Cook Crew Bounty Hunter, Dec. 16 @ 7pm, Kitchener



  • I will be there, the only thing that can stop me will be a act of god! ie. really bad snow :(
  • ok Braad how did you post at 3 something when it's only 2:55 now???????

    Damn your good
  • Wally's under the weather...and won't be out.
  • well Joe, I can bend time oooOOoOOOOooo, Magic Fingers, Magic Fingers :P
  • Thanks Dave for giving me a lift to Trev. Now I will worry about the ride back...later...
  • Trev... I am bringing an extra guy - so can you throw and Adam S on the list?

  • Ok Whos doin what over there.... Any updates yet ???? I just got home from work... And want to know Please :)
  • Tevor won...and took 7 bounties along the way.
  • Good job Trevor. Go Kitchener!!!
  • Ok that was not what i wanted to know lol ... How did AcidJoe do lol
  • Good job Trevor. Go Kitchener!!!

    Kitchener finished 1/2, Guelph finished 3/4

    Runner Up
  • Wolffhound wrote:
    Good job Trevor. Go Kitchener!!!

    Kitchener finished 1/2, Guelph finished 3/4

    Runner Up

    Doesn't surprise me in the least....Well done teamates!

  • Thanks for hosting Trev and Jen, it was definitely a blast depsite being the last to arrive and the first one out.

    Congrats to Trev for finally winning one of his own tourney, and Dave for being the runner-up (and also my ride to Trev's place). And cannot forget Mario, who was left with 50 chip with blinds being at 50/100 to come all the way back to finish 5th as the bubble boy, way to go man! Lastly, thank you Mark for being giving me a back to UW despite not being on the way for you (and Adam/Tom/Mario for squishing in the back seat)

    Have a merry Christmas guys!
  • Thanks for a fun night by all. It was a really talented group out last night, and a lot of good poker. We started with 16 players, and at my table, Brad and Ken both took massive chip leads. Ken moved tables, and Brad lost a good portion of his chips trying to get Mario's bounty chip. Mario dropped to $50 with blinds at $100/$200, and in a massive comeback, was at $1200 4 hands later (playing/winning 3 of those). Brad's dominance at our table was done, and he went out shortly afterwards. Our table seemed very low on chips, and we knew we would be dominated at the final table.

    However, when we collapsed to the final table the stacks were almost dead even, except for Sandro and I who both had about $1000 more than the other players. Nobody was more surprised than I that I was big stack (by a hair), and this was going to be a tough (and even) table. On a personal note, I came to this table having only 1 bounty chip.

    Miranda was my first casualty, providing us with a great dealer (much to Sandro's dismay). Next I knocked out Mark and then Rob, so Mario has made it all the way to the bubble! However, Wolffhound took on Mario knocking him out, so Mario won the chips donated by "TwoThree" Brad (thanks Brad), and finished his impressive game of "Survivor". Mario was also the first player at the final table I didn't knock out (which will come back to haunt him :) - more later).

    Down to 4 players, it was Team Guelph (Sandro and Ken) vs. Team Kitchener (Dave and me). In a preview of the upcoming Ryder cup, Ken and Sandro were knocked out 20 min later within about 5 minutes of each other. Team Kitchener picks up the momentum, and we're heads-up.

    While I had been knocking out players, Dave had been picking up the chips. We started HU with Dave having a slight edge in chips, about $13K to $11K. Dave started grinding me down, and got me all the way to $3800 (with blinds at $600/$1200). That's when my cards finally warmed up, and I never looked back. In an amazingly hard HU match that lasted 35 minutes, I somehow managed to come out on top. Dave takes seconds, and I get my first home-court victory. On a side-note, of the 7 bounties I picked up, 6 were from the final table (except Mario...).

    Thanks to all for coming out, it was a blast. Also a quick reminder that details for my next tournament will be posted late next week.

    :) Have a Merry Christmas!!! :)
  • Apologies to Eric (and everyone else) for a problem with the results.  I didn't record his elimination time, so my best guess  from memory is tenth.  Sorry if this is incorrect.

    1."beanie42" Trevor - $80 (7 bounties)
    2."WolffHound" Dave - level 12 (237 min.) - $40 (1 bounty)
    3.Sandro - level 11 (203 min.) - $25 (1 bounty)
    4."AnteRiver" Ken- level 10 (197 min.) - $15 (1 bounty)
    5."ItsaMe" Mario - level 9 (168 min.) - chips from "TwoThree" Brad
    6.Rob K. - level 9 (165 min.) - (1 bounty)
    7."DrTyore" Mark - level 8 (152 min.) - (1 bounty)
    8.Miranda - level 8 (144 min.)
    9."taylodan" Dan T. - level 7 (133 min.) - (1 bounty)
    10."BigE" Eric ???
    11."TwoThree" Brad - level 6 (111 min.) - (2 bounty)
    12.Adam - level 4 (79 min.)
    13."AcidJoe" - level 4 (66 min.)
    14."Kanga - level 4 (64 min.)
    15."TNorth" Tom - level 2 (38 min.)
    16."westside8" Wes - level 2 (28 min.)
  • Following the main tournament, we started a 9-man SnG.  Before the blinds could get to him, Mario found himself all-in against my JJ which held up, and I've finally eliminated the missing final table member :) .  Since it's only 2-min in, we unanimously change the SnG to a rebuy-event and Mario is back.  Half-way through the game, we took a quick break for Pepi's, and everyone was a bit dopey when we restarted.  This drowsiness really benefited me. 

    With cowboys, the flop came down K-high rainbow.  Mario raised, I pushed all-in, and someone commented "I can't call that".  I looked right at Mario and said "neither can Mario", and Mario immediately called all-in.  Mario showed K8, and was in disbelief when I showed KK.  An 8 improved him but not enough, and I knocked out Mario twice in one game :) (Happy Birthday Mo!).  Things went really quickly after Pepi's, and Mark went out third to put Tom and I heads-up.  On a very questionable call by me (7h 10h), board came down 2 hearts and I had a backdoor straight-flush draw.  I raise, Tom goes all-in, and it's exactly 2-1 pot odds.  Trying to wake-up enough to see whether I have odds to call, I finally do (based on the "backdoor straight" which tipped the scales).  Tom showed Ad 4d, a heart on the turn, and I somehow squeak out back-to-back wins.
  • I think the biggest problem with Braad and myself is all the travelling so we can't play our A game. At least it shows up for the cash games......LOL
  • beanie42 wrote:
    While I had been knocking out players, Dave had been picking up the chips.  We started HU with Dave having a slight edge in chips, about $13K to $11K.  Dave started grinding me down, and got me all the way to $3800 (with blinds at $600/$1200).  That's when my cards finally warmed up, and I never looked back.  In an amazingly hard HU match that lasted 35 minutes, I somehow managed to come out on top.  Dave takes seconds, and I get my first home-court victory.  On a side-note, of the 7 bounties I picked up, 6 were from the final table (except Mario...).

    Thanks to all for coming out, it was a blast.  Also a quick reminder that details for my next tournament will be posted late next week.

    :) Have a Merry Christmas!!! :)

    you actually had me 16000+ vs 8000 when we did the chip count prior to the heads up....all I remember is it took far less to count my little black stacks than all your purple and blacks etc..

    HU was a lot of fun. As always, its a great group of people to hang out with on a Friday night.

    Thanks again to Jenn and Trevor for having us over.
  • Wolffhound wrote:
    you actually had me 16000+ vs 8000 when we did the chip count prior to the heads up....all I remember is it took far less to count my little black stacks than all your purple and blacks etc..
    I remember being ahead at 3 players, but I thought you started heads up with the lead. My bad memory, probably since you took the lead so quick :)
    Wolffhound wrote:
    HU was a lot of fun.
    Definately fun. I keep waiting for an easy HU opponent, but I never get one :)
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