Game ToNIGHt (nov 29th) in guelph - definatly Cancelled. Sorry!

Hey Ya' again...hoping to get another tuesday night game together...
Cowboy mike...i'm disapointed man..we had a great 9 man would have made it little snake!
Other than that i hope to hear from people.....i have 2 as of now....

1. Mark
2. Vegas Tim
3. Cowboy Mike


  • What type of game do you play?
    I don't live near Guelph, but I may be coming through there on Tuesday.
  • Sorry, i should have been more specific!
    We play a $10 sit n go tourney with one rebuy before the fourth level of blinds. The prize pool is typically around 100 bucks...with winner taking most and second place taking their first buy in back.
    It's typically around a 3 hour game, loads of fun and some good players are regularly in attendance.
  • Alright folks.....once again..we are in a situation. Do or die....
    if i dont have enough players by 3pm today unfortunatly i'll have to cancell. I hate doing this..i am a firm beleiver in "if you build it, they will come" or...something. "it" refering to poker...and "they" refering to the poker players.

    Sooo....i say again..and very clearly..3pm today..if there is not at least 6 names on that list..the game is off..
    i apologize vegas tim and Cowboy mike....unless you guys wanna play a $50 heads up or something of the like..there will be no poker. (of course, this doesn't sound like a bad idea...)
    okay...hope to hear from you all..
    oh..BTW..mike is that rockwood tourney still on? if it is i'm SOO in tonight.
    i'll show you poker forum!
  • yes the tourney is on but you are not home. WHere the Hell are you.

    Dude give me an email.

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