Awards Breakdown??

We are nearing the halfway point of Season 1 of our new league, and it's time to consider the awards to be handed out at the Tournament of Champions. There are a few options to consider.

First thought, originally, was only to award the top three finishers of the TOC with trophies as well as the cash payout from the game, and the League Money Leader would also receive a small trophy. However, the more I think about it, the more I'm leaning towards only having the cash payouts for the TOC (the winner of which would KEEP the bracelet), and awarding trophies to the top three Money/Point Leaders for the whole season. Personally, I think this is a better reward system for consistent play more so than a player getting lucky at the final game and being awarded a trophy. What do others think?

Also, along with the Money Leader Trophy for top spot, I'm also considering getting a couple of other awards. For example:

Most Improved Player - self explanatory
Bad Beat Award - either the worst bad beat of the season, OR the most bad beats received
Chump Award - the player who busts out first most often or quickest

Just a couple of thoughts. I'm planning on ordering the trophies over the holiday season, and have them ready for the TOC in early Feb. Curious to know what others think and what you would like to see.

AJ :ac


  • My thoughts...

    The bracelet goes to the winner of the TOC, top 3 spots get the money as well...having awards like most improved player and things like that are great cause they give these kind of awards in sports all the time...

    I like, Most Improved player, Money Leader award (not including TOC), Chump award (should get a little plaque lol)
    or why not something like an MVP award, where you can get all the players who have played to vote (but you cant vote for yourself is the catch) on who they think played the strongest, smartest, decieving, respectful....cant think of any other words lol...just a thought may sound stupid to others...

    I should hopefully be out this week to play, I'll know by Wednesday...

  • I like the MVP idea.

    Now if I can keep count, sounds like prizes will be a bracelet, 6 or 7 trophies and a plaque or two. This reminds me of when my son played little league baseball. You know, where everybody gets up to bat, they don't count outs, and the kids who try too hard are lectured by the coaches on how they are ruining it for everyone. At the end of the season, every player on every team gets a trophy.

    Lets not be one of those leagues. I might be sounding like a broken record, but the only thing important to me is the bracelet. For those of you who the money is important too. Well, once you win the money, there you have it, you don't need a trophy, do ya?

    Having said that, I can concede that the points leader should be guaranteed something, be it the bracelet or a trophy, and the winner of the TOC is could get the other.

    That's it, if you don't win, you don't get nothing. You can home tell your mommy, how you lost, she'll say "Well, did you try your best, and did you have fun?" you'll say "Yes, Mom". She'll pour you a cup of hot chocolate, and you'll say "Thanks Mom!"
  • That's it, if you don't win, you don't get nothing.  You can home tell your mommy, how you lost, she'll say "Well, did you try your best, and did you have fun?"  you'll say "Yes, Mom".  She'll pour you a cup of hot chocolate, and you'll say "Thanks Mom!"
    That is pure Gold! Jeff, right?

    The money speaks for itself. I don't see a need for a trophy for the season money leader.

    Season point leader, ya, maybe a trophy would be nice to recognize consistent high play. My expectation is this person would also be the MVP so I don't see a need for a separate award for that. It is quite conceivable the point leader will not be the money leader.

    Finale champ will get a whack of cash but a trophy would make a nice lasting memory. Also gets the bracelet, so maybe a trophy is superfluous? Could the bracelet be re-engraved to include more than just 'Champ'? When my kids are going over my personal effects in 20 years, they'll want to know what it is.

    CNPL had a beautiful trophy made up for its Player of the Season award. Maybe you could ask Sloth or Teach for info on where/$$$. I think it was around $60, maybe less:

    As far as the bad beat award goes, I believe I have that locked up already... :rage:
  • I think some kind of trophy for the point leader at the end of the 12 games, and the bracelet and or a trophy as well for the final game, that's it.

    As Greg said the money is it’s own award.
  • I think the winner deserves a car, or a yacht.
  • Hork42 wrote:
    I think the winner deserves a car, or a yacht.

    or diapers and pablum...going to cost about the same :D
  • Then when I win maybe I will sell the car for diaper funds. I'm keeping the yacht though.
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Hork42 wrote:
    I think the winner deserves a car, or a yacht.

    or diapers and pablum...going to cost about the same :D
  • Of course, you're absolutely right Hork, the winner does deserve a car and a fancy yacht.

    Now, what the winner is going to GET is a trophy and a handshake

  • Bump,

    we discussed this last night but nothing was decided, just wondering how everyone feels about what awards should be handed out.
  • Thanks for the bump Chris.

    Here's what MY understanding was/is:

    Trophies will be awarded to the top three POINTS leaders from all the regular weekly games. I think we discussed this abit in the past, but never really resolved anything, but by awarding based on POINTS was better way of measuring and rewarding CONSISTENT play. Since each week the pots fluctuate so much, it's not a very solid basis to award players on. A player who wins twice could potentially earn the most money, but a player who consistently lands in the top three almost every game shows a much greater SKILL level that should be recognized than someone who got lucky once or twice to win the cash.

    The Tournament of Champions will be a cash game, with the entire pot being divided 50/30/20 as usual, and this would be the main focus of all players. The WINNER of this tournament would also be awarded the Braggin Rights Bracelet FOR KEEPS IF they so desired it. The final pot would include everyone's contribution to date PLUS additional buyins owed MINUS expenses for trophies. If the winner decides to keep the bracelet, the pot would be adjusted to compensate for the bracelet, otherwise if the winner decides NOT to keep the bracelet, no addtional monies will be taken from the pot, and the bracelet will be used for Season 2.

    Your input/comments are appreciated.
    Two-Chip Lou
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Thanks for the bump Chris.

    Here's what MY understanding was/is:

    Trophies will be awarded to the top three POINTS leaders from all the regular weekly games.  I think we discussed this abit in the past, but never really resolved anything, but by awarding based on POINTS was better way of measuring and rewarding CONSISTENT play.  Since each week the pots fluctuate so much, it's not a very solid basis to award players on.  A player who wins twice could potentially earn the most money, but a player who consistently lands in the top three almost every game shows a much greater SKILL level that should be recognized than someone who got lucky once or twice to win the cash.

    The Tournament of Champions will be a cash game, with the entire pot being divided 50/30/20 as usual, and this would be the main focus of all players.  The WINNER of this tournament would also be awarded the Braggin Rights Bracelet FOR KEEPS IF they so desired it.  The final pot would include everyone's contribution to date PLUS additional buyins owed MINUS expenses for trophies.  If the winner decides to keep the bracelet, the pot would be adjusted to compensate for the bracelet, otherwise if the winner decides NOT to keep the bracelet, no addtional monies will be taken from the pot, and the bracelet will be used for Season 2.

    Your input/comments are appreciated.
    Two-Chip Lou

    I agree with you AJ.
  • someone who got lucky once or twice to win the cash.

    What about someone who got lucky 4 or 5 times? ;)

    I'm fine with this format. I'll happily take 1st place money and let you guys play with your trophies.
  • yep yep and yep, what they said.

    Now on a complete side note.  My hot chocolate wasn't ready for me when I got home last night. (Something about it's only a treat for when you lose once in a while, when you lose all the time, it stops becoming a treat).

    On the way home, it hit me, that the season is over, and why the hell haven't I've been able to take home the bracelet even once.  So to make myself feel good. I'm giving myself "The most worthy" award.  This goes to the player (who've I've already calculated to be me). who has come closest to winning the most times without actually winning.  It actually was a close race between 23:15 and myself.  We both had 3 second place finishes, We both had zero third place finishes, 1 fourth each, but then I finally edged him out with my 3 fifth places to his 1.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Trophies will be awarded to the top three POINTS leaders from all the regular weekly games....

    The Tournament of Champions will be a cash game, with the entire pot being divided 50/30/20 as usual...

    The WINNER of this tournament would also be awarded the Braggin Rights Bracelet FOR KEEPS IF they so desired it.

    Sounds good to me.
  • ElElliott wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Trophies will be awarded to the top three POINTS leaders from all the regular weekly games....

    The Tournament of Champions will be a cash game, with the entire pot being divided 50/30/20 as usual...

    The WINNER of this tournament would also be awarded the Braggin Rights Bracelet FOR KEEPS IF they so desired it.

    Sounds good to me.

    OH, I'm sure it does :wav:
  • It all sounds pretty good to me. Can't freakin wait.
  • It actually was a close race between 23:15 and myself.  We both had 3 second place finishes, We both had zero third place finishes, 1 fourth each, but then I finally edged him out with my 3 fifth places to his 1.
    Time to count again. Much more carefully.

    Three trophies is 2 too many. I thought the bracelet was for the season champ and a trophy for the TOC champ. Doesn't much impact me either way...
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Three trophies is 2 too many.

    I was kind of thinking this too, but didn't want to say....since it does impact me. I think ideally, we could have 1 trophy for season points leader, and the TOC champ gets the cash & the bracelet (if they want it). Since we didn't get this ironed out before the season ended, I'd be fine with calling it a wash this time out (no trophies), and then moving forward with everything in place for Season 2.

    Less trophies = more money in the TOC pot.
  • Well, I had already order the hardware, sorry everyone. I misunderstood from the beginning I guess...I had always imagined top 3 to get the hardware. My bad.

    For the next season, we will just make it one trophy for the Leader Board and everything else will stay in the Season 2 TOC pot.

    Hope this doesn't upset anyone too much. :'(
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Hope this doesn't upset anyone too much. :'(

    You started this whole thing, host us all every week, and keep track of everything... oh yeah, we have lots to be upset about.

    It's all good TwoChip!

    On to more important reigning points leader going into the TOC, can I wear a tiara next week? I'd be happy to pass it on to next season's points leader :D
  • ElElliott wrote:

    On to more important reigning points leader going into the TOC, can I wear a tiara next week? I'd be happy to pass it on to next season's points leader :D

    Sure, of course you can. Nothing else though.
  • aww crap. i can't wear my tiara without looking like a poser now. My plans are ruined!
  • Who said, Hork? Of course you can. Same restrictions apply.

    On second thought.........DON'T!!
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    It actually was a close race between 23:15 and myself.  We both had 3 second place finishes, We both had zero third place finishes, 1 fourth each, but then I finally edged him out with my 3 fifth places to his 1.
    Time to count again. Much more carefully.

    Upon further review, the battle of the ugly cosins with the pity invite, "Most Worthy" award goes to PKRFACE9.  (Damn, can't even rig my own award).  Looks like I'm going to have to do it the old fashion way, by beating you all at the T.O.C.

    Good Luck everyone.
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