Money Leader Board

Hi all. Please take a moment to express your views on this matter:

Should the money leader board include the buyins for each player or not?

At the moment, the file ONLY considers money won each week for each player. It does NOT include or take into consideration the number of buyins for each player. This can seriously affect the outcome of crowning the Money Leader at the end of the season.

For example, if Player 1 only plays for 6 games, and wins 3 pots of $200, his total winnings is $600.
Player 2 plays every week, total winnings say are $800 over the course of the league.

Player 1, if you include the buyins, makes a profit of $450 ($600-(3*$50)).
Player 2 however pays a total of $600 in buyins, therefore only profits $200.

Currently, we are only considering Total Money Won per player and NOT considering the buyin (the leader board on the HOMEPOKERCLUB.NET site however DOES consider buyins).

Which do you believe would make a more accurate representation of who the best league player would be?

Thanks for your input.


  • I'm really torn over this one.  My first thought is that buy-in should not be included, it makes for higher totals, and favors the players who play more tournaments.  But the purest in me, sais, if your calling it money leader, then it has be the money you won.  So I voted, not to include buy-ins

    ahh, upon further review, I voted wrong.
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    Currently, we are only considering Total Money Won per player and NOT considering the buyin (the leader board on the HOMEPOKERCLUB.NET site however DOES consider buyins).

    You should not take the buy ins into account. No casino ever does, why should we?

    Having said that, which option should I check on the poll, # 2? I have clicked that one.
  • esool wrote:

    You should not take the buy ins into account. No casino ever does, why should we?

    I agree..... when you see the shows/players talk about how much money they won up to that point they never include the buy-ins.
  • I don't see how you can not include the buy ins, When it comes to the end of the season and you want to evaluate how you did you can't look at just your winnings and say, "Hey, I won $250" With out counting the buyings for entering the tourneys.

    If we want to have two different boards that is fine, I really like the HomePokerTour board and the way it's set up.

  • It really depends on whether or not we want this to reflect monies won only, or use it as a bankroll management tool as well. If so, then yes, buyins should be included. Even the pros consider their return on investment (profit = money won less total buyins over a given period).

    Either way works for me, but as I said, this could serious affect the Money Leader outcome at the end of the season. If we want to know who the true League Champion would be, it would have to reflect all the variables, like number of games played, monies won and total investment.

    Currently, the player who wins the most money is considered the leader, without any consideration to the investment he put in. Just not sure if this is a true reflection of Champion. Maybe we should define CHAMPION for the league. Either the player who WINS the most money, OR the player who PROFITS the most (which in my opinion, would be a better measure of skill).

    I'm not going to vote on this one, I'll let the league decide. Like I said, it's six of one, half dozen of another to me. Just want everyone to consider both alternatives.
  • Well put AJ,

    What about using the point system to show the league champion? Points are awarded for good play as well as being there week after week.

    Just a thought
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    .... or use it as a bankroll management tool as well. 

    Even the pros consider their return on investment (profit = money won less total buyins over a given period).

    Daniel Negreanu won a $1500 rebuy tourney which he re bought some crazy amount (15-25) times. the dealer said to him, "you don't play very well huh"? Lol :)
    The 1st place money was $100,000. No where will it show $100,000- $20,000 (buy ins) = $80,000 winner.
    Except for Daniels own personal tracking system.

    Having said all that, just because no other tourney's run that way we can't. In the end, I am sure the big money leaders will all have similar investments since players will have to pay up for missed games to get into the final big money game..
  • MisFit wrote:
    Well put AJ,

    What about using the point system to show the league champion?  Points are awarded for good play as well as being there week after week.

    Just a thought

    Huh?? Yeah! Why are we talking about money leaders since there is a point system to decide the champ?? :D
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    Currently, the player who wins the most money is considered the leader, without any consideration to the investment he put in.  Just not sure if this is a true reflection of Champion.  Maybe we should define CHAMPION for the league.  Either the player who WINS the most money, OR the player who PROFITS the most (which in my opinion, would be a better measure of skill).

    I think the money should represent who the champ is. The points show more of the skill of the players. It's hard to judge right now as we have only played 3 games to date. I think as time goes on this will start to balance it's self out and when the final championship game is played we will really be able to see who the champ is, because one person may be in the money several weeks, but lose the final game but still be the money leader over the winner of the championship game who only won that.
  • Ok, I'm confused again. For me this league is all about the bracelet. So I need to know who gets the bracelet. I'm confused between the "money leader" and the "points leader" and the final "winner of the TOC"

    This is my understanding, somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

    Winner of the TOC: Gets the bracelet, keep-sies

    Money leader: Gets, umm, allot of money (which, in my mind, is reward enough). Also I think there was talk of a trophy.

    Points leader: Gets a bit of a edge in the TOC game.

    I"m against the points leader getting awarded the bracelet at the end of 12 games, because that will mean we are only playing the TOC for the money.
  • :D I have no idea what is going on any more. :D

    What else is new. :)

    I am still in shock from busting on the bubble at the river room yesterday. :rage:
  • I"m against the points leader getting awarded the bracelet at the end of 12 games, because that will mean we are only playing the TOC for the money.
    If you win money in the TOC, I'm taking it, then. You can have the bracelet.
  • This was the ORIGINAL intention:

    Bracelet;  awarded to the WEEKLY WINNER.  I was considering whether or not to award it at the TOC, but nothing decided yet.

    Money Leader;   to determine who was the one player who WON the most money during the season.  Awarded a small trophy at TOC, but NOT meant to be the TOC winner.

    Trophies;  awarded to first, second, and third place winners of the TOC ONLY

    Points;  only to determine/augment a players' starting chip stack for the TOC ONLY

    The more I think of it, the more I am considering awarding more trophies for the top three IN POINTS (as a measure of Best in the League), but only for the 12 week season.  The points would still be used in determining starting chip for each player at the TOC, but would also determine the best overall player.  The problem with that though is the 10 points for showing up MIGHT skew the results abit, but for the most part, the player(s) with the most points at the end of the season would, IMHO, be the best in the league and therefore SHOULD be awarded something.

    Another option is to award the trophies for top point players, and play the TOC for the cash pot only.
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