Guelph Sunday! - Cancelled *sniff*

Hey Ya'll! 
Well, again this week tuesday did not work i will not be hosting a tuesday game next week.  I'm going to rockwood! (ask me and i'll tell you!)
However...sunday we will be having a game! should be loads of fun. I know cowboy mike is jonesing for some is river rat.
Hopefully we'll have at least 8...sign up early! (like now!)

1. Mark
2. Nadine
3. Cowboy Mike
4. "The Artist"


  • You know just for spite im gonna not come cuz you auto posted my name again!
    The artist formerly known as River Rat Mike
  • Is that spot still open becuz im free know!!
    Just going as the artisit know!!!
  • c'mon ya'll! 2 days left! there use to be interest in guelph! dont let the torch die!
    and check out those olsen twins!
    'nuff said
  • Can't make it this week. Interest is still very much alive, sched not co-operating.
  • You know its really hard to find a pair of pants for 10 bucks so I'l be there again and hopefully be able to buy some better pants.


    twins eh..... gigdy gigdy
  • here is the thing...i would LOVE to host this game...LOVE to.
    However.....Nadine needs to that brings us down to 4 players....and that is not enough to host....and so i propose 2 options:

    1. We get at least 2 more players for tomorrow night at 7:30...(it's a great deal! sign up now!
    2. I am offering to drive the players currently on the list to brampton casino and play some poker there...
    i apologize if we can't get enough players..i hope we can..if tomorrow ya'll???
    Let me know!
  • Sorry ya' is cancelled due to lack of numbers...
    hopefully next week?
    or maybe we'll just scrap it for the year and start fresh in january?
    who knows!
  • I think that since the semi game is today It may have cut down on the numbers...

  • It was posted on thursday! :( it's very sad
  • Thats to bad, because I check the posts more often now thanks to the nice set of twins you now have
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