A few 10/20 hands

Sometimes I just get the itch to play limit cash games, even though my results there lately aren't great. Here's a few hands, how did I do?

Villian is LAGgy from steal positions.

#Game No : 3107173558
***** Hand History for Game 3107173558 *****
$10/$20 Texas Hold'em - Sunday, November 27, 22:38:12 EDT 2005
tegretol posts small blind [$5].
SirWatts posts big blind [$10].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to SirWatts [ Th Tc ]
esb125 folds.
kenny8k8 folds.
haoleboy41 folds.
MCasa23 folds.
mummyscurse raises [$20].
tegretol folds.
SirWatts raises [$20].
mummyscurse calls [$10].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 7d, Jd, 2h ]
SirWatts bets [$10].
mummyscurse calls [$10].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 8c ]
SirWatts bets [$20].
mummyscurse raises [$40].
>You have options at Table 66490 (9 max) Table!.
SirWatts calls [$20].
** Dealing River ** [ Td ]
SirWatts bets [$20].
mummyscurse calls [$20].

#Game No : 3107367627
***** Hand History for Game 3107367627 *****
$10/$20 Texas Hold'em - Sunday, November 27, 23:08:11 EDT 2005
Table Table 65150 (9 max) (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 9
SamAK posts small blind [$5].
MTG_Buyer posts big blind [$10].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to SirWatts [ Kd Ac ]
chinooky folds.
motu100 folds.
goodhandkid calls [$10].
SirWatts raises [$20].
Aldbaran8 folds.
larry1313131 folds.
SamAK calls [$15].
MTG_Buyer calls [$10].
goodhandkid calls [$10].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4d, 5c, 6c ]
SamAK checks.
MTG_Buyer checks.
goodhandkid checks.
SirWatts bets [$10].
SamAK folds.
MTG_Buyer calls [$10].
goodhandkid folds.
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qh ]
MTG_Buyer checks.
SirWatts checks.
** Dealing River ** [ Jh ]
MTG_Buyer bets [$20].
SirWatts calls [$20]

#Game No : 3107405219
***** Hand History for Game 3107405219 *****
$10/$20 Texas Hold'em - Sunday, November 27, 23:14:09 EDT 2005
Table Table 64759 (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Shockweed posts small blind [$5].
TourTravler posts big blind [$10].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to SirWatts [ Kd Ac ]
DocHarley folds.
>You have options at Table 65150 (9 max) Table!.
kenny8k8 folds.
haoleboy41 raises [$20].
MCasa23 folds.
mummyscurse folds.
cu_fan folds.
tegretol folds.
SirWatts raises [$30].
Shockweed folds.
TourTravler folds.
haoleboy41 calls [$10].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 2c, Jh, Th ]
haoleboy41 checks.
SirWatts bets [$10].
haoleboy41 calls [$10].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 9c ]
haoleboy41 checks.
SirWatts checks (?)
** Dealing River ** [ 3d ]
haoleboy41 checks.
SirWatts checks.

In this one both raisers in front of me are very loose.
#Game No : 3107449368
***** Hand History for Game 3107449368 *****
$10/$20 Texas Hold'em - Sunday, November 27, 23:21:15 EDT 2005
Table Table 64759 (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
SirWatts posts small blind [$5].
Shockweed posts big blind [$10].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to SirWatts [ Th Td ]
TourTravler folds.
DocHarley folds.
kenny8k8 folds.
haoleboy41 folds.
MCasa23 folds.
mummyscurse raises [$20].
cu_fan folds.
tegretol raises [$30].
>You have options at Table 65150 (9 max) Table!.
SirWatts raises [$35].
Shockweed folds.
mummyscurse calls [$20].
tegretol calls [$10].
** Dealing Flop ** [ Qh, Kd, 2h ]
SirWatts bets [$10].
mummyscurse calls [$10].
tegretol calls [$10].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 8d ]
SirWatts checks.
mummyscurse checks.
tegretol bets [$20].
SirWatts folds.

How much does this river check raise suck?

#Game No : 3107493111
***** Hand History for Game 3107493111 *****
$10/$20 Texas Hold'em - Sunday, November 27, 23:28:27 EDT 2005
Table Table 64759 (Real Money)
Seat 8 is the button
Total number of players : 10
TourTravler posts small blind [$5].
DocHarley posts big blind [$10].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to SirWatts [ Kc Tc ]
kenny8k8 folds.
mummyscurse folds.
cu_fan folds.
tegretol folds.
SirWatts raises [$20].
Shockweed calls [$20].
TourTravler folds.
DocHarley folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 6c, 2s, 8c ]
SirWatts bets [$10].
Shockweed calls [$10].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 4s ]
SirWatts bets [$20].
Shockweed raises [$40].
SirWatts calls [$20].
** Dealing River ** [ Ks ]
SirWatts checks.
Shockweed bets [$20].
SirWatts raises [$40].

That's all for now. Praise/berate me at will.


  • Hey Watts, no offense, this is just sort of a general comment on these sorts of posts.

    I'm not sure how anyone can comment on these hands accurately without more description by you on what you were thinking on each street. The hand histories are a start, but you really have to take us through your though processes when playing at 10 20 to get meaningful feedback. I can assume why you did what you did at most times, but without hearing your analysis its all mostly guess work.

    Hope you won most of them :D
  • Yeah I just wanted to post these before I went to bed I should give more of a read on the opponents. I'm most interested in the turn play on a few of the hands. Am I checking when I should be betting or betting when I should be checking at all? I get bluff-raised on the turn so many times by these aggro guys at 5/10 and 10/20 and my main leak has been folding too many hands and not getting to showdown enough. For example in the 2nd hand I would normally bet the turn and check behind on the river against a passive player but against a more aggressive guy I'm afraid of being CR bluffed on the turn and chose to induce a bluff on the end instead (and i can fold to a straight card probably) but I'm letting random overcards draw for free for example. Sometimes i probably take this too far though, ideally Ishould be betting when I think I have the best hand and calling down when I think I'm being bluffed even with as little as A-high. Getting used to the aggression level isn't easy.
  • 1) I like the calling of the C/R on the turn assuming villian is tricky. It's the most common bluff point for anyone heads up.

    2) I'd bet the turn. Let Villian tell us he's NOT on a draw.

    4) I dislike you leading the flop. Two overcards that loose players can easily hold. Lets see what the action on the flop is. Then you can either C/R the buttons bet or fold.

    Last) Yup, that river check raise is bad. It gave you a reason to call the river, not raise it.
  • 1.

    Turn: Calling the raise is reasonable. There is a decent chance that your hand is good heads-up, and even moreso against an aggressive opponent.

    River: I prefer leading out. Since the river is a scare card, you can't expect the opponent to bet the river for you. Going for a check-raise yourself is probably too risky, again due to the scare card.


    Flop: With 3 opponents, I would check behind everyone with just the overcards and backdoor flush draw.

    Turn: Checking behind on the turn almost commits you to a river call unless something brutal comes off. Given that you had bet the flop, I prefer betting again on the turn to attempt the free showdown play in case your opponent has flopped some kind of draw and played it passively.

    River: Automatic call, given the previous action.


    Pre-flop: I consider re-raising pre-flop in this spot fine, but optional.

    Turn: Again, I would probably bet with the intention of checking behind on the river.

    River: Given the actual action, checking the river is fine. You can only beat AQ and KQ, and with a river brick and the previous weakness shown, your opponent is unlikely to fold any pair here.


    Pre-flop: Even against very loose pre-flop raisers, I'm not sure I'd call (or raise) 2.5 bets cold from the SB with TT. You often have the best pre-flop hand here, but it's more of a "reverse implied odds" hand that's typically not going to play well post-flop. Still, it's a close decision.

    Flop: Fine to take one stab at a big pot.

    Turn: Check and fold seems right. It's hard to imagine your hand being good.


    Turn: Calling the raise if fine. Re-raising and continuing the semi-bluff here deserves some consideration, though it is probably a little reckless. It would depend a lot on your opponent's heads-up style, and general aggressiveness.

    River: Your hand is now both strong enough to check and call with, and weak enough to check and call with.

  • Thanks Scotty and BBC. We seem to all agree oin the first hand, amazingly villian flat-called the river with 9d6d and MHING. Hand 2 I was going to check the flop but both blinds were very loose and the limper didn't seem very good either so I felt like I had the best hand often enough that I should bet. I don't think the villian was as aggro as some of these guys so I should prboably have bet the turn and checked the river, I need to get over my checkraphobia. I'm glad you agree the river is an easy call, he shows A3 MHIG. Hand 3: People seemed to be playing somewhat loose so I felt a reriase was best here preflop. I feel like I get CR'd on this board approximately 200% of the time when I bet the turn, but I have no balls anymore. The only thing I beat is AQ and I don'think I"m foldnig out many hands I beat, but bettng might still be best. Villian shows 88 so iwould have had to bet all 3 streets to win this pot. My thinking on hand 4 is about the same as Scotty. The cap preflop is very marginal but I felt given the first raisers low standards that the reraiser could have a pretty wide range trying to isolate him since he was pretty loose himself I thing I'm up against 2 over and a smaller pair here (or possibly even less) a lot of the time. I decided I had to take one shot on the flop after capping but getting called in 2 places it seemed like time to throw it in. For some reason the other 2 players went to showdown the original preflop raiser had 66 (wtf?) and the isolater had K4s (double wtf?). Hand 5 I really felt I had the best hand on the river., but the CR is REALLY bad. I guess check/calling is best but if he is the type to use a free showdown play I really need to lead out I think. I had no such read though. He folded to my CR, another reason why it was bad since even when I"m ahead I might not get called. I need to at least consider options likle 3-betting the turn. Against a good aggressive player who would bluff liberally there or go for a free showdown with A-high (but is capable of folding A-high or maybe a small pair) I kind of like it since his range is wide enough but I'm not winning unimproved. In conclusion, limit cash games are hard.
  • In conclusion, limit cash games are hard.

    Only when you're losing (at least that's what I find). When you're crushing the game, every play seems so obvious, so simple, so RIGHT. Things start getting confusing when every hand goes to hell with those donks catching cards...
  • In conclusion, limit cash games are hard.

    It's not so much that they're hard.. but the long run is so damn long it can screw with your head.
  • Yup, please smack me if I ever play 6max again.
  • Yup, please smack me if I ever play 6max again.

    Ah...maybe you should have qualified this with:
    In conclusion, short-handed limit cash games are hard.

    SH games scare me...
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