Day 2 of Wolffhounds Vegas Tour Nov 13-16 (with BigE, Lama)

Day 2

Sweet…3 hrs sleep in two days…still drunk and its 4:30 a.m. Blackjack time.

Lama, BigE and I sat down at a double deck Blackjack table. Low stakes (it’s the Imperial), 5-500 per hand. Seems like a good idea as we need to kill time for breakfast buffet. The main casino is pretty dead, it’s just the 3 of us at the table and things go alright. BigE and I end up a bit (me 25.00) before breaking for a leak and breakfast. I turned to my breakfast drink…nothing like a Caesar or 3 to get you back into the groove.

Waiting for Lama to take a leak I find myself standing beside a Pegasus 2c slot machine. I swear it spoke to me, I grabbed a couple of 1.00 bills and hit max lines, all heck breaks loose, sweet $57.00 on pull one. I love this place, I cash out and head off to gorge myself on little breakfast sausages.

Breakfast…7 ½ little sausages…5 days later, I believe I’m still working on Sausage 6. But, that’s a story for day 4.

BigE and I have to do some shopping. Wives and kids demand treats. We get 4 drunken days in Vegas; I guess they do deserve some trinkets. I have to hit Victoria Secret, I was ordered to. I know what you are thinking…sweet…Wolff gets sent to pick up some nasty skivvies for his wife. I WISH. I need to pick up soap and mints. ^*&(. Turns out the mall doesn’t open until 10:00. Its only 9. We check out the Wynn. Only one 4-8 table going. We observe one hand…won at a show down by Js7h on a board of ssc, s,s, losing hand showed was 7s4c. It was raised pre-flop, at least 6 callers…pot was huge.
We stared at the Ferrari dealership, 10.00 to check it out, no thanks. The Wynn is nice, beautiful place, but, nothing going on at the minute. Off to Treasure Island.

BigE has to play $25.00 in slots for his wife. So, at Treasure Island I search for my Kenny Rogers machine, makes a ton of noise, was loose as hell when I was here in Sept 04 to see Celine. E hadn’t played the wild video type slots, so, I threw $5.00 into Texas Tea, two spins later I cashed out for $125.00. See E, that’s how its done. 5 total spins on the slots and I’m up $182.00. I love Vegas.

We had met Compuease at Lucky Lou’s the week before the trip. Jeff struck me as a good guy. He was staying at the Excalibur with his son Michael. So, we gave up on the mall, hit Imperial for some more blackjack and beers and then I came up with the bright idea of walking down to the Excalibur. 45 minutes and tittie sweats later I waddled into the Excalibur. Jeff had left us a message the night before that he might be there or at the Luxor. No problem it can’t possibly be tough to find someone in Vegas.

The Excalibur room is big, but, its still a dump. Had to be the worst poker table I’ve seen. Worn out felt/race track and even worn out cards. Who cares though, we sat down to play some 1-3 spread limit holdem. BigE did pretty well, his best call of the afternoon was not allowing the waitress to bring me water, Bud it was and quite a few of them before we had to split at 4. The members weren’t lying, these players were terrible, and I fit right in. Down $40.00 from my buy in it was smoke time. Best smoke I ever had. Bored again with dart in hand I threw 2.00 into a pennies Mr. Cashman machine, by the end of the smoke I cashed out for $70.00. I suck at Poker, but, now maybe 10 spins has me up $244.00 on the slots. Not much of a win, but, I only showed up here with ~700.00. Laughing my ass off on the way back to the table I shared me win with BigE and told him he should take up smoking.

There was no sign of compuease at the Excalibur, so, we cashed out and took the people mover over to the Luxor. Didn’t play there, just lurked the room looking for Jeff. No sign. Too bad, was looking forward to having a pint and seeing how his trip was going.

BigE made his second great call of the day- TAXI. Best $8.00 ever spent. My tittie sweats had dried by this point…no sense in soaking the shirt again. Back to the Imperial for some Blackjack and the dinner buffet. I love comps. Lost $40.00 playing Blackjack, oh well.

The dinner buffet never stood a chance. I learned something to, Champagne comes out of a draft tap. At least at the Imperial it does. MMMMMMMM, more sausages. Arteries are already calling 911 but, WTF, I’m already fat…lets dig in.

BigE and I convince Lama that he should play some poker. I’m freaken exhausted and pretty drunk by this point. I really wanted to grab a nap, figure sleep for 3 or 4 hours and then come back at it for midnight. Jeff had left a message that they were coming down for the midnight tourney. Sounds good. But, with Lama sitting down for 2-4, I figured I’d stick around for a while. Dumb idea. It was now Monday night 7 Vegas time, 10 EST. I’m *&(*)(_ tired after 3 hrs of sleep since I woke Saturday morning. But, stupidly I sit down. I play for an hour, win a couple pots, lose a couple, in the end, Wally lost 8.00. The most interesting hand of the hour involved Lama and 3 guys each with 2 pair. With all the talk about dealer errors at Niagara, here’s an Imperial one.

Long story short, 4 guys show down on a board of 884, 6J, 3 diamonds. This was only Lama’s 4th hand at the table and he was in seat 1. I was in Seat 8. From where I was I could see Lama flip over his 2 diamonds. Seats 4, 5, 7 turn over Pocket 10’s, A4, and A6.
The discussion immediately turned to the pocket 10’s, and Mike the dealer mucked the A4 and A6, reached behind himself to Lama in Seat one, flipped over the A4d face down and proceeded to muck the hand and begin to shove the pot to Seat 4. As this happened I shouted Seat 1 has the flush. (He had also had a whack of boxed Champagne and seemed stunned by what happened) Everyone froze. The pot was sitting in front of seat 4, Lama’s A4d nut flush was face down beside the dealer. BigE was over my shoulder along with me yapping that he dealer didn’t call the hand and mucked the winner in error.
The floor was called, the situation was explained, Seat 4 complained that not only was I the only one who saw it, and I also brought the player to the game. Seat 5, 4’s buddy then quietly said that he saw 2 diamonds at Seat 1, but, couldn’t call the hand, BigE a bystander also pointed out the flush. The floor gave seat 4 the option, he could keep the pot or push it to Seat 1, explaining that if it was a dealer error, the pot would be counted and the dealer would pay the pot to Lama if Seat 4 decided to keep it.
(Now this I hadn’t heard discussed here before, Mike and several dealers after him confirmed that if it is shown that they awarded a pot in error, the dealer has to pay the winner the pot out of their pocket.) The young kid in 4 ended up pushing the pot to Lama. He re bought shortly thereafter and then left the game.
I stood up and shook his hand on the way out, he handled the whole thing with class. I swore to him once more that it was the flush that was mucked. He said “I know, but, next time I’d keep the pot”. There was a dealer change after that hand, Josh sat down, and as he gathered the cards, showed the two diamonds to the players.

I left the game around 8. I was beat, I did what I said I wouldn’t, go too hard, too long and burn out. I was fried. I fully intended on getting a couple hour nap and then get back at it, 8 ½ hours later I woke up, it was Tuesday at 4:30 and day 3 was to begin.

Bankroll- ~ $946.00 (from $728.00, Wally was down 8.00)


  • Let me pick up where Wolff left off as I stayed up a bit longer.....and I like to call Day 2 "Welcome to the Jungle...I mean Buffet!!!!"
    I had heard of the Vegas buffets...but this was my first experience and being a fat tub of goo it was just what I needed. I am still laughing today about Wolff's 7 1/2 sausages...he wasn't lying..but what kills me is that between sausage 7 and 8 he either decided he could not possible stuff the rest of that little chubby tube of pork in OR he was leaving room for some other tasty treat but either way that poor half a soldier stayed on the plate. I think I ate a pound of bacon myself...I mean come on....a big tray of bacon cooked to perfection, I actually did ask if I could just pull my chair up to it....A giant ball of bacon sat somewhere between my heart and stomach for the remainder of the day and well into the night! The dinner buffet was even better, they had a marinara sauce with tasty italian sausage in it, I think we all had three plates (prime rib the main attraction) and on each plate was a mound of either noodles, potatoes, or more of this sauce topped with, you guessed it MORE SAUCE! I tried to leave one sausage on my plate after I gorged enough for a family of six....Lama almost punched me as he asked...'you're not gonna eat that?' and proceeded to snatch it up...god did we eat, two buffets a day and never once was I hungry!
    The mall was a bust, and although the walk was long we did get to see some hotties!!!! Wolff explained the Excalibur to a 'T' it was a dingy poker room, the tables were horrible but I did fairly well there, I think I ended up maybe $20-25 or so but my memory is so clouded I can't remember. I had to leave once this old and gray dealer sat down, he had manicured and polished nails and it disturbed the heck out of me watching him grab and deal the was just wrong. I couldn't believe Wolff's luck on the slots, it was I proceeded to dump my wife's $25 into 1 or 2 and voila!!!!! A few pulls later I was down $25...I hate slots. Hate them!
    I learned a lot on the flight down from Lama and Dave about Black Jack and I thank them both...I played a few sessions and ended up about $40 and had a great time!
    I was waiting for a seat at the $2/4 tables when the hand Wolff explained came out, being a drunken bystander who has to be right all the time I did not hesitate to voice my I didn't want to see Lama lose a sweet pot by dealer error, I was probably out of line speaking up...the dealer was a very nice guy tho.
    I got my seat at a different table shortly after and played for about an hour before Wolff finally crashed and burned. I ran into some bad cards...and unfortunately also a player that ran into great cards, he was an older gentleman and ignorant as hell! He'd run up one side of you and down the other if you challenged him and lost and he was soooooo American it was sickening, you know what I mean! At one point I was down about $80, kudos to me for listening to the voice in my head saying relax, play smart, tighten up a bit and punish them for limping with trash....I worked my way back up to about $70 when I noticed a few empty chairs at Lama's table. I requested a table change and Mr. America made some stupid comment cackling behind a stack of chips that thank god covered his fat wrinkly body. I sat down with Lama who was still up some cash and proceeded to finally get some cards, unfortunately Lama also got cards at the same time, we traded a few decent pots with me coming out ahead with about $20 of his dollars (serves him right for dealing me in on low-ball, I hate low-ball and Lama raped me at it!). Then I ran into two old ladies that sat at the table thinking they'd give hold'em a try, great I thought, easy money!!!!! As it turns out both of them either could play and lied or got cards and happened to make the right moves and as I later found out one was married to the ignorant Mr. America (more to come on him on night 3). Mrs. America proceeded to take most of my chips and again I found myself down to about $20 almost ready to rebuy. Lama got down to $81 and left $1 up from his $80 buy in. In a rage and burning up Mr. and Mrs America with my laser beam eyes I did manage to get myself back up to about $60 bucks and cashed out down $40 to go look for Lama and maybe play some Black Jack!
    When I got downstairs I was shocked, I had never actually seen the main floor at night, it was crazy, they have dealertainers dealing black jack and the party around them is awesome, they had Elvis, Alice Cooper, Dolly Parton, Elvira, Janet Jackson who incidentally also did Prince and was hot as hell as Janet and disturbingly hot as Prince, there was also Little Richard and more! Every once in a while one of them would go up and lip sync some tunes, it was entertaining for sure. The scenery around the tables was top notch as well!!!!!!!! I was drooling! I fell in love a few more times as I walked around beer in hand looking for Lama I didn't find him until I finally hit the room to crash, he had bed 1, Wolff had bed 2...but thank god the cot had arrived. It was like a giant marshmellow or a nice warm bun, it swallowed my ass up and I had a great sleep for about 4-5 hours, I don't believe I snored once!

    1073-approx 45 or so in loses and a cab ride puts my roll at about 1020 or so but I could be off a few bucks, either way I was feeling good about everything!

    p.s. Note: Wolff and I DID NOT go into Victoria Secret together, I veered left and played hold'em on a little battery operated hand held toy (and won a fake $20) while he 'shopped'. I did see some sweet stuff my wife would never put on, let alone let me see her in....and I was tempted to ask the little cutties working there to try some stuff my wife is EXACTLY their size....but I thought, it's comments like that that'll get you hurt!
  • Really sorry I couldn't catch up with you guys, although I did hit the IP on Monday as I had left you a message but of course you were down at the Excaliber looking for us.... LOL, you call the Excaliber poker room a dump? Jeepers I think it was a poker players heaven compared to the IP.... Just kidding. Anyhow I will start a new thread on our experiences as soon as I get a few minutes to spare. Suffice it to say I had some great tournament experience at the Sahara. Jeff..
  • Dump was too strong of a word. The room itself was great, I was really impressed with the hotel itself as well. Sounds like they are blowing up the IP (not just the poker room) in 2007, after tripping down there to see you, I think I'll be staying at the Excalibur/Luxor on my next trip.

    Really it was only the table themselves that I didn't like.

    I wanted to make it back and play some Omaha, but, never made it back. I'm looking forward to reading how your trip went.
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