Bristol St. Classic XXI - Results!

With the final Bristol Street Classic looming, three players were front and center for Player of the Year honours. With the turnout at only 30 players due to some last minute bad weather cancellations and a switch from the regular Wednesday night game, "Dirty Whore" was immedately out of the running as the most points he could earn in this event would put him one point shy of first place. Running now between Trevor and Tyson, both players ended side by side when the tournament collapsed to two tables, both men still in the running.

The monstrous run that Trevor had been on finally came to an end when Trevor slow played AK into Tyson 62 on a board of A62. With this elimination, Tyson officially became named "Bristol Street 2005 Player of the Year" and a round of applause went up in the room. Please see the Player of the Year Thread for more information!

At the beginning of the tournament, Table 1 set a new Bristol Street record by taking 9 re-buys on the 8 person table. Most of these chips when to "The Prophet 22" Brent who accumulated a massive stack early and continued to grow his stack as the tournament progressed. Once the final table formed, Brent held a sizeable lead over the competition.


Seat 1: "DonJuan" Dana ($12,200)
Seat 2: "batmankw" Dave S. ($14,600)
Seat 3: "Fallen Angel" Gow ($8,900)
Seat 4: Larry L. ($17,900)
Seat 5: Nicole ($15,700)
Seat 6: "Pinhead" Brad ($2,500)
Seat 7: "The Prophet22" Brent ($44,600)
Seat 8: "Dirty Whore" Mark B. ($10,800)

8th Place : "Pinhead" Brad.
7th Place : "Fallen Angel" Gow.

With blinds at the final table starting at 600-1,200 (200) both shortstacks needs to make a move soon. As luck would have it, both decided to make a move on the same hand with one other person in the pot. Nicole had both men covered all-in showing AJ. Gow held A9, while Brad was behind with two live cards, KT. The flop came 3AQ, putting Nicole ahead. The K on the turn gave Brad five outs to win while Gow needed one of the 3 remaining nines. The four on the river missed everyone and Nicole eliminated both players on the same hand. With a slightly larger chip lead, Gow took 7th place.

Brad, in 8th, marked his returned to Bristol Street action after a overseas trip in the summer, The Bristol Street XVII champion was at his second final table of 2005.

Finishing 3rd in Bristol Street XVIII, this also marked Gow's second final table of 2005.

6th Place : "DonJuan" Dana (BUBBLE-BOY)

As seems to be a growing tradition, the Bubble-Boy position is often reserved for those players attending their first Bristol Street Event. The honour, this tournament was reseved for "Don Juan" Dana. With blinds at 800-1,600 (200), Nicole, UTG makes it 3,200. Dana pushes all-in and Nicole immediately calls showing AA. Though a Queen appears on the flop to go with Dana's AQ, the second queen does not make an appearance and Dana finds him self out of the tournament with the presitegous title of Bristol Street Classic XXI Bubble-Boy. Nicole has now eliminated all of the non-money finishers from the table and the remaining five players are "In the money"

5th Place : "batmankw" Dave S. ($25)
4th Place : "Dirty Whore" Mark B. ($50)

With blinds at 1,000-2,000 (300), and in first postion, Dave moves all-in with his remaining stack of about $9,500 chips. Brent, still the chip leader, moves all-in behind him in a move which makes it look like he's attempting to isolate. Mark things for awhile, obviously picking up a big hand, but having to make a choice to risk his tournament by calling all-in. Finally, Mark makes the call, and Brent turns over KK! Mark and Dave are in a WORLD of hurt as both men turn over the same hand, AQ. There's no help on the board and both men are eliminated on the same hand.

Having hit back to back Bubble-Boy spots in Bristol Street's XVI and XVII, Dave's finally cracked the curse and hit money for the first time. Great job!

The champion of Bristol Street XX was looking to become the first ever back to back champion, but it was not to be. This 4th place finish continues to vault him up the rankings!

3rd Place : Larry L. ($75)

Larry found himself close to headup as he pushed all in with TT only to be called by (and covering) Nicole who showed A4o. Nicole felt that an Ace was coming and the heart-breaking A did arrive.. on the river. (I too hadn't noticed an Ace in the last four boards, so she was easily a 80% favorite to win in this spot)

This hand, put Larry on the short stack. Larry finally moved all-in and was called by both Mandy and Brent with a Board showing 75Q. Brent pushed Nicole out of the hand, after committing a decent portion of her stack to the hand and showed A7 for middle pair. This was EXTREMELY bad news for Larry who turned over A6 and now needed runner-runner to stay alive. This didn't happen, Larry was eliminated in 3rd place, having also made his second final table and first cash of the year. Congrats!

With the pot that Brent pulled in we moved to heads up with Brent is a DOMINATING position heads-up.


Brent : $118,500
Nicole : $6,500

With blinds at 1,500-3,000 with a 500 ante, Nicole had little options left being in the Big Blind and moved all-in blind. Brent through the hand away and Nicole folded her small blind, putting her in the same position. She once again moved all-in blind and Brent once again laid down another crap hand.

Once again, Nicole folded the small blind and moved all-in blind the next hand. Finally tired of the move, Brent called. Nicole doubled up, and put the first chink in Brent's massive lead. Two hands later, Brent raised to $13,000 and Nicole moved all in. Brent called and once again found himself in a dominated position.

Nicole's second double up put her at about $26,000 and put her in contention. The match was finally back on with an incredible array of back and forth action. Both players were aggressive as it seemed Brent was tilting more and more of his stack Nicole's way. Finally Brent settled in and attempted to lay traps, which Nicole avioded.

With Nicole quickly approaching even, both players limped to a flop of 53A. Nicole checked, Brent bet 12,000, Nicole moved all-in and Brent makes the call, flipping over 53 for two pair. Nicole reveals K4 and now needs a 2 for the gutshot straight, which would make her the new chipleader. The hand ended quick with a 3 on the turn giving Brent a full boat, the win, $225 and the title of Bristol Street Classic XXI Champion!! Great job, Brent!!

This tournament ended a rough streak for Brent in the Bristol Street Classic tournaments, and earns him a place in the Bristol Street Classic GRAND FINAL.

In her first Bristol Street final table, Nicole made 2nd place for $125, nearly coming back from a 18-1 chip deficate. An excellent game from Nicole ends with a well deserved 2nd place finish!!

(Also, congrats to Tyson who busted out Shannon after he put a bottle of Johnnie Walker Red Label on himself as a bounty!)

With the final Bristol Street Classic of 2005 in the record books, the stage is now being set for the Bristol Street Classic 2005 GRAND FINAL!!



    1st : "The Prophet22" Brent ($225) - 12:42am
    2nd : Nicole ($125) - 12:42 am
    3rd : Larry L. ($75) - 12:19 am
    4th : "Dirty Whore" Mark B. ($50) - 12:03am
    5th : "batmankw" Dave S. ($25) - 12:03am
    6th : "DonJuan" Dana (BUBBLE-BOY!) - 11:47pm
    7th : "Fallen Angel" Gow - 11:22pm
    8th : "Pinhead" Brad - 11:22pm
    9th : "Redington" Tyson - 11:13pm
    10th : Mandy - 11:09pm
    11th : "Slippery" Pete A. - 11:02pm
    12th : "moose" Rob S. - 10:58pm
    13th : "ItsaMe" Mario - 10:49pm
    14th : "Oragami" Jonathan C. - 10:39pm
    15th : "beanie42" Trevor - 10:19pm
    16th : "Shtebs" Steve S. - 10:05pm
    17th : Zenon - 9:58pm
    18th : "Brava" Dave S. - 9:54pm
    19th : "Ineedanick" Dave P. - 9:53pm
    20th : "g2" Greg T. - 9:49pm
    21st : "stpboy" Shannon - 9:48pm
    22nd : "JohnnieH" Johnnie H - 9:47pm
    23rd : "Zithal" Rob L. - 9:38pm
    24th : "All-In" Steve S. - 9:35pm
    25th : "Mrs. stpboy" Kate S. - 9:25pm
    26th : "Devil" Dave S. - 9:09pm
    27th : Steve - 9:03pm
    28th : "Waterlooser" Adam - 8:56pm
    29th : "Lamb Of" John A. - 8:54pm
    30th : "Bluffy" Jeff B. - 8:37pm
  • Hey Rob

    As always a great time... thanks for hosting.

    Though, I have now learned yet another valuable lesson, and Tyson, your title is on the line in '06 baby!


    p.s. Great game played by all... Prophet, you really deserved that win!!
  • Mark,

    Your a dirty dirty DIRTY whore....

    That being said...

    Everyone will have thier chance at me ... at the TOC.

    Great game as always Rob. The first table was tough, STPboy, Rob, G2 and only one rebuy... can you say tight as a monkeys uncle?
    Made it through to grab PotY then started to let rip. Until some dirty whore called me with nothing and got lucky on the turn.

    Dirty dirty... may the fleas of a thousand camels incvade you armpits.

    Until the TOC.. tah tah
  • great night, thanks for hosting rob!
  • Congrats Brent!!!

    Thanks to Rob for another great night.

    Wild Card Tournament, here I come.....

  • Thanks Rob for yet another incredibly well run tourney. Thanks also, for teaching some of us how to play Guts. A fun way to quickly lose five bucks but well worth it.

  • Shtebs wrote:
    Thanks Rob for yet another incredibly well run tourney. Thanks also, for teaching some of us how to play Guts. A fun way to quickly lose five bucks but well worth it.


    I forgot about our side game of GUTS. It was pretty fun, althoung a few beers would make it better!!

  • Hey Rob - Thanks for a good night of Poker....NOthing like staying alive, going all in blind and flopping a full house.....

    "PokerQueen" Mandy
  • Sorry for hijacking your thread Rob...... But who the Hell is this Prophet22 guy..... OMG he's riding a wave or what?

    Congrats Brent...... Like I did all through university.... ride that wave well it's going.
  • Hey Rob
    Do you have the final player standings for the year? Think I played 4 nights and interested in where I finished. Enjoyed the crew, lots of laughs. Take care all. Congrats to Tyson.
    Larry L.
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