LLHE - top pair hand

Wild table - 4 or 5 to the raised flops every hand.
bigblueeyes is LA-P.   guambomb sees almost every flop,  Very LP-P

Any comments on -  
Possible Cap preflop?
Turn reraise good against preflop 3-bettor?
River bet?

Hand #10100903-2325 at Paris ($5/$10 Hold'em)
Powered by UltimateBet
Started at 07/Dec/05 23:41:27

guambomb is at seat 0 with $43.
Rockette is at seat 1 with $436.
Buy Buy is at seat 2 with $155.50.
josiems is at seat 3 with $141.50.
daysien1 is at seat 4 with $299.50.
flipflopjack2 is at seat 5 with $108.50.
litledevil is at seat 6 with $157.50.
Ryan6754 is at seat 7 with $102.
Plaxus is at seat 8 with $95.
bigblueeyes is at seat 9 with $418.50.
The button is at seat 8.

bigblueeyes posts the small blind of $2.
guambomb posts the big blind of $5.

guambomb:  -- --
Rockette:  -- --
Buy Buy:  -- --
josiems:  -- --
daysien1:  -- --
flipflopjack2:  -- --
litledevil:  -- --
Ryan6754:  -- --
Plaxus:   :ac :jc
bigblueeyes:  -- --


Rockette calls.   
Buy Buy folds.   
josiems folds.
daysien1 folds.   
flipflopjack2 calls.   
litledevil folds.   
Ryan6754 folds.   
Plaxus raises to $10.
bigblueeyes re-raises to $15.   
guambomb calls.
Rockette calls.   
flipflopjack2 calls.   
Plaxus calls.

Flop (board: :jh :4c :4d):

bigblueeyes checks.   
guambomb bets $5.   
Rockette folds.   
flipflopjack2 folds.   
Plaxus raises to $10.
bigblueeyes calls.   
guambomb calls.

Turn (board: :jh :4c :4d :3h):

bigblueeyes checks.   
guambomb checks.   
Plaxus bets $10.   
bigblueeyes calls.   
guambomb goes all-in for $18.   
Plaxus re-raises to $28.   
bigblueeyes calls.

River (board: :jh :4c :4d :3h :2s):

bigblueeyes checks.   
Plaxus bets $10.   
bigblueeyes folds.   
Plaxus is returned $10 (uncalled).

Results to follow.


  • I don't think a preflop cap is that bad considering the loose raising stds of the 3 bettor, and the fact that the pot is massively multiway, punish the morons who got themselves in for 4 bets with crap. Flop looks fairly standard. On the turn, the check raise allin is somehwhat puzzling, and given how loose the limper is you can't really rule out a 4 or an overpair. That being said, I've seen a lot of bizarre allin raises from people desperately shortstacked in this spot, so I think 3 betting to build a side pot vs the LAP makes a lot of sense here. And value bet the river. Of course being LAP, the guy COULD have an overpair, but given his raising standards preflop, I think you have to assume you're ahead.
  • Can't see anything I would do differently, a cap might be slightly +EV but I think it's pretty thin at best, calling seems fine. Postflop looks standard.
  • Postflop, the one key thing to remember is that the raiser was also on a real short stack. I know if i've ended up in a hand with AA or KK, i'm inclined to still lay low on the flop, because if someone has made something like top pair, i can make sure all my chips get in by the turn.

    good job getting a sidepot built with bigblueeyes
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