Bristol St. Championship Tournament Report

I can honestly say that I have never played at a 'first table' tougher than this one. 


Seat 1: "ItsaMe" Mario
Seat 2: "Shopsy" Jeff
Seat 3: "Prophet22" Brent
Seat 4: "Lamb Of" John
Seat 5: Kevin F
Seat 6: "Redington" Tyson
Seat 7: "8Ball" Tye
Seat 8: "Ineedanick" Dave
Seat 9: "stpboy" Shannon

I think I spent the first hour just trying to figure out how I was going to get chips over to my little area of the table.  I played AK twice in the first 3 levels and lost both of them, that's when I posted this:
Only two bigs hands I've lost so far were with AKo, yes it does suck.  Still in but only an 8K stack, couple  hundred times the big.....John Adams better not raise my blind again!  I'm sure before the night is over I'll take most of his chips when i call his bluff....

Yes John Adams was stealing my blinds with significant raises, he would then show J8, K8. For some reason I wanted to garner more respect than that and when I don't sometimes it leads to bad things.

Throughout the day I could only think of this tournament and I'm sure Kate was getting sick of it, I wanted to arrive at Rob's nice and early to make sure I felt completely comfortable with the surroundings and the players. It's a thing I feel I need to do when playing in an important tournament. Even though I've met and played with everyone that was going to be there I find I really need a few minutes to soak it all in, I think a lot of people can appreciate that.

I also had percolating in the back of my mind how many players had actually picked me to either win or place in this tournament. I don't often feel pressure but at the same time I didn't want to let down anyone with subpar play and I love the respect and admiration I've been getting. It's like being a local celebrity and not wanting your 15 minutes of fame to run out.

A quote from Beanie:
Over the last couple months, I'd have to say that Johnnie, Mark, and Shannon have been playing their best poker (from what I've seen). Mark's won, Shannon's won, and Johnnie's been rivered (just a few times ). I think he's due - GO JOHNNIE!

Other fearless predictions: Tyson takes second and stays a bridesmaid and Mark continues Wednesday's role as bubble-boy Good luck to all!

A quote from Wolfhound:
Slippery Pete

Those are the top 4...not sure in what order. I like Tye's game lately

A quote from SirWatts:
Pinhead victorious over stp in a seesaw heads up battle, you heard it here first.

Ok, so you can see my point. Plus there were a countless number of people that told me they thought I would win. Yep, under some pressure.

Anyway, about the tournament. I was laid a horrific beat by Johnny Adams (lamb_of_john) when my broadway straight on the turn turned into John's flush. I can't blame him for the push, he had the low straight with the flush draw and had no reason to think I had the only hand that could beat him, great play John. I was down to about 3500 with 16 players remaining of the 18 that started. I started to update Kate over the phone and let her know it looked good that I was going to be coming home early, I was not happy about this. I could really feel that EVERYONE was playing to win, who cared about the $400 for the win. Everyone wanted the Championship. A couple of times players walked away from the table steaming from either an honest dealer error that affected them or a bad beat, I was one of them.

A huge hand that pretty much got me back in the tournament, I was up to 6500 from the 3500 that John had left me. He, once again, raised my big blind. I was sick of it. I re-raised all in with KQs. He calls with AQ. I hit my K and am back in the tournament, John has about 9K left. Considering what Johnny was raising with prior ot this hand I was sure I had him caught, I was wrong. I made the wrong move at the right time. Soon after this I get moved to the other table. I love it. Not to say that the other table was weak, Rob, Brad and Mark were all sitting there. It's pulling teeth getting chips from them. I was just more comfortable playing the style that they halp dictate.

Going into the final table I was confident, I was up to 16,200 chips and proud of myself for making it back when down so low. I quickly knocked out "Oragami" when I raised preflop with 1010 and he re-raised me all in with KQ, a ten hit and I was golden. Rob was elminated by Mario, giving him a masssive stack. I was staying away from him. I folded AK to his normal raise with ease, he had KQ. I just wasn't going to mess with him unless I had to (AA, KK, QQ...maybe). We lasted 5 handed for over 2 hours. It's just after the break and Mario pushes all in from UTG with A4c, gets called by Brad with JJ in the BB. I'm honestly not sure if I would have called. Brad doubles up and is now leading. Mario is out soon afterwards. Sometime afterwards after I had taken about 10K off Brad on a bluff I'm the chip leader, Mark pushes from UTG as he has been doing. Brad re-raises all in and I look down to see black Kings. I ask for a chip count, realize Im the leader. I call. 1010 vs. AQ vs. KK. Mine hold up and two VERY dangerous players are eliminated. Someone either picked Mario, Ty, Mark or Brad to win. Nice calls!

Ty and I heads up:
First hand Ty raises I re-raise with 22 all-in and he calls with AQ. He hits an A to win the hand. It's now about 100K for Ty and 75K for me. I chip away at Ty, getting dealt monsters (AA and KK) and hitting the flop. I can see his chip stack dwindling. Final hand I have Q9 and raise, he re-raises me another 12K all in. I call. Ty shows 86s. Flop 6 2 9 7 4 and I take it down. Awesome Final table! Amazing tournament. I've never played in a tougher or better run tournament than that. Thanks you very much Rob and everyone that has congratulated me on the win. I'm running well now and VERY glad to be back....

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