming out guys.



  • Congrats Hork,

    BTW what time did you guys finish as I got home before 11?

    I think there were 6 players left at that point and no one was really short stacked.
  • It WAS a fast game. Hork left at 11:45, all smiles and giggling like a school girl. I don't mind those fast games, that's for sure.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    It WAS a fast game. Hork left at 11:45, all smiles and giggling like a school girl. I don't mind those fast games, that's for sure.

    It was the ultra caffeinated drink I had that was talking...

    ONLY Caffeine-Free beverages will be allowed to be consumed BEFORE any game. This will ensure than there will be no UNFAIR advantages to those who cannot drink coffee so late at night. :D
  • Congrats Hork!
  • Bubble boy here. Only made it that far because of a string of good cards at the beginning. Became gun shy at the final table. I couldn't take Hork and his all-ins. I have to ask though, the first time Hork went all in against me I had top pair, Weak kicker. The way I played it looked like a steal. Can you remember if that was a bad fold on my part. (This was the first of the back to back all ins).

    Well played anyway, Hope I can make it out to the next one.

    Congrats Hork
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    It WAS a fast game.  Hork left at 11:45, all smiles and giggling like a school girl.  I don't mind those fast games, that's for sure.

    I think I was in bed sleeping by the time you guys finished the game.

  • Congrats Hork. Don't get too cosy with the champ tag. I want it back.

    AJ, I'm ok with the whole 'target' thing. More chances to double up. Thanks again for hosting buddy!

    See you next week.

    PS - I'll drink an energy drink prior to entering the 'poker room'.
  • Well, Derek, it means you will be the one we all fold to from now on, until you blind out :D. Hey, you can always read from the BOOK OF GREG and find out what HE would do in your place.

    Dorez, thanks for coming out. You played very well and had quite the stack for the longest time. Thought for sure you would place last night, but glad you didn't. Anytime you can make it out, please do.

    Hork, spend that money wisely. Read up on Dr Spock, and put away those Harrington books for awhile.
  • I went to sleep last night with nightmares of seeing a post this morning of a 3 time champion.

    Congrats Hork, nice to have a new champ.

    I was surprised Dorez didn't run away with it, and AJ chizzled his way into 3rd, but come to think of it, Hork was playing strong, forcing many confrontations that we didn't want any part of.

    Good job all, keeping Pokerface out of the points/money, but a new evil has arose, we all need to work together to battle this foe before he becomes too powerful. :rage: I case your not sure as to whom I'm refering too, here's a quote "You out already? That's too bad."
  • "You out already? That's too bad."

    Actually, I think the exact quote was "You out already? Awwwwwww that's too bad"
  • ElElliott wrote:
    "You out already? That's too bad."

    Actually, I think the exact quote was "You out already? Awwwwwww that's too bad"

    LOL, yep, that's it alright. PRICELESS!
  • I have now sent out the updated Leader Board file to everyone. If you didn't get it, please let me know and I will check out the email address I have on file for you.

    As you can see, DEREK is now MONEY AND POINT LEADER. :rage:HIS EVIL MUST BE STOPPED!!! :rage: Who amongst us is brave enough to accept this challenge???
  • Hork42 wrote:
    It was the ultra caffeinated drink I had that was talking...

    I think it was all an act that you used to trap us all. You pretending to be all tired and that so we all think you are not on your game......I'm wise to your tricky techniques......I won't fall for the sleep Hork trap, again. :D
  • ElElliott wrote:
    "You out already? That's too bad."

    Actually, I think the exact quote was "You out already? Awwwwwww that's too bad"

    Please allow me to clarify what was actually said...

    Derek: "What happened, did you get knocked out already?"
    Eleanor: "Yes"
    Derek (sincerely stated): "Awe... that's too bad (with a sad twinkle in my eye.. only seen from certain angles)"

    I enjoy good competition!

    Mr. Bus Driver - I had the same nightmare, but in mine it was Hork taking the win.... We'll see if we can fix that next time;).
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