Our First Two Time Champion

Tonight, a new milestone in the league, as DEREK takes home First place once again to become our first two time champion. Derek takes home $240, and takes a very nice jump on the leader board as well.

But I'm not sure if it will be enough. Greg "always a bridesmaid, never a bride" Pkrfce9 took home second once again, along with $130, and Eleanor rounded out the top three by taking home Third place and $90. Tonight was truly a night of Leader Board Champions, and there is now some distance between the players.

Great game guys. The last suck out was to be expected I guess. :D


  • Congrats Derek!

    but who was this weeks chump??

    atleast I can say it wasnt me :P  :D
  • Chump was The Lovely Lynne, BusDrivers' wife. Her first outing to the league, and she was first one out. Sorry Lynne, that's a tough way to get welcomed to the league, but you are more than welcome to join in anytime.

    Now you KNOW where hubby goes Thursday nights!! It's not so bad. :D
  • Congrats Derek,

    I always seems to run up against Greg's high pocket pairs, I got to remember to fold to Greg.

    Good game every one.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    I always seems to run up against Greg's high pocket pairs, I got to remember to fold to Greg.

    Why?? He always gets beaten on the River. :D
  • Ya, nothing like hitting KK, AA, AA three hands in a row. I played them like a madman as I was sure I'd get calls. Only managed to bust one out, though but still built the stack like crazy.

    I was nice enough to double Derek up when I got caught on a steal attempt with K5 and he went all-in with A6. I really wanted to fold as I knew I was behind and it would leave me with maybe 4-5BB. I think I was getting close to 3-1 for the call so I forced myself to call. It made a huge dent in my stack. Derek returned the favour when he took out Eleanor with AA on the very next hand. Awesome since I was definitely facing elimination with a micro stack.

    Heads up Derek had about a 10-1 chip advantage. He doubled me once. Almost had another double which would have made things interesting (maybe 3.5k vs 7.5k) but of course it was AJ's house so Derek had to pair his 2 on the river. A two, dammit!!! Once again the bracelet has eluded my grasp. Soon, my friend, soon...

    Nice play folks. Thanks again, AJ.
  • Sounds like a great game!
    I still cannot make changes to my Champions page so it is a good thing Dereks old pic is still up. :)
  • You did miss a good game, esool. When we got down to the top three, each player was putting all they had into their play, not wanting the others to get too much of a lead. I believe this game was the one that was going to really give any one of these three the advantage of taking a huge lead over the rest of the pack.

    As far as the pics go, it's understandable considering the difficulties with that page. I'm sure Derek doesn't mind seeing his pic still up :D

    Hope to see you at the next game.
  • Some thoughts...

    I didn't realize how much Mrs.busdriver is like thebusdriver, great online player, but sucks lemons face to face. She was real nervous going in, and I just told her to play her game, she'll be fine. When I saw who she was seated against I even warned her who to look out for. Again, like her teacher, in the heat of battle, nothing matters except for "My 6 kicker is good, isn't it?". :D

    GG Derek, I don't know if you realize this, but you took out my wife. And after I exercised some revenge on you early in the table merging, you got the last laugh, by taking me out too. I was so focused on not letting Elenor take me out again, so afraid of Greg's chip stack, didn't leave me for much aggressive moves. When I did finally man up, too little too late.

    Greg is showing some consistency that can't be ignored. Trying to formulate a strategy to knock him out off the points lead. From the looks it, I can place 1st every tournament from here on in, and if Greg finishes 2nd, I still can't beat him. So we have to all gang up to keep him out of the points altogether!
  • Greg is showing some consistency that can't be ignored.  Trying to formulate a strategy to knock him out off the points lead.  From the looks it, I can place 1st every tournament from here on in, and if Greg finishes 2nd, I still can't beat him.  So we have to all gang up to keep him out of the points altogether!
    What happened to the nice, friendly game?
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    What happened to the nice, friendly game?

    Everyone wants to take out the man on top, it just happens to be you.

    If you stopped placing in the money so often we wouldn't have to worry about taking you out. ;)
  • FASTEST GUN IN THE WEST syndrome, Greg. Everyone wants to be the one to take you down :D

    It's still a friendly game...just that your friends want to see you fail.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Greg is showing some consistency that can't be ignored.  Trying to formulate a strategy to knock him out off the points lead.  From the looks it, I can place 1st every tournament from here on in, and if Greg finishes 2nd, I still can't beat him.  So we have to all gang up to keep him out of the points altogether!
    What happened to the nice, friendly game?

    That's right, we're all friends, all except for you! When, you come back down to earth, we'll be friends with ya again. lol
  • Congrats Derek.

    Can't wait to be the second two-time champ ;)
  • ElElliott wrote:
    Can't wait to be the second two-time champ ;)

    Well, I hope at least ONE of us the next 2xChamp :D
  • Wow... I should check this forum more often. Thanks for the congrats.

    Sorry to Mr. and Mrs. BusDriver for the double whammy. Ok... maybe not sorry...

    Looking forward to tonights 'suck out'... "come on.. pair my 2!!"

    ElElliot.... wishing you luck on your 2nd win (just not as much as I'm wishing myself)
  • Greg 23:15. My new mantra.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Greg 23:15. My new mantra.

    Hmmmmm, I looked...there is no Book of Greg.

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