
Guelph League Semi's Set for Sunday Dec 11/05 at 5:00

The semis will be at my place at 5:00 sharp.  If anyone needs directions let me know.  We will be starting with 10,000 in chips as we will in the finals.  Top 3 will go to the finals to compete with the other 5 finalists.


  • Just wondering if you need a dealer for that night???

    I would love to the dealer

  • Hey, sorry i've missed so much...work has got the best of me. Thanks for still letting me play in the semi's. I am available all those days. I understand I still need to contribute $5.00 to play.
    Thanks again,

    ps. Can we play a game this saturday? $15 buy in- $5 bounty?....
  • Ali,

    I know work can get in the way but understandable. Miranda and I have her Xmas party this weekend so we can't play. Cowboy we might take you up on that offer but Miranda may deal if it is here or Rich may if it is at his place.

    Dawn and River Mike let me know.
  • i can play wednesday, if i bring my kids.... or else sunday after 4. that's it.

    If there are enough people interested me and rich can host a saturday game.
  • In the future, why not just specify beforehand the times? Arranging compatiable times between more than three people can be a nightmare..
  • Sunday works best for me if we start early on the weeknights at like 6 30 or so i would be good for those nights as i work at 10 30 in cambridge
    River Rat Mike
  • BBC Z wrote:
    In the future, why not just specify beforehand the times? Arranging compatiable times between more than three people can be a nightmare..

    Thanks for your input!! In the future reply to posts that have something to do with you. :D
  • Thanks for your input!! In the future reply to posts that have something to do with you.

    Ok, it's obvious that you harbour some deep hatred towards myself, I'll stop responding to anything you say.
  • Sunday night Dec 11/05 will be the semi finals.
  • Cool, Sun. Dec. 11th at 5pm it is. Disregard earlier PM.
  • Hey Sandro,

    What kind of blind schedule are you using for the playoffs?
    How long do you expect the semi's and finals to go?

  • Ken,

    The semi's and finals will use the blind structure we have used at my place with 20 min blinds The only difference is we will start with 10,000 in chips.
  • Cool, will make for a lot of poker!!
  • We will be having a second tourney after the semis' starting at 7:30 or after depending on when the semis finish. It will be a $10 plus $5 bounty. We can have 11 for this one. I have started the list with the semi's players which have until Wednesday by noon to confirm the second game then I will fill in from there.

    2 Dawn (tent)
    3 Dean (tent)
    4 Tim (tent)
    5 ALi (tent)
    6 Jody (tent)
    7 River Mike (tent)
    8 Miranda
    9 Mark

    Waiting List
  • Add me please...

    Do you think the semi's are only going to take a couple of hours with T10000
    and the regular blind schedule?
  • Count me out for the 2nd game.
  • I will not be playing in the second game
    RR Mike :ad
  • Inlaw alert....things aren't looking good for Sun night now :(
  • Is the game still on for today at 5pm? ...
  • Yes it's still on. I'll be dealing, 5pm sharp.

    Miranda :)
  • how many definate spots are there for tonight's 7:30 game?
    And i just found out the season finale of Survivor is on tonight at 8....now i have a PVR...but if the game ends up starting at like 8:30 i'm going to have to be counted out.. :(
    but 7:30.....7:30 is alll good.....cuz that means poker AND survivor..
    and the olsen twins
    but that goes without saying....
  • Looks like 8 for the second game. We will pull out a TV for Survivor viewing. We are hoping to start at 7:30 or right after the semis is done.
  • Count me in for the second game. Mark, can you give me a ride.I lost your number so give me a shout

  • I'm comming blind me out!!!

    i should be there by 5:10pm

  • We now have the final 3 to complete the final table of the Bounty League. After a hard fought battle we got to our final 3 at about 7:30. Congrats to Ali, Sandro and Dean. Thanks to Rich for helping me deal. We got through a lot of hands double dealing.

    AS for the late game

    I chopped with Sandro after a very tough four way battle between Ali, Sandro, myself and the Survivor finale.

    See you all at the finals
  • and by "survivor finale" you mean "Mark".
    And i'm glad that dani won...cuz i mean...a hot chick who likes sports? why would you want to give her 1,000,000.00?
    I would.
    Great game last night guys! :)
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