Bristol St. Classic 2005 GRAND FINAL - Dec 3rd - 2pm

The Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino presents...

No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament
Sat, Dec 3rd - 2:00pm
(doors open at 1:30pm)

$40 Buy-in - 18 player invitiational (with side tournament) - $10,000 in chips

$$$ Pay-out $$$
1st place - $400.00 & "Bristol Street Classic 2005 Champion" title
2nd place - $220
3rd place - $100

The Competitors

"Ineedanick" Dave (XII):s:"Lamb of" John A. (XIII)

"Slippery" Pete A. (XIV):h:"Hughjazz" Dom (XV)

"Flint Bones" Andrew S. (XVI) :c:"Pinhead" Brad (XVII)

"TNORTH" Tom N. (XIX) (?):d:"Dirty Whore" Mark B. (XX)

"The Prophet22" Brent (XXI):s:"Redington" Tyson J. (107points)

"ItaMe" Mario (90points):h:"batmankw" Dave S. (90points) (?)

"Zithal" Rob L. (89points):c:Kevin F. (89points)

"8Ball" Tye Z. (89points):d:"Oragami" Jonathan C. (87points)

"Shopsy" Jeff S. (87points):s:"stpboy" Shannon

**Please note that I haven't heard back from Tom or Dave S. If they no show, "Iontstorm" and "JohnnieH" are the next two alternates on the list, with "g2" behind them. If people no show the day of, we will go down the points list until we fill the event.

The Schedule

1:30pm - Doors Open
2:00pm - Main Tournament and Side Tournament begins
5:15-6:15 - Dinner Break
6:15pm - Main Tournament resume
7:00pm - Alternate Format Tournament begins
??pm - Tournament, Side Games, Ring Games End.

The Main Event will be a 2 table tournament running in the basement. Two more tables will be located upstairs for cash games and tournaments along with a side tournament that also starts at 2pm for people who are not in the Main Event. Seats in the side event are on a first-come, first-served basis. The format will be a $20 freeze-out.

At 7pm, a side tournament will begin which will be of an Alternate Format. Suggestions are welcome and we'll make a decision by Friday. Once again, this side tournament will be filled on a first-come basis.

As always, tournaments at Bristol Street are rake-free

BOYB, BYOsnacks


  • Main Event Blind Schedule

    2:00-2:30 25-25
    2:30-3:00 25-50
    3:00-3:30 50-100

    3:30-3:45 BREAK

    3:45-4:15 75-150
    4:15-4:45 100-200
    4:45-5:15 100-200 (25)

    5:15-6:15 DINNER BREAK

    6:15-6:45 150-300 (50)
    6:45-7:15 200-400 (50)
    7:15-7:45 300-600 (100)

    7:45-8:00 BREAK - COLOUR OUT -25- CHIPS

    8:00-8:30 400-800 (100)
    8:30-9:00 600-1,200 (200)
    9:00-9:30 800-1,600 (200)

    9:30-9:45 BREAK

    9:30-10:00 1,000-2,000 (300)
    10:00-10:30 1,200-2,400 (400)
    10:30-11:00 1,500-3,000 (500)
    11:00-??:?? 2,000-4,000 (500) <<CAPPED>>
  • I'll be there... hopefully by some miracle I'll get a seat in the Grand Finale.

    May I suggest some Omaha for the alternate format game, or 7 Card Stud.

  • I will be there this saturday Rob. Hopefully I can get a seat in the big tourney.

    Sounds like it will be a great day either way.
  • Shannon, as the winner of the "Wild Card" Event has earned his spot in the Grand Final this Saturday. Congrats!!!

    And remember, if you're not in the grand final, but would still like to play some poker, we'll be running games and tournaments upstairs.
  • What a great mix of players for the Grande Finale Rob, whomever takes this down will truly be the King of Kings. I'm pumped for this one, significant bragging rights on the line.

  • stpboy wrote:
    I'm pumped for this one, significant bragging rights on the line. 
  • Rob,
    when are you going to get comfirmation from Dave and Tom (I know he's away) for the GF?

    If I'm not in, I'm going to watch Laurier give it "prison style" to the University of Saskatchewan, then Ill pop over for to watch the final table, play in side games, and eat some Pepi's.

    See you then,

  • Johnnie... there's no way you're gonna get a seat buddy.  We're both in the same boat. At least one of Tom & Dave will be there.  Save yourself the heartbreak, don't even bother showing up on Saturday ;)

  • g2 wrote:
    Johnnie... there's no way you're gonna get a seat buddy. We're both in the same boat. At least one of Tom & Dave will be there. Save yourself the heartbreak, don't even bother showing up on Saturday ;)



    Show up Johnny! Show up!
  • Dear Mr. Moderator,

    I believe it in the best interest of the integrity of the forum to have the previous post, authored by Mr. Flint Bones, stricken from the forum.

    Yours Truly,


    P.S. Quick, before Johnnie sees it!!!
  • Too late.

    I'll be there.
  • Give me a WOO!

    and give me a HOO!

    Or not. Your preference.
  • I'll give you an F and a U... haha just kidding.

  • Give me whatever you want from the sidegames. I'll be in the big game.
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Too late.

    I'll be there.
    And he'll get in, and he'll win! If he makes it in, Johnnie's my pick to win this thing. Over the last couple months, I'd have to say that Johnnie, Mark, and Shannon have been playing their best poker (from what I've seen). Mark's won, Shannon's won, and Johnnie's been rivered (just a few times ;) ). I think he's due - GO JOHNNIE!

    Other fearless predictions: Tyson takes second and stays a bridesmaid and Mark continues Wednesday's role as bubble-boy :) Good luck to all!
  • beanie42 wrote:
    JohnnieH wrote:
    Too late.

    I'll be there.
    And he'll get in, and he'll win! If he makes it in, Johnnie's my pick to win this thing. Over the last couple months, I'd have to say that Johnnie, Mark, and Shannon have been playing their best poker (from what I've seen). Mark's won, Shannon's won, and Johnnie's been rivered (just a few times ;) ). I think he's due - GO JOHNNIE!

    Other fearless predictions: Tyson takes second and stays a bridesmaid and Mark continues Wednesday's role as bubble-boy :) Good luck to all!

    Thanks for the vote of confidence. We'll miss you on Saturday. See you Sunday @ Voodoo.

    My bets are on Rob or Mario.
    Rob, because he won't have to really worry about running the show, just focus on his game.

    Mario, well he's just sexy. Just kidding, Mario has also been playing REALLY well lately, but getting unlucky.

    No disrespect to the other players, just my thoughts.

  • Slippery Pete

    Those are the top 4...not sure in what order. I like Tye's game lately.

    Honestly, looking at the field of players, there will be no "surprise" winner. I like the mix of players/styles.
    You all have game.

    Good luck and congrats to Rob, you run a great game.
  • Hey guys,

    Unfortunately I will not be able to make it 2day, I woke up feeling pretty sick.

    Good luck everyone.

  • Hey All!

    Sorry about the delay.

    But after 1 HOT week partying in the Dominican Republic and 1 COLD week snowboarding and partying in Lake Louise - I am back and ready to kick some ass.

    See you all tonight.
  • Ionstorm wrote:
    Hey guys,

    Unfortunately I will not be able to make it 2day, I woke up feeling pretty sick.

    Good luck everyone.


    Sorry to hear that Ian. Hope you feel better, dude. So that makes me first on the alternet list. Has anyone heard from 'batmankw' Dave? I know he's a forum member, but he has never posted!!!!!

  • Here's some good news for you. I MAY be a cancellation. My sister-in-law is ready to give birth any day. Today she woke with cramping, if she goes into labour, I am required at home. I am really hoping she can hold off for another day.

    As of right now, I am in.
  • Here's some good news for you. I MAY be a cancellation. My sister-in-law is ready to give birth any day. Today she woke with cramping, if she goes into labour, I am required at home. I am really hoping she can hold off for another day.

    As of right now, I am in.

    C'mon baby, c'mon..........
  • I have to fly into Toronto real quickly - However i am in - Post my blinds if i happen to be a couple minutes late -
  • Stop it! Don't wish for it. Wish for a flight cancellation or a really long delay. I want to play!
  • Good fortune to all that play today at the Grand Finale, all places are surely well deserved.  I know myself, I'm just happy to be there.  I honestly believe that any of the players that qualified could bring their game up enough to take down this covetted prize. 

    I wanted to tell everyone about a dream I had last night, well one was a dream the other a nightmare.  The dream was about Laurier winning the vanier cup and everyone celebrating on the field, i'm going to call that a preminition.

    The nightmare was a little scary so brace yourself please.  It was after Christmas, I hadn't played poker for awhile, likely since the Grand Finale at Rob's.  I was excited to play once again at the Bristol St. Night Club and Casino, tonight was the night of Merry Christmas Madness.  I arrived at Rob's sometime in the evening, everything was dark, there was a cloud of smoke or perhaps a mist hovering about the floor of his house.  At first I thought it to be the infamous smoke machine but later realized it was actually a cloud of cursedness that had engulfed the once friendly home.  I made my way downstairs and took my seat.  Noone had greeted me at all, they all had this 'dead' look on their faces, as if they were zombies.  I look over and see Mark Breaton Knawing on his own arm while muttering something about Pepi's pizza.  Steve "Allin" is in the corner (near the stereo) in the fetal position whispering to himself "fold, fold, fold".  I couldn't understand what the problem was, I continued to look around the room to see horrifying images of what used to be my friends.  I was panning the room like a seasoned director when I saw what it was that has made this into A real Merry X-Mas MADNESS!  Two photographs had been placed on the wall, I couldn't turn away at the site of them and had now realized that the horror within the house was due to these two pictures.  I awoke immidiately with the images of these two faces burned into my mind.....

    Tyson and Mario!

    Congrats boys on your great seasons!  Assuming my preminitions are true...all in fun.

  • Thanks for allowing us (the ones that weren't in the final) to come and crash at your place. It was a blast playing .25/.50 for 10 hours, while watch nothing but WPT, Vanier Cup and Leafs game (and a bit of Raptors' win over the Nets) on your TV.

    Of course, Shannon just have to win ANOTHER tournament to cap off his amazing run at our 5 player sit-and-go, by pretty much bluffing and outdrawing the table (and winning a bounty he placed on himself). Going all-in every hand when we were left at 3 players, well, it works really well apparently. A second order of Pepi were made. And to cap off a great night, Rob introduced the great game of BADUGI!

    Congrats to Shannon for winning this, and to all the players who qualified for this grand final. A BIG thank you to Rob for opening his place to us, and running a series of fantastic tournaments this year.
  • Was a blast Rob! thanks again for letting us play at your place, and when does the next season start :D

    Well played my friend. I was secretly routing for you the whole night.

    Congrats to Tye, Brad and Mark for making the money. That in itself says what great players you all are, just to be able to make some cash from this insanely difficult field of players.

    Rob. You have been such an amazing host and friend to ALL OF US this past year. It's been a blast getting to know you and I'm looking forward to defending my BB from you someday. Thanks again.

    Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words about me finally getting in to the tournament. I don't know how many times I heard "Hope you make it in, Johnnie", but I truly appreciate everyone.

    And lastly, I lift my glass to toast 'batmankw' Dave, for NOT SHOWING UP!!!!!! THANKS BUDDY!!!

    Can't wait for 2006,

  • Dear Shannon,

    Congrats on your win! Given your current string of wins I think we were all hoping your luck would have ran out, but it seems you've proven it wasn't so much luck as your skill that was pulling off some great victories. The fact that you came from behind to take it down makes your win that much nicer I'm sure. I'm happy for you and your win. Good job.

    Dear Everyone Else,

    I'm sorry to hear that you all let Shannon beat you again. I'm kinda gald I wasn't there because he probably would have beat me again, too.

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