Playing when you flop a weak flush

Ok, playing low limit hold'em. Not sure how to play these hands. Recently I was in a hand where I had J7s in the BB, 3 or 4 limpers. I get a free look at the flop and its all my suit. Bet out making players with higher flush draws pay to see the turn, or check, hoping the turn doesnt make it a four flush and then bet out or go for a check raise. Sometimes, I slowplay it, but it always makes me nervous knowing that the A or K could be out there, and probably is with all the limpers. In this hand where i had the J7, I bet out immediately and it got folded around. How do you gus handle these ones?


  • depends depends depends

    Is the pot already a decent size? Are your desperate to double up? Are there people in the hand who could bust you out? Are you greedy or cautious?

    If you can't get anyone to call a small bet now, you are unlikely to make much out of the hand anyway. There's a chance if you give them another card, they might hit top pair and think they are good but there's that chance another one of your suit comes up.

    Early on, I'd probably slowplay it. Also I might do this with a short stack. Either way I'm looking to get some value out of it. In the first case because the pot isn't worth taking now and in the second case because I need to double up. If the pot already represents a big chunk of my stack, I'd be just as happy to take it down and avoid the risk of busting out.

    Oh, you said LIMIT. Never mind. Just bet. Low limit you are likely to get called anyway.
  • I think betting out is the right move.  Winning the pot right here is usually what you want, rather than giving a naked A another card.  I'd bet the flop and take there odds away personally.
  • Straighforward is the new slowplay.

    Just bet and raise with it, people will be shocked.
    Winning the pot right here is usually what you want, rather than giving a naked A another card.

    WITH A FLUSH?! You don't want to go to showdown with a flopped flush?

    Your goal is to get the pot as big as possible, not worry about protecting your hand (assuming you can't anyway because it has to be a small pot to price out a flush draw with a bet).
  • I would bet the flop most of the time.

    Going for a check-raise on the flop is another valid option, depending on the nature of the opponents. Specifically, will the (post-flop) button tend to auto-bet the flop if checked to?

    Going for a check-raise on the turn is too fancy for low-limit. You will generally miss a lot of flop bets trying this play.

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