Home Game Outside Help

It may not be the best title for a thread but I am on empty creatively.

Recently during a few home touneys I have seen a common thing occur that bugs me. I don't know if their is a specific rule on this or how it would be administered but here it goes.

During a game when one person moves all in and it is up someone else to act I have seen a lot of people who are not involved on the hand encouraging someone else to call saying things like..you have pot odds, or worse yet, I think he is bluffing.

What should be done in these cases?


  • I'd like some help here too.  I've run into the same situation a few times at my games as well.  Since they've all been friendly situations thus far I've let it slide.  Do Roberts Rules mention this?  I predict beanie will be the first to respond :)

  • I would think there is a certain BB punishment that they must forfiet, or atleast thats been the case at a couple tournaments I've seen it happen at.
  • I believe it's up to each host of the game to properly explain the 'house rules' prior to each tournament, or atleast have them available to everyone making it their responsibility to read. I absolutely hate when people do this, even when I end up coming out on top. I'd definately be having words with the person with the big mouth and the host if I was eliminated from a tournament due to this.
  • I agree but exactly what can be done in these cases? It's no win for the loser. It can't be a dead hand or anything. What is the host to do? Also, you may just sound like a sore loser if you complain.
  • If you want to cut it out, make the rule clear beforehand. Also make the punishment known.

    Then you can do something like 1st time - a warning. 2nd time - a Matusow timeout.
  • How about death? Can we kill them? Or just beat them with a rubber hose?
  • Or just beat them with a rubber hose?

    Be careful, you might be encouraging some of your players to seek this punishment.
  • Morty? Do you have something to add here? "What do you mean I can call for only 10 more chips with 82o? I want to fold."
  • I used to run into this problem all the time at my home games until I put this rule in writing, along with no string betting etc..
    I do not have to inflict a punishment because whenever someone starts to table talk the rest of the players yell "shut the F#*K UP! After the hand we all berate the player so heavily that it doesn't happen again for a long time..
  • g2 wrote:
    I predict beanie will be the first to respond :)
    LOL - sorry, had lunch with my son today so I'm a bit behind ;)

    It's in section 1 of Robert's Rules under "Poker Etiquette".
    Making statements or taking action that could unfairly influence the course of play, whether or not the offender is involved in the pot.

    In practice (meaning when I host), there are a number of rules that are not enforced, mainly due to the casual nature of the game.  However, if I received a complaint, I would defer to Robert's Rules (as noted in all my tournament announcements) to determine the outcome.  In this case, I would initially just give the players a warning.  If it occurred again after the warning, I would follow section 15:
    27. Inappropriate behavior like throwing cards that go off the table may be punished with a penalty such as being dealt out for a length of time. A severe infraction such as abusive or disruptive behavior may be punished by eviction from the tournament.
    I would consider the second infraction "inappropriate behaviour" and make them sit out (probably 1 round of play).

    That said, I've never had any (non-technical) issues arise so far that have ever passed the warning stage when I'm hosting.
  • Thanks beanie. I knew I wouldn't have to look it up myself :)

    I do plan on applying Roberts Rules for all my serious tourneys at my new place in January, but I don't have the time to read all 10,000 pages until after I finish my work term.

  • I've had a situation where this has occurred as well in our weekly league. However, all it took to correct the issue was a reminder of the NO TALKING DURING A HAND rule. I have yet to enforce any kind of penalty, but if I were forced to, it would either be sitting out a round or 1BB.
  • Or just beat them with a rubber hose?

    I make these for a living, so i can supplyif you decide on this one.

    I would make the punishment that if anyone else decides they would like to inout their thoughts, they also have to play the hand, no choice. Even if they have no cards in front of them, they have to match the bet.

    That'll learn 'em.
  • before anything, you need to build a reliable reputation so your players will adhere to your house rules and repect your authority. tell them nicely but firmly it's not fair for other players when coaching is involved and give them a warning.

    good luck!
  • Speaking of all-ins, is there a rule that the players involved must show their cards before more card(s) are dealt? It bugs me that a lot of all-in players act like sissies :D as if hiding their cards will change the outcome, and sometimes even muck at the end without showing what they bet all-in with.

    Personally, I don't see anything wrong with "table talk" since it should not UNFAIRLY influence the decision of a good poker player. Is Roberts Rules available online?
  • BlondeFish wrote:
    Speaking of all-ins, is there a rule that the players involved must show their cards before more card(s) are dealt? It bugs me that a lot of all-in players act like sissies :D as if hiding their cards will change the outcome, and sometimes even muck at the end without showing what they bet all-in with.

    Personally, I don't see anything wrong with "table talk" since it should not UNFAIRLY influence the decision of a good poker player. Is Roberts Rules available online?
    cards must be shown when all in only in tournament play. in a ring game, it is not necessary.
    try http://www.pokercoach.us/RobsPkrRules6.mht
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