Game 6 Players to date

Halfway mark of Season 1. This is the current player list:

STR82ACE -Seat Reserved -2005-12-03 06:25:25
Pkrfce9 - Seat Reserved-2005-12-03 06:41:57
BusDriver-Seat Reserved - 2005-12-03 11:00:56
BigChrisEl- Seat Reserved- 2005-12-03 11:33:34
EElliott- Seat Reserved-2005-12-04 09:29:49
ACDC- Seat Reserved-2005-12-05 06:16:05
Jailbird -Seat Reserved - 2005-12-06 18:33:10
Derksen - Seat Reserved - 2005-12-07 09:59:08
JHJ - Seat Reserved- 2005-12-07 12:44:32
Numbers - Seat Reserved - 2005-12-07 20:58:20
Dorez - Seat Reserved (Pending) via posting
Hork42 - Seat Reserved via email

Cobb, if you're still interested, please RSVP for the game. I sent out all the files to your address you posted, haven't heard back from you yet.


  • Somebody's got to get those points...
  • *Crossing my fingers* it might finally be me!
  • Looks like at least one full table. I'm expected to hear from at least 2 or 3 more by this time tomorrow. Jeff, is the Mrs returning?? Extract some revenge?? She is of course more than welcome too come out again.

    No word from Cobb yet. Still only 1 Greg to beat up on. :D
  • I'll probably make it out tomorrow night, but you know..... $hit happens.

    You need a crazy guy like me, someone you can point your fingers at and say.... that's the bad guy.

    At least I lasted a few rounds last time, more than I thought

  • You're seat is reserved, Dorez, providing you can make it out. Let me know ASAP. Thanks.
  • Sorry AJ this is going to be two weeks in a row that I am unable to make it.
  • We will miss you MisFit. Hope you can make it out again soon
  • Hey AJ, room for one more?
  • Of course Hork. Always more than welcome. Need someone to help keep Greg in control, anyway. ( You KNOW how he gets ).
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Of course Hork.  Always  more than welcome.  Need someone to help keep Greg in control, anyway.  ( You KNOW how he gets ).

    Oy, you're telling me.

    Actually, the only observation I have on Greg is that he has an obsession with calling my raises and trying to outplay me after each flop. Otherwise, he just folds himself into 2nd place.
  • Hork42 wrote:
    Actually, the only observation I have on Greg is that he has an obsession with calling my raises and trying to outplay me after each flop.  Otherwise, he just folds himself into 2nd place.
    When I have position and you put in a miscule raise pre-flop, I'll outplay you postflop every time. Stay off of my blinds!
  • Ooooh.. bring it tonite!!! ;)
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