Upcoming Bristol St. Events!

With less than 12 hours til the start of the final Bristol Street Classic of 2005, tension is in the air on who will win the three-way race for Player of the Year honors. Will it be "Always the Bridesmade, Never the Bride" Tyson, "Plucky Newcomer" Trevor, or "That Dirty Whore" Mark?? We WILL have an answer this evening!

While this marks the final Bristol Street of 2005, there are a number of events coming up in the months of Nov/Dec...

Wed. Nov 30th is the Wild Card Tournament for the final spot in the Bristol Street GRAND FINAL. This will be a $10 for 1,000 chips freeze out, with a very generous blind schedule. Signups will begin the day after we've confirmed 17 of the 18 seats in the GRAND FINAL.

That Saturday, Dec 3rd, is the Bristol Street Classic GRAND FINAL! Two tables of nine players each representing the past champions and top points leaders will do battle to name the Bristol Street 2005 Champion! For $40, players get 10,000 chips using the KWSOP blind schedule. Invitions to the top point leaders will start going out tomorrow. Not in the tournament? Side games will be running all-day upstairs.

To close out 2005, everyone's favorite maniac format is back! Merry Xmas Maddess 2 returns to Bristol Street on Friday, Dec 30th. (btw... if you were already planning an event this night, let me know and I'll work to reschedule) $5 buy-in, unlimited $5 rebuys, one $5 add-on and Bags full 'o presents. Bigger and better than last year, this tournament features more presents, more ways to win them, more ways to screw over your chip stack and innapropriate Santa cardmarkers!! Look for specific details very soon.

In addition to all this, look for announcements of Casual Fridays and impromptu games.


  • I formally nominate Rob for the "Best Host in KW" award.

  • I'll second that and hopefully it gets me a seat in the wildcard. Thanks for a lot of great games Rob and if not for my daughter playing basketball tonight I'd be playing tonight.
  • I believe nominating Rob for best host in KW is a no brainer. After all, who else gets a full WAITING LIST within hours of posting his game.
  • YAY!!! Just got my fiftieth post. I'm no longer a newb. There are so many people I would like to thank. Uhm Rob first of all, for hosting so many events for me to reply too, my parents who made this all possible, my girlfriend for believeing in me, the dark lord for... I mean uh... thanks all. I'm going to Disney World!

  • Okay... a couple of things...

    1: I can't WAIT for tonight, I just hope Tyson, Trevor, and myself are all at the same starting table.. make it REAL interesting

    2: Rob, Merry X-mas madness... can I sign up now?

    3: If anyone didn't already know that Rob was host of the year, then they should just quit now, pack their things, and move back to their hole in the ground

    4: Is it wrong that I was about to read one topic, glanced down and saw "Upcoming Bristol Events" topic, and stopped to go here first for fear of being to late to get on the players list?

  • Good luck all tonight but Mark... you've got my side cheering for you. Nothing against Trevor or Tyson, I just hate you guys ;) No really, good luck to all of you. Stupid band making me work tonight...

  • Xmas Maddess 2!!! Woohoo!!! Where's the :2h? lol

    Rob, last year XM was right before New Year's Eve. That might work better for people, since most of the festivities are over, and there is NOTHING to do between Dec 25 and Dec 31.. Just a thought, let me know if I'm way off.

    T minus 70 Minutes until Bristol.................

  • I am so in for XMas Madness.

    As for Rob being host of the year, is there anyone else that even comes close? Seriously, even close?

    Bristol Street is a staple for KW poker events. No one does it better. I'm just waiting for the mini-cams and the first ever Bristol Street DVD event.

    I so wish I could have played tonight, damn wife and "commitments" and that I "love her". Stupid heart.
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