my Oakville garage every Friday 9:30pm

Hi all,

Looking for a player or two that want to join in once in a while to my weekly garage game. converted it into a poker room. Just for fun, no overly serious, Helmuth wannabe's please. We play two games at $10 each, N/L. Like I said more to keep the the fingers in shape for the big games instead of one that breaks the bank.

Have the projector set up with the NHL Centre Ice package and Leafs TV on the wall, non-hockey fans need not apply! :D

Mix of half decent players and :fish:

We usually get two games in from 9:30 - 1ish, so you can walk out with $100 if you take both, but then I wont invite you back :-)

if you're in the west end, Halton area, drop me a line. No rake, no fee, just fun.



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