Day 3 of Wolffhounds Vegas Tour Nov 13-16 (with BigE/Lama)

Day 3
I slept about 8-9 hrs last night…the no sleep the little sausages/roast beef and the drinks have taken their toll. I promised myself I wouldn’t do it, but, I officially feel like shit. I’m pissed off too that I passed out at 7ish and lost a night in Vegas. BigE and Lama were convinced I’d be back…but, its 4:30/5:00 on Tuesday morning and a night has been lost.

5:00 in the Imperial is much like hanging around a cemetery waiting for a party to break out. Boredom can take a big chunk out of your roll in Vegas. As given time…the city really will take all you have, smile at you and give you a ride to the airport.

Anyways, I sat down with Lama and a couple of ceasers and played some double deck blackjack. Well…the dealer wouldn’t shut her mouth and the cards were disgustingly cold. The plan was to have a couple of drinks there, cruise around and hit the breakfast buffet at 7:00. Well, Lama took as many hits as he could stand and took off, I stuck it out until I was absolutely certain that the dealer took all of my $80.00. I tried to wait it out until the second drink came, but, no such luck. Down $80.00, we are an hour into the day. Super.

All through Vegas all you can hear, or so it seems, is Wheeeeeeel Offfffffffff, Forrrrrrtune. Vanna loves me, I know she does. 20 didn’t seem like enough, 40 didn’t seem like enough, so, I popped $60.00 into the wheel sat down and settled in to continue my slot hot streak, nothing bad could happen, I have 240 credits to do something great with.

Excellent, its now 6:30 and I’m down $140.00. I should have stayed in bed. Vanna can F off.

I need the exercise so, I walk around aimlessly through the casino until the little sausage buffet opens upstairs at 7:00. Stopped into the poker hallway on the way. Asked about a 2-4 game, they said maybe after 11:00 when the “lessons” are over. Breakfast and a trip to the mall was next.

Walked with BigE down towards the mall, cruised through the Venetian on the way. Really a wicked hotel, nabbed the kids some toys from a Magic shop in there. Tried to talk BigE into picking up JoJo a tight T that had “rub these for luck” written across the front. No luck. Things just weren’t going my way this a.m.

Mall-Victoria Secret. I’d prefer to have been buying my wife something nasty, but, no, just $50.00 on %^*()_ soap. At least she smells good even if I don’t get within 20 feet of her to sniff for myself, I’m sure E will let me know if it’s a pleasant scent.

E and I pick up our shit and make it back to the Imperial for some 2-4. True to their word the lessons broke up at 11:30. We were seated in Seat 7 (BigE) and me in Seat 10. The rest were all “newbies” with the exception of a drunk A-hole in Seat 1. Ok…deep breath, 2 guys for sure know what they are doing…the other 8 potential know nothing. What could be sweeter? 20 minutes later I’m down 80.00. I hate poker.

First hand I have AQo, 7 limpers, I raise on the button, flop AQX, X, X. Ends up heads up and dude shows AQ. *&*)(.

The next 5 hands I get pocket J’s 3 times. Never a raise at any point, except for me raising preflop and betting the whole way…call, call, call, lost to pocket QQ’s both times. %&*(.

Third JJ goes on a board of 99A, 9,x. 200 year old lady who had won the last 3 or 4 hands always showing the nuts tries to bet 4 on the flop “sorry ma’am, you can only bet 2”. Then goes to bet 8 on the turn when the 3rd 9 hits, “sorry ma’am, you can only bet 4”
She hits the trifecta and tries to bet 8 again on the river, “sorry ma’am, you can only bet 4”. Seat 9 was in the hand with me. I manage to convince myself that Grandma had an Ace before it got over to me, Grandma bet her 4 before the river card hit the felt, seat 9 called and I made one of the worst plays ever. Absolutely convinced I lost my 3rd hand in 5 with pocket J’s, I politely asked Josh the dealer if I could muck face up. He said sure, “I’d like to see that your pocket Jacks got beat again.” I throw them high in the air. People laugh. Grandma who outplayed me by a mile in this hand shows 34o. Justice was served though as Seat 9 from Calgary had pocket 7’s and took down a nice pot. For the $4.00 bet beat or not it deserved a call. Tilting from a lousy slot morning and down 80 in 20 minutes I fu*ked this up. Time for a smoke and walk to blow off some steam.

I took off from the table for about 20 minutes or so. Had a smoke, took the escalators downstairs to look for Lama and came back refreshed. BigE reminded me several times while I was sitting there once I came back that I always preach patience, and that eventually the $ will come back. Four hours later I cashed out up a whopping $8.00. Its official, I managed to play even worse than I had in Day 1 and 2. This has to stop.

I had the Vegas hangover already. This place is all about “too much too soon”. As BBC_Z mentioned in his post, if he had handled Day 1 and 2 differently, he’d have enjoyed 3 and 4 more. I was in the exact same boat.

We hit the buffet for dinner. I was fat when I got here, but, this is ridiculous. But the food is great and I can’t help myself. Lama again makes good use of the draft Champange tap.

Back to the 2-4 table. BigE and I are split up this time. I’m a table full of guys/kids from Mich. I do notice that the drunk from the afternoon is still sitting in Seat 1 at E’s table. He’s constantly berating Belfast Phil and it can be heard from my table as well. Phil sure has taken some abuse at the tables. Dude was drunk all the time, but, Phil struck me as a good guy. Hammered 60 year old guy ends up falling off his chair. He hit the ground hard. I wasn’t surprised to see that the only one to help him up was no one other than Belfast Phil. Phil got him dusted off, Grandpa had his track pants a good 6 inches down his ass, almost lost the buffet I had just finished. Security was waiting for Grandpa on his return from the can with a cup of coffee and an offer to help him to his room. He didn’t go quietly, but, he did go, but, not before giving us one last good shot of his ass crack cashing out. They should make belts or suspenders for track pants. He’d be the poster boy for the campaign.

The poker till I crashed wasn’t too exciting. Got KK in the BB, raised infront of me. I re-raised and offered a side bet to the kid. He had changed his hat into a MLB like “rally cap” to change his luck. I said if I lost the hand I would do the same and cruise around like that until he called time on the bet. Sure enough when the Q hit on the river I was pretty sure I was dead. Convinced he had a set I was smart enough to fire with my K’s one more time, he raised I laughed/called and turned my hat inside out after seeing his set of Q’s. I had sat down with 80.00 and set a stop at $20.00. Sure enough when I hit the $20.00 I rebought for another $50.00. After losing the other 20.00 I had had enough and cashed out the $50.00 saying later to the boys from Mich and my $80.00.

It was only around 11:00 Vegas time…I was wide awake and not nearly as drunk as I should be. I’m ready to go home. I end up heading back to the room, I’m done for today, watched the final table of the WSOP main event on ESPN and crashed.

Bankroll- $734.00 3 days in Vegas and up 6 bucks.


  • Doesn't all the double deck blackjack in Vegas pay 6 to 5 for a blackjack? Tsk Tsk, thats a massive house edge..
  • God love the Wheel, I love the Wheel, the Wheel is my friend!!!!

    I honestly don't remember much from Day 3 myself, however I do remember being seduced by the 'Wheel of fortune' chant...and I must admit I had some good luck with it. It's a progressive jackpot machine, the $0.25 model showing a jackpot of just over a quarter million. You need to hit three Wheel of Fortune's to get it.....I can't remember if this happened on Day 2 or 3 but I see the thing stop on Wheel-7-7 and above both 7's are other Wheels...I was that close, an inch away, the story of my life...just one more inch...but at least the combo I did hit paid $135, not bad considering I had $20 in it. I continued to have good luck on any wheel I played...and I made a point of playing them wherever I went!

    I think I sat down at the blackjack tables in the a.m. as well, like Wolff said the only game going on in the poker room was $1/2 NL, I am horrible at NL, tight-weak-scared does not do well at NL. I think I dropped about $30 before the buffet opened. The buffets will cheer anyone up but I took it easy this time and limited myself to a half pound of bacon!!!!

    I'm with Wolff, I was licking my chops when we got to sit down after the 11:00 'training session'....and I had a great start, unfortunately my greed led to the exit of a very nice natural set of of lovelies across the table when I looked down to see KK, I raised pre-flop which had the usual effect, everyone calling! Flop was a ragged board of nothing and I bet the Kings hard to the river....I don't remember what she showed maybe second or third pair, her pair was all I was looking at! Unfortunately I cleaned her out and she left in a rage, I felt bad...for a second. I quickly found myself up...and felt bad for Wolff, JJ trashed 3 times ouch!!!!
    But kudos to him for not really tilting...before I knew it he was giving me the same advice to settle down and win it back as I quickly found my stack had shrunk! I honestly don't remember how it happened, there weren't any big hands I remember...I just know the two ancient relics beside me obviously got a lot out of the training session as they had all the chips. And I remember the old drunk guy yelling at one of the poor old birds when he'd win a pot 'You know, they give lessons here at 11:00 each day, you should take one!!!!', 'Yes sir I know, I just had a lesson', 'Well, a lot of good it did ya!', he was an ignorant prick and I was down about $60.

    For the record, at Victoria Secret Wolff turned right into the store I turned left and played hold'em on a little electronic hand held toy at a kiosk in front of the store. Thank god that was over quickly! Wolff kept heading to the IP as I ducked into a shop to see if I could get the wife a CSI sweater, she loves the show and they had some nice ones....almost came to blows with a couple English dudes...guess it serves me right as I was flipping through some women's T-shirts, I heard one say, 'those are girls shirts' and the other said 'yeah, well isn't it obvious why he's looking at them, you see a lot of that here'....a lot of what????? I don't think I look gay...I don't think a dude looking at a womens shirt is gay, my wedding ring was on for crying out loud. Anyway, my head spun around like Linda Blair and I snapped 'I'm looking for my wife man!!!!!' to which they mumbled something like 'whatever' and moved on....I let it go but got the f outta there and hit the tables!

    I ended up back in the same seat from the early afternoon session and Belfast Phil had Wolff's seat, Wolff was at the other table donating chips and wearing his hat in funny ways? Again...I don't remember much...I do remember I had Silvia to my right, a very classy older lady who could play, her and I pretty much traded 72o all night. I did get KK once and raised pre-flop...was a little worried when Belfast Phil re-raised, we ended up capping with two others, 1 being the ignorant drunk guy who was still there. The flop showed an A and we capped again at which point it was just Phil and I left....I can't believe we chased the others out? I was worried he was on AA but I was not letting my K's go...I leaned over to Phil and said 'You got rockets?' I don't know why I did that and I don't think it's appropriate but I was drunk, he said no...I then figured I was good but said to Phil 'then maybe we should slow down mate?' I figured why rape the guy of all his chips as I believed he was totally sincere about not having AA and my KK had to be good. We checked the rest of the way, I flip my KK and he shows......KK, we laughed about that for a while...not sure if it was funny or just alcohol but we laughed. I went to the bathroom at one point, Wolff was down a bunch of chips and I was really happy when I got back he had a good sized stack in front of him....I said way to go man! He said he re-bought, ouch!

    I do remember the ignorant dude falling over, he had a cookie in his hand which he crushed on impact, my only thought was...what a waste of a perfectly good cookie. He soon went to cash out, I heard Silvia gasp and looked up to see him standing there with his track pants around his knees and his dirty grey gitch halfway down his ass, I turned to Silvia and said, 'hey, at least he's wearing gitch', then said to the table '$5 says he's a plumber' that got a chuckle from the table and the mood quickly turned happy, I looked down to see $20 in chips, I was down $80, my mood quickly turned to rage!

    The rest of the night was uneventful, I worked my way back up to about $50 and cashed out.

    I didn't get much sleep on the last seems Lama was firing towels and stuff at me....not sure why as I don't snore!!!!!!!!!

    My first losing day on the tables but thanks to lovely Vanna and the wheel I wasn't down very much if any.
  • Big E wrote:
    the story of my life...just one more inch...
    I believe you should post this under that other thread related to a job opportunity.

    Nice post. Sounds like you guys had some fun.
  • Thanks Greg.

    Ya, it was a good trip.

    E, I was going to leave out the snoring part of Day 3...I had seen Lama hit the can 3 times in like 10 minutes, all 3 times, the light came on/off, then he passed infront of the TV, back to bed..repeat x3...then simply yelled, "F**K Pfaff, wake up rollover or something"

    Turns out Lama had been chucking towels at E in hope of not having to touch a dude in bed to wake him up.

    Day 4 to follow.
  • It's the age old question...if a tree falls....

    I never heard any snoring, therefore there couldn't possibly have been any.....I was hoping he'd throw $1 chips at me!
  • A good read so far. The recent Vegas reports are definately getting me the urge to book the next trip. I stayed at the IP as well, and was shocked that you called the Excaliber poker room a dump (compared to the IP). And yes, I had memories of inhaling a dozen or so strips of bacon at the IP breakfast buffet after a long night of drinking and gambling. At least the poker comps generally paid for our food. As far as hitting buffet's, the highlight was probably hitting Bellagio dinner buffet on a Friday night. Lamb, prime rib, crab legs, venison, 18 kinds of fish, etc. etc. etc. Simply awesome, worth the 40 bucks IMO. Not to mention the abundance of scenery in that Casino strutting around on a Friday night... There's hot, and then there's Vegas hot!
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