Game TONIGHT in guelph

Hey all i'm back and looking for some action!
and it should be easy pickings..i haven't played in a while!
sunday, 7:30 pm....10 buy in one rebuy MADDNESS!
okay...i'm jet lagged....i need sleep..
sign up today!
(btw..this is my typical guelph game!)

1. Mark
2. Nadine
3. pot odds mike
4. Cowboy
5. Vegas Timmy
6. Haren
7. River Rat Mike
8. Rich
9. Bambam_black (tent)


  • gonna have to count me out on this one. Got family stuff do to.
    RR Mike :ad
  • When is it?
  • that sucks mike! :(
    ahh wellz....hopefully we'll get a full table! :)
  • oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh....sundayyyyyyyyy

    whats the v stand for again?
  • i'm going with..victory... :ah :ad
  • I can probably play on sunday... but I may be a bit "tired" when i arrive, haha
  • I hope we can get some more players! it would be a shame to only have liike 5 or 6 people! :)
    and vegas tim, you are still tent as i haven't heard from you! :)
    i'm sure i'm forgetting someone who wanted on the list..but i was a little drunk last night....
  • Wicked! should be an alright game....still lots of spots open if people are interested!
    PM me or post on this thread for info
  • I am interested in playing but am relatively new at this so if you could fill me in and email me the details if you need an extra player or two that would be great
  • Quaine.whats up man?Do you remember me>im in guelph also..Anyway, im thinking about coming also.....The only problem is i wouldnt know until 6......You are in guelph right?????.Let me know
  • Hey limey, I'm in too, just me though, see you at 7. You and your money, that is.
  • 7:30 duder!
    i'll see you then!
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