Oakville-Burlington area

I live in Oakville and am looking for a home game/tourney to get into. If anyone has a regular game up and running or would like to start one let me know.


  • Just come to the Brantford Casino if you're looking for a limit ring game. It's only like 30 minutes away from your area...
  • there's a couple people on here from burlington, and a couple from oakville. and there are a couple people in burlington that i know of who are great players, but they aren't on here...losers! :wink:

    anyone ever checked out meetup.com?
    not sure how well it works, but who knows
  • Im thinking of starting a touney soon but question you'll have to ask yourself is if you would feel comfortable playing with a bunch of 16year olds or getting beaten by me :roll:
  • I would also be interested in a regular game in the oakville area, and I have no problem losing cash to 16 year olds, your not gonna bring your mommy with you are you? JK
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