Dec 1 Game; Player List

As of Thursday at 5:20pm. Looks pretty light. Please reserve your seat ASAP.

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2005-11-26 07:10:07
Pkrfce9 - Seat Reserved - 2005-11-26 07:22:00
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - 2005-11-26 11:22:49
JHJ - Seat Reserved - 2005-11-26 13:00:20
EElliott - Seat Reserved - 2005-11-28 07:56:07
ACDC - Seat Reserved - 2005-11-29 08:15:42
BusDriver - Seat Reserved - 2005-11-29 15:28:58
Hork42 Seat Reserved via posting
Numbers - Seat Reserved - 2005-12-01 15:17:13



  • WOW, it's going to be a light game by the looks of it. Might have to use the small table :D

    Open to any new players interested in joining the league.
  • Where is everybody!!!
    BTW, the e-mail reminder for the upcoming games is a good idea in my opinion.  I almost forgot to sign up for this thursday's game and then I get the weekly e-mail reminder: 'Sign up sucker, Greg wants your money'!!!  I recall someone requesting to be removed from AJ's mailing list for this league...  I hope it works for you.  I on the other hand, took it for granted and forgot to RSVP but the "backup" feature served its purpose.  Thanks AJ, truly you are a good program director.

    Hope to see you all on thursday,
  • Thanks Kris, for your kind words. I'm trying my best to make this league really take off. Speaking for myself, I'm having alot of fun with it so far.

    I especially like when those who know they CANNOT make it to a game to RSVP as well saying they can't make it out. It gives me a definite picture who I KNOW won't be there. When someone doesn't RSVP though, either way, I have no idea what to expect. That's why I urge all members to click the email RSVP with either a yea or nay intention. Both show up on the for me to see who will definitely or definitely NOT be there each game.

  • Maybe hork will be there...

  • Hork42 wrote:
    Maybe hork will be there...


    Umph, okay, then....MAYBE we will let you in!!! :D

    Open door for you Hork. Let me know for sure when you know.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Speaking for myself, I'm having alot of fun with it so far.

    I'm  having a lot of fun too, Thursday is the day of the week I look forward to the most.

    I think we have a pretty good group of players and I find the games to be a lot of fun.
  • Definitely a great group of players. No one takes the bad beats too seriously, except me, especially when I get sucked out on 3 times in a row heads-up to lose MY bracelet...

    The league seems to be going in a bi-weekly cycle: one week big turnout, next week smaller. I think some guys had said they couldn't bankroll a weekly endeavour. I can respect that. That might change if they got into the winners' circle though. No biggie for me. I like the short-handed games too!

    You are doing a great job of hosting, AJ. Sufficient communication, seating and chips set up in advance, blinds clearly posted, TD configured and running, etc. etc. Thanks a bundle!
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    especially when I get sucked out on 3 times in a row heads-up to lose MY bracelet...

    DUDE, GIVE IT UP!!! Just admit I'm better than you are now :D

    Seriously, I'm humbled by all the compliments being received thus far. Like I said, I'm trying to make this something we can ALL enjoy regularily. I'm always open to any suggestions for improvement as well. We DO have a great group of players, and I'm glad to have had this oppurtunity to have you all come over regularily.
  • Yeah, you're doing a great job AJ.  :h:   I wish I could be out there every week, but due to current circumstances, I doubt I'll be able to confirm earlier than the day of.   I will continue to let you know as soon as I can.
  • Anytime you can make it out Hork, you are welcome to drop by.

    I just found out that Daniel N. is in town this week. Well, since I seem to have a few extra seats...

    If you're looking for a game on Thursday, Daniel, let me know. PM me for game details :D I know he's a member of this forum...maybe he will check in sometime? Who knows.

    (Yes, I will play the long shot, just on the off chance it will pay off) :D
  • So if he shows up do we just hand over the prize money or do we go through the formality of actually playing?
  • He has to suck out the win, just like everyone else.
  • If he wins the bracelet, might be a bitch to get it back for next week.
  • That's something I'll worry about when it happens.

    Any changes to the player list for tonight?
  • As of 9:45, no changes to the list above.

    12:45 still no change. Looks like a single table tonight. Not that I mind too much, less competition for the Prkce9's bracelet :D
  • I will be there tonight.

    Hope I can remember the secret password to get in.

    Looking forward to having sets flopped against me! 
  • You're IN Hork. Secret password is *********

    I'll put up the big table, give us all some extra elbow room. Especially when Greg gets sucked out for the third time again.

    No word from Daniel yet either, but I'm still hopeful.
  • Up to 9 now! WOOHOO!!!!

  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Especially when Greg gets sucked out for the third time again.
    Let it go already, man....

    The bracelet shall be in its rightful place by 23:15.
  • Just wanted to add my compliments also. Great job all around AJ.

    I look forward to Thursday night as well. My whole family, extended family, co-workers, and other poker buddies, know that Thursday night is my poker night, and don't bother asking me to do anything else.

    As for Daniel... bring it.
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