And this Week's Champion IS....

ME!!!!!!!!!! :D

Yes, not only did I finally make the money....

Not only did I finally bring the bracelet back home....

Not only did I take FIRST PLACE tonight...

I BEAT OUT PKRFCE9 TO DO IT!!! Okay, I sucked out on him two or three times, but hey, all's fair right???

Pkrfce9 took home second again tonight, and third went to Justin HJ, and he is also on the board now.

I want to thank everyone who braved the weather and roads tonight. Wasn't sure if it were going to happen at all, but I'm very happy to see everyone make it out tonight.

Pics and updated spreadsheet will be sent over the weekend. Oh, tonight's chump was PEGASUSKID!!


  • River Boat = The Scam of my life.

    I thought I played great poker with the only exception being I got tunnel vision with the Queens. Other than that I haven't played that well in a while and only a bad beat took my chips.

    Thanks to AJ for having me over, I don't know when I'll be by again with work being what it is but I'll try sooner before later.
  • Always good to know the guy who took you out is the one who won the whole thing. Good job AJ.
  • gg AJ,

    You were playing in championship style all night. Before the tables merged, we were sitting back to back, and I remember looking over a few times, and thinking AJ is on fire tonight.

    As for the rest of you, good performances all around. I thought he'd catch on when the Elliots (world renown deck fixers) took over shuffling both decks, but Pkrfce9 anguish on the suckouts stole the show. Well, now that this is out of the way, next week, we can go back to playing for real. :D

  • I thought he'd catch on when the Elliots (world renown deck fixers) took over shuffling both decks, but Pkrfce9 anguish on the suckouts stole the show.  Well, now that this is out of the way, next week, we can go back to playing for real.  :D

    Fixing the decks???? I wish...then I could win a few hands ;)

    Good Game last night AJ, you know the game was exciting when Jeff had his shoes on and one foot out the door when he heard a lagre bet being made and he had to come back and watch the rest of the game.
  • Congrats AJ!!!

    As always, I was playing the violin all night BOO HOO... I cannot win anything BOO HOO... But I had fun!!!

    See you all next week.
    Have a nice weekend everyone,
    K :c:
  • Good game by all. The bracelet looks REALLY good on me too :D Almost like it belongs!

    I will be sending out updates and pics over the weekend, as well as the notice for next Thursday's game. Hope you can all make it out again, despite the weather.

    Might be a new player come out next week as well, also from Georgetown area.

    Oh, and just remember one small thing...

    It's only a suck out if you LOSE! :D Otherwise, it's called a strategic move!!
  • Bah! All I can say, AJ is YOU SUCK! Winning 3 all-ins in a row with the worst hand to take the bracelet. Arrrrrrrrrrrrgh.

    Congrats. Enjoy that bling thing on your wrist this week. Next week it will be in its rightful place.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Bah! All I can say, AJ is YOU SUCK! Winning 3 all-ins in a row with the worst hand to take the bracelet. Arrrrrrrrrrrrgh.

    Congrats. Enjoy that bling thing on your wrist this week. Next week it will be in its rightful place.

    I agree, it will be...RIGHT WHERE IT IS NOW!!! Come and get it, if you can :D

    Good game Greg, even if I did get awful DAMN LUCKY once or twice.
  • At least the points and money leader boards are as they should be!

    I'll post some of the hands I recall later on.
  • Some of the OTHER highlights as I remember them...

    BAD BEAT of the night...goes to PegasusKid who flopped the straight, played it slow, had JBird go all in on trip Kings. JBird then hits runner runner Ace to make a boat, crushing PK's straight all to hell. Trash talk only got better after that.

    Highest Hand of the night...When JHJ holding 55 and the other two get flopped when playing Pkrfce9. Very well played, never had you on quads. Being short stacked for so long and so often, I was amazed you held it back so well.

    Fastest Pot Rake of the night...I have NEVER seen a pot get scooped up so fast as when JHJ went all in preflop, hit top pair, and won the hand. Lightening speed to put him back into the game. Going to have to call you QuickDraw McGraw (any nobody better ask me who that was. I'm not THAT old)

    Winning Hand...I'm dealt KJs to Pkrfce's 77's. I've already sucked out on him twice, and I was playing this hand for everything. Flop no help, but I paired up on the Turn and the river sank Pkrfce, making me the Game 4 Champion.

    I'm sure there were other highlights, and if anybody can recall a hand or two, by all means post it here. Nothing we like better than sharing the grief. :D
  • GG AJ!!

    man this is really starting to suckass! I've showed up every week and havent placed in the top 3, so I've lost the most money so far lol...that full house was a nice lucky hand I got but overall wasnt enough...not sure if I'll be in next week or not, might have to take a break...
  • You're playing very well JBird, I wouldn't let it bother you too much. Take if from me, you're time will come. But if you need a break from the game, that's understandable too. Every once in awhile, it's good to just sit back and recharge.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    ... a break from the game, that's understandable ...  Every once in awhile, it's good to just sit back and recharge.


    Breaks are from Friday to Wednesday. Thursday is poker night!

    Well maybe I can say that because Thursday is my one and only poker night. So for those of you who need a break, cut back on your other poker interest. :D
  • Sorry for not updating the Champ pic on my site since game 3. I have been having trouble making changes on that one page and have not had much time to try and work it out.

    Big ChrisE and AJ unless you do not approve I will have booth pics posted eventually.
  • I have no problem with it at all. Booth me up!!! :D
  • jbird8306 wrote:
    GG AJ!!

    man this is really starting to suckass! I've showed up every week and havent placed in the top 3, so I've lost the most money so far lol...that full house was a nice lucky hand I got but overall wasnt enough...not sure if I'll be in next week or not, might have to take a break...
    I empathize. I feel this way frequently after some bad beats online.

    You're playing a good game. We can all use some improvements. I believe this league has a good mix of players of different skill levels and different styles. For me, it is a great chance to try to learn something new each week. I enjoy the challenge of trying to figure out how to squeeze the most chips out of different opponents while trying to lose the least to the same ones. Now if I could only figure out how to avoid losing those situations where I am a 90% favourite.
  • Congrats AJ!

    Maybe it's just me, but Thursday can't come quick enough. I can't let Greg get too comfortable atop the leaderboard. ;)
  • Notice who's SECOND on the leader Board? Don't YOU get too comfortable either Eleanor!!!

    You'll notice that on the leader board, there isn't alot of difference between the top five positions at all. Nobody is walking away with the lead yet, and everybody is still very much in it. All it takes is a single win or place to put you on the board, and for those who are already there, all they need is one or two more to put some distance between them. Still a very strong race, and we aren't quite at the half way point yet of the season.
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