×·.·´¯`·»Pat's Place bak in action«·´¯`·.·×

Hi Everyone

Long time "no see"...I know it's been a while and I hope everyone had a lovely summer, drank alot and partied hardy while the good weather was here!!

I really miss everyone...and I'm planning to get "down" with some poker action real soon..perhaps next weekend...I'm seriously having some poker withdrawl!!

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still here and just took a short break over the summer to spend some time with the kids and get some stuff done around the house while the good weather was here :-)

Alot of newbies around...Welcome aboard!!! The Poker Gang is growing....Poker's rocking!!

For all you who are new to this site and don't know me...my name is Patricia and I host poker tourney's at my place (Keele/401) on the weekends for an affordable buy-in...usually $40.00...all my tourney's are freezeouts and alot fun!! So...if u have never received an email from me and want to be on my Tourney mailing list, just shoot me an email with ur name and email addy to:

I'm hoping to see everyone real soon...and keep watching for my postings!!

Bye 4 now,

Patricia  :D


  • Hey Pat,

    If I'm not already on, add me
  • Hey Dave...

    Nice to hear from you, hope ur doing well!!! Ur definitely on my mailing list Dave...I hope u got my email that I sent you a few weeks back...sry about getting back to you so late, puter was down for a bit too!!

    C u soon!!

  • Just to add to Pat's post...
    She is sooooooo hot!

    But the rake is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo High....
    I hope this has changed.
  • Hey Chip...

    Thanks very much for the compliment, however about ur comment about the rake...I have never had anyone complain about my rake ever...I actually never make a profit when hosting these games, I just like to have a friendly game where everyone can chill out, eat and drinks a few...if I make $20.00 for the night...I'm lucky and it's no lie!!
  • The time that I played the freezouts there the rake was not high at all and each game lasted around 2 hours or so.
  • Thanks Dave...my rake is the same, it has never changed!!! I'm not in this to make a living, I just want to cover my expenses and sometimes I dont even do that, but it doesn't bother me I like the company, I like to host and I love the game :-)
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