GBH – Tournament Report - Part Two

At the beginning of the next hour I definitely noticed that the table had tightened up. In middle position I had A, 10 off. I thought about folding this hand but something told me to raise. I did a little over 3x the BB and everyone folded. The very next hand I have AK of diamonds. I raised the same amount again, everyone folded. The next hand after that I have JJ. Again I raise, everyone folded. Now I am UTG and look down at 55. I usually have a tight image at the table, I could not raise again without someone looking me up,  this time I folded. Good thing too because I would have flopped a set and lost to a turned flush. KK lost to AK suited. The rest of this hour I played some hands very badly. Player UTG raised to 2000 and a short stack pushed in before me with 88 with 2200 chips. I called a raised pot with AJ clubs. The flop came 10, 8, 6. UTG player bet all in into a dry pot. I folded. He turned over KQ suited. He went runner, runner hearts for the king high flush. I felt I played it poorly because I called a raise and a all in with AJ. I should not have call 2200 in chips with such a marginal hand.

The level was now 400-800. I raised to 3700 in middle position with KQ suited. All folded to the SB (chip leader). I though for sure he was going to fold, he seem so weak the way he looked at his hand and mannerism. He raised to 12400. I still thought he was weak, after a minute I folded. I folded only because I didn’t have an ace. I thought he had ace/x and I was playing for the rest of my chips. He told me later he had kings ( ya right!). Well after the third hour I had given away over 1/3 of my stack. My chips were 11500.

Soon after the start of the break our table was closed and we were down to three tables. This hour was very uneventful. I did my share of betting and stealing. I really don’t recall many hands from this hour.  We went through the 500-1000 and the 1000- 2000 level and we were down to two tables. The betting was always re-raised before I got a chance to play. The best hand I had in this level was 88 in on the button, but there was an all in and a call in front of me. I had to fold. At the next break I had around 12000 in chips.

The blinds were still at 1000 – 2000 and that is when the deck went cold for me. No one was seeing any flops for free. I think from that point to the end I did not see an ace. I won one blind when I was in the BB and the SB gave up. The blinds went up to 2000 – 4000 and I had the sinking feeling that I had left my push too long. The only problem was that I had no opportunity to push. When I was UTG with around 10500 chips I looked down at 5 3 off and could not pull the trigger as there were only 15 players left and 5 to the money. I took my turn through the blinds and was left with 4500 in chips, 13 players left. On the button everyone folded to me and I have KJ off. I push in and get called by the BB (SB was a small stack too). He shows QJ off and he flops a Q. I don’t improve and out in 13th. 

I felt I played as well as I could with what I had and regretted loosing 5900 in chips with two bad plays. In hind sight I did not hit a set, flush, straight, or ……… I didn’t see AA, KK and only got QQ on the second hand of the tournament. I honestly felt that seeing a few better cards throughout the day, I might have made it further or lost earlier.

I have to congratulate the GBH for running a great tournament. For those of you have not been there for their tournaments, the blinds basically go up every 30 minutes (20 min levels but they hold a previous level after every break) and they have a buffet for tournament players every hour. I have not seen any other Ontario casino do that yet.  I would recommend to anyone that is looking for a B & M tournament to look for the new ones coming up in the New Year.

I hope to see you at the final table.



  • Good game and thanks for the report.
    I feel for you dude. I know how it is for the cards to dry up close to the money.. You keep folding thinking, "the next hand will be better then I will push"..
    I wish I could have made more of their tourneys but I will be there next month for the Tournament of Champions. 10% from each tourney skimmed towards this prize pool!! I couldn't miss it!
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