Deliberately Timing out

I was playing some Stud hi lo just now on stars. One player opened with a raise and continued betting until 5th street when it was kinda obvious i drew out a flush on him. He said "fucking bush" (my flush was clubs, im assuming he meant that) and then timed out and was put all in. Right after the hand was over he sat back in. He seemed failrly obvious that he did this so he could get to the river without calling anymore bets. Is this against the rules online? Should I tell support? This kinda pissed me off as it cost me some bets.


  • Report it to support. They might review his disconnect patterns, and if they determine he's abusing them, they may warn him and/or remove his disconnect-protection priviledges.
  • Ok I think i'll do that. He didnt even disconnect though. After the 7 seconds his status just said "sitting out."
  • Well, if you sit out, doesn't your hand get folded?
  • Yes, but he didn't click it himself. That's what the software automatically put his status to when he timed out.
  • This should be reported to support. Intentionally timing out to gain an advantage from all-in protection is not allowed.

  • I would report him. This is why a lot of sites have removed disconnect protection which really sucks if you ACTUALLY get disconnected. Most sites now if you don't act in time are folded.
  • Ok so I just sent stars an email about it with the hand history. Just have to wait and see what they say.
  • Hello Natasha,

    Thank you for bringing the play of 'Thegamer' to our attention. After
    reviewing the play of this individual, I agree that the timing and nature
    of this player's disconnects can be deemed suspicious. While we can never
    be 100% certain that 'Thegamer' was intentionally disconnecting, these
    disconnects are disruptive to our games and may represent a threat to the
    integrity of our games. In response, I have notified this player that his
    or her all-in privileges are being suspended for a period of one month.
    Hopefully, this player will no longer suffer such numerous disconnects in
    the future.

    The help of players like yourself is integral to maintaining the integrity
    of our games on PokerStars. If you see any further suspicious activity
    from this individual or any other player, please contact Support so that
    we can investigate and take action.

    Thank you again for letting me be of assistance, and I hope you continue
    to enjoy playing at PokerStars.

    I guess it isn't that big a deal to them, or they weren't sure enough to do anything else.
  • What else could they do???
  • Well, if its something big they can threaten account closure and even keep your money. I know thats extreme for timing out on purpose, but if they were very sure he was doing this I think they'd cancel his all-in privilages for longer than a month.
  • Their response seemed reasonable to me. The guy was probably doing it because he thought he could get away with it. Stars gave him a shot off the port bow as a warning and he'd be an idiot to keep doing it now.
    Way to go about reporting though.
  • Yea I suppose you're right.
  • Seems like a good response, other than breaking his kneecaps that is
  • I would say that their response is right on the money. If you had lost money due to this issue, perhaps more could be done. However, I applaud their efforts.
  • Well, the only money I lost was from this guy not calling to the river. I guess you don't really know if he would have paid to see the showdown if he didn't time out.
  • I HATE this so much, disconnect all in is the lamest thing online. Especially in NL, facing a big bet on the river, people just time out because they arent sure if they are good. Pissing me off.
  • my old computer just stops on me occasionally, I always try to get back to the same table, but peoples recall of the hand I get folded in always seems cloudy. Not too bad when I'm not sure I got the winner, but frustrating as hell when I am confident I have the winner, in that case I want to know who got MY $$
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