Merry Xmas Maddess - Your Ideas!!

With Merry Xmas Maddess coming soon, I find myself with ~4 more colours than last year. For those that weren't around last year, here's the original posting...

So, since I have more colours, I figured I'd open the floor for suggestions on how to use them. Repeated here, for your references, are the "presents" from last year...
White - "Merry Christmas!" - The player pulling this chip may exchange it for one free re-buy or add-on.
Blue - "Secret Santa!" - The player pulling this chip is feeling especially generous and will be moving All-In blind on the very next hand
Red - "Gift Exchange!" - The player pulling this chip, exchanges all their chips with the all the chips of the player to thier left.
Pink - "Don't open your Presents Early!" - If this chip is pulled before the first break, you get a green 25 chip from the bank. If it's pulled after the first break, you get three yellow chips (3,000)

What special presents would you add to the tournament? They could be beneficial, harmfull, or just plain mean... If your idea makes me laugh out loud in a diabolical way, there's a good chance it will be added to this year's tournament!! If you're idea gets used, consider yourself pre-registered!

To get the juices flowing, I'll post the first idea...

"Turkey Dinner" - Excuse yourself from the table for two hands. While you're gone, each hand is seeded with 3x the BB taken from your stack.


  • I hope I can make this event, sounds like a blast!!!!!!

    'Naughty or Nice' - If the player pulling this chip wins the next hand each person in the pot has to double what they had put in, if he/she loses or folds the next hand they have to double the pot!

    'No peeking at the presents!' - The next hand the hole cards are dealt face up, the flop, turn, and river are face down. Or the next hand is played totally blind?

    'Stocking Stuffer' - the person pulling this chip has to give each player at the table chips equalling the total of the blinds.
  • Off the top of my head:

    1) A 'Get out of blind' free chip.
    2) An Omaha chip. The player that uses this get two hands delt to themselves.
    3) A "You Fold" chip which can be used preflop to force any player yet to act to fold thier hand
  • "A Time for Family" - Everyone on the table is in the next hand for the flop no matter what.

    "I'm Getting nothing for Christmas" - Next hand is low hand wins

    "Snowblind / Whiteout" - Everyone plays this hand blind.

    "It's better to give than receive" - You pay the blinds this round

    "It's better to receive than give" - You have your next BB & SB paid for

    "The Grinch who Stole X-mas" - next person who steals a pot (bluff) gets a bonus $1000

    Just some ideas... I'm partial to the top three
  • "Balancing Act" chip - player that pulls this chip must balance their existing chips on the top of their head, elbow, etc. (multiple piles if required - what ever works for you) until the end of the next hand. If the player is successful, the player doubles his/her existing chips. If any of the chips come crashing down, the player loses half of their existing chips.

    Poker Jim
  • The Stocking Stuffer  -  the player pulling this chip is required to pay the blinds for the next 2 hands, regardless of position.

    oopps, sorry, see that idea is already taken.

    When's the signup? I think this sounds like a blast!!!
  • "Omaha Christmas" - You get dealt 4 cards (best 2 play) next hand

    "Drunken Elves" - Only suit colors (red/black) count, time to see a double-ace-high flush

    "Christmas Shopping" - Auction the hole cards with winning bids going into the pot, then continue with the flop

    "Christmas on a Budget" - Next hand is played limit

    "Ghost of Christmas Past" - Leave the community cards alone!  Shuffle remaining cards, redeal, and commence river-betting the previous board.
  • Wow..there are some great ideas here! The "ghosts of christmas past" is an inspired idea!
    Is this anywhere near guelph/KW area? If not i may start this tourney in this neck of the woods...with your permission Zithal
  • Almost forgot one, since this is KW:

    "King-Eight make money" - Next time your hole cards are K-8, they're wild :)
  • "Missletoe"-  You're not going to want this tasteless chip.  Seeing it only means that you're gonna have to kiss your next pocket pair goodbye!

    "The grinch who stole Christmas"-  This furry fella has just allowed you to steal the blinds on the next pot folded around to you, regardless of position!

    "Kris Kringle"-  Give your favourite person at the table one chip of your largest denomination.

    Great ideas so far Rob, thanks for letting us give you our input.

  • 'Christmas with Sponge-Bob' - The next hand is crazy pineapple!!!
  • beanie42 wrote:
    Almost forgot one, since this is KW:

    "King-Eight make money" - Next time your hole cards are K-8, they're wild :)
    I love this idea... my twist:

    The "Favourite hand" chip - when a player pulls this chip, they declare their favourite hand (Q 10 make money!) and the next hand they will have the option to use their hole cards OR their favourite hand can be considered their hole cards.  If suit is not part of the favourite hand, the suits of the actual hole cards will be used.

    My other idea:

    The "Burn OR Turn" chip - anytime a player holding this unique chip is in a hand post-flop... the burn card will be shown (to everyone) and this player will have the option to "Burn OR Turn"... the player holding this chip keeps it until they use the "Burn" card as the community card, including subsequent hands if they waive the "Burn" option (i.e. until they affect the cards that would have been turned).
  • Itsame Chip - Everyone at table must rebuy

    I'd second the "Snowblind" Chip of DrTyore' the next hand blind (no peaking Wesley!!!)
  • Wolffhound wrote:
    I'd second the "Snowblind" Chip of DrTyore' the next hand blind (no peaking Wesley!!!)

    I looked at my straight after I made the cal! Sandros heard it (I think..haha)

    "Drunk Santa" - Instead of a 5 community cards, a 6th community card is dealt after the river
  • "White-out" - the next hand is a game of Blind Man's bluff.

    "Black-Ice" - everyone slides one hole card to the left
  • ''PICK A CARD'' If you pull this chip, you get to pick a card from Ace to king  and if it comes up on the board during the next hand all other players at the table owe you whatever the big blind is.
  • I second the Itsame chip
  • Some great suggestions in here, everyone! Keep them coming! The ones that will be earning the closest look are the ones that affect the player who drew it in some way.

    There's a lot of ideas here that I'd put in the category of "Global Effects". They hinder/benefit everyone at the table.

    While, I won't be selecting any "Global Effect" ideas for the presents, I'm wondering if we could add another mechanism to create these situations at the table, or if it's just overkill? I may leave it out and use it as inspiration for a simliar Summer tournament.

    If anyone has ever played "Magic: The Gathering" and played the Chaos Magic variant, you'll know where I'm going with this.

  • Two last ones from me....

    'Christmas Wish' - A player that goes all-in and loses may use this chip to get chips back (not from the pot) totalling their stack prior to the all-in.....basically a second life chip.

    'Scrooged' - You cannot fold your next hand, you must call all bets down to a showdown.
  • Global effects can be applied on the next hand any time someone shows the snowmen (88). You could have 3 effects - red/black, red/red, black/black.
  • I'm not sure if any of these suggestions have made you laugh yet Zithal, but this one might do it:

    The Re-gift Chip - whoever pulls this chip has the option of swallowing the chip or another predetermined item (unique dice).  If the person is able to retrieve the item at a later point in time (obviously this might take some time for mother nature to take its course), they get a free buy-in to one of your upcoming tournaments during 2006. 

  • pokerjim wrote:
    I'm not sure if any of these suggestions have made you laugh yet Zithal, but this one might do it:

    The Re-gift Chip - whoever pulls this chip has the option of swallowing the chip or another predetermined item (unique dice). If the person is able to retrieve the item at a later point in time (obviously this might take some time for mother nature to take its course), they get a free buy-in to one of your upcoming tournaments during 2006.


    Um. Eww. :)
  • Um. Eww.  :)

    Is that a partial laugh? back to the drawing board.... how about an old favourite for you guts players:

    Guts or Glory chip - the board also get dealt two cards face down.  The next hand that is won before a person has to reveal their cards, this player must also beat the board's face down cards.  If the player is successful, they get the chips in the pot, otherwise an equal amount of chips go in the pot by the losing player.  As the pot has double from the last hand, the pot is dealt two more cards face down again.  The winner of this hand must also beat the board's cards or they again have to double the pot.  This continues until a player is able to beat the bank.  Sometimes it is better to deal the board more than two cards so it is more difficult to beat the bank.

  • That's pretty nasty. Who does that affect more, the player or poor Rob that has to accept that chip back?

    My sole input:

    "Gift Receipt"
    This chip allows you to return the two cards you are dealt for one or two new ones.
  • Hi Zithal, have you decided on a date, etc. for this tournament yet?  Cheers.

  • Message is almost done. I had meant to post the notice this week, but some personal life stuff got in the way. Keep your eyes peeled early next week for the official announcement!!
  • Broken Family Christmas---The next hand is dealt with two flops, turns and rivers. you can only use one board at a time, but you can use either one to make your hand. The best hand wins, no split. Just like divorced parents.
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