Bristol St. Classic XXI - Thurs. Nov. 17th @ 7pm (Waterloo)



  • Hey Rob,

    can you remove Jamal from the list? He won't be able to make it. But i'll see you there.

  • OK then Rob.... If 10 people are going to show tonight maybe I should too. then we'd have 12..... LOL
  • Zithal wrote:
    I get the feeling that I'm going to have 10 people show up at my door Wed. night. :)   

    Am I the only one thinking of showing up, "just in case" now? :)

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Zithal wrote:
    I get the feeling that I'm going to have 10 people show up at my door Wed. night. :)

    Am I the only one thinking of showing up, "just in case" now? :)


    If you do that, some of you may need to get professional help; my place tonight (not really!), my place tomorrow night, Trevor's Head's Up on Friday, Westside Shootout on Saturday and Lucky Lou on Sunday. :)

    So, who's playng in all four?
  • Zithal wrote:
    [Rob's] place tomorrow night, Trevor's Head's Up on Friday, Westside Shootout on Saturday and Lucky Lou on Sunday. :)

    So, who's playng in all four?

    I'm ONLY playing in the first 3, so that's why I was gonna set up a game at my place tonight, but nobody was interested... can you believe it?

    I might have to go to Casino Niagara on Sunday if I haven't had enough poker  :D

  • Free poker @ Voodoo.........c'mon Greg!!!
  • Hey Rob
    Can you add me to the waiting list just in case :D
  • Rob,

    Tried desperately to get the night off work but it looks like I" ll have to let the Poker Gods decide my fate in the points race. Good luck to everyone tonight, See you all at the wild card tourny, If I see the post for it before it fills up.
  • Pinhead loves you Shopsy!  ... work sucks.  I'll do my best to get just enough points to qualify myself, but not knock you out ;)

  • stpboy and Miss. stpboy have to cancel tonight, so that leaves one hole in the signups.
  • Zithal wrote:
    stpboy and Miss. stpboy have to cancel tonight, so that leaves one hole in the signups.
    A hole, at Bristol, right before game-time - didn't think we'd ever see this again :)
  • beanie42 wrote:
    Zithal wrote:
    stpboy and Miss. stpboy have to cancel tonight, so that leaves one hole in the signups.
    A hole, at Bristol, right before game-time - didn't think we'd ever see this again :)
    I'm fairly confident that the only reason there is a hole is because this is on a Thursday night.  I can only speak for myself, and I am a relatively new Bristolian/Bristoller?  but I make sure to keep my Wednesday nights open for weeks ahead of time, just in case Rob announces a tourney.  Oh, and the only thing I am more confident about, is the fact that the hole will be filled by 7pm!

    See you guys tonight.

  • You should change the topic to Bistol Street XXI - ONE SPOT LEFT!!

  • That's my style, I'll take that as a compliment ;)

    However, I only do that because I need to. Rob's tourneys have a magical way of filling up.

  • DrTyore wrote:
    You should change the topic to Bistol Street XXI - ONE SPOT LEFT!!


    Make that TWO SPOTS LEFT!
  • Rob

    Ca you post & fold me I might be a few min utes late.

  • Sorry I couldnt make it Rob, I just got home and couldnt be at a computer to cancel 2day.


  • Zithal wrote:
    DrTyore wrote:
    You should change the topic to Bistol Street XXI - ONE SPOT LEFT!!


    Make that TWO SPOTS LEFT!

    Well... I'll be damned...

    Bristol street didn't fill up! I mean, come on people, sure it was on a different night, and the potential for killing yourself was fairly high on the way there, but I mean, this is BRISTOL!!!

    Oh well, since I then officially had no shot at the PotY, I satisfied myself with outlasting the two guys ahead of me, just to make a point, and then just did well enough to make some money... yes.... that was my plan the entire time.

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Oh well, since I then officially had no shot at the PotY, I satisfied myself with outlasting the two guys ahead of me, just to make a point, and then just did well enough to make some money... yes.... that was my plan the entire time.
    Sucks that you didn't have ANY shot, rather than the "snowballs chance in hell" :) - Congrats on making the money - who won it?
  • Well, I think I played pretty well last night, but Tyson couldn't have stacked the deck better himself. Got some pretty good hands, and got callers who were way behind, but I kept drowning at the river. There was only one hand I was really upset about my play last night, I think it was against Dana (Johnnie's friend).

    He kept betting into a flush draw, so I was positive I had him beat, until he rivered the flush and I couldn't put him on it. I put this in a different class with the other rivers (bad beats), because he played me beautifully - really nice work Dana!

    Anyway, when we collapsed to 2 tables, I got moved over to Mark and Tyson's table - LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!! Tyson and I were almost even in chips, around 5000 each, with Tyson to my immediate left. The end came for me when Tyson was in the big blind, and I picked up AKo. Knowing Tyson, I simply called from the SB, knowing he would raise into me either pre-flop or after the flop, no matter what fell. The flop was A 6 2, all spades. I didn't think Tyson had the flush, so I checked my TPTK to him, and he went all-in - right according to plan. Unfortunately, while he had no spades, his BB-special was 62o, and I'm down to less than 1 round of chips left, and went out 4 hands later.

    Congrats to the champ - you deserve it Tyson.

    Now, when does Season 3 start :)
  • beanie42 wrote:
    DrTyore wrote:
    Oh well, since I then officially had no shot at the PotY, I satisfied myself with outlasting the two guys ahead of me, just to make a point, and then just did well enough to make some money... yes.... that was my plan the entire time.
    Sucks that you didn't have ANY shot, rather than the "snowballs chance in hell" :) -  Congrats on making the money - who won it?

    Good old Prophet 22 took it down, well deserved, and it was one HELL of a fight at the end!

    2nd was Mandy who made a HUGE comeback.
    3rd was LARRY!!!
    4th was yours truly
    5th was Dave "Devil" I think
    and bubble went to ................

    Johnnie's buddy Dana!!

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Good old Prophet 22 took it down, well deserved, and it was one HELL of a fight at the end!
    Congrats Brent! As I said during our smoke break, you were getting some lucky cards which helped, but you were playing out-of-your-mind last night - best game I've seen you play! I'm glad I got moved or I wouldn't have lasted quite so long.

    Now, please be kind tonight :)
  • Brent ... you should refund $10 to everyone at your table who did the MAX rebuys to get your stack up for the final push :D

    Well played!
  • Well I finally won at Bristol St Night Club and Casino, my favourite name for a club.

    I felt real good about being downstairs and with who was at our table. We had a lot of fun and showed a lot of cards. It helped in the end making strong bets with good cards and players respecting bets. I really don't know who started it but limping in was not allowed, and many hands came down to heads up before the flop even when guys would try to limp in.

    Things were going great until we collapsed the first table and one of my nemeses, Pinhead, came to our table, the good news was he was to my right. I had a new guy that I hadn’t seen before to my left. He had a good chips stack and after the first two hands he was the new chip leader. My plan was to stay away from Brad and hope to make it to the final table.

    After taking a hand away from the new guy, I found myself with pocket 7 7. Brad raised 3500. I really debated throwing the hand away right then, but Brad had taken some hands and had not shown cards so I wanted to see if he had a real hand or not and re-raised him have my stack 10 000 after the blinds which were 600 1200. I knew at that point I might be put to the test and half to go all in so I knew I was creating a dilemma for myself. Brad took about 5 minutes and after counting his stack twice and asking me what I had, he said “I will put you all in” and then I realized he had me covered. After about three minutes of thinking and almost folding, I knew it was going to be a race, two over cards to my 7 7. I announced the winner of this hand will win the tournament. And while there was a big noise coming from an all in on the other table I whispered to Brad, I call. The cards didn’t help either of us and I took down a 40 000 pot.

    The next big hand came at the final table. I had another player I didn’t know and Mark whose play has improved 100% since I met him in March. Mark had stolen some blinds and set the tone for the table. The new guy was all-in for about 17 000, it was folded to me in middle late position and I have K K. I am thinking, I don’t want to be cute with this seeing as I both of them covered. I announce, “I am all-in”. Mark has great pot odds and good cards and after thinking about it says he is all in. The new guy turns over A Q, I show my K K and Mark shakes his head and shows A Q. I feel pretty good, but also know an Ace can ruin a good night of poker. As the cards are coming I hear in the back ground two people saying I folded a queen and one person saying I folded an Ace, so that left only one Ace in the deck, it never came.

    There are now two of us. Nicole has about 6000 and I have about 119 000. She goes all – in a couple of times blinds, a can’t even call and when I do she wins and before I know it she about 50 000 in chips. We have 2 dealers and she is always getting me when Mark is dealing. This battle, and it was a battle, lasted at least a half hour. I am in the small blind with 5 3 and call the bb blind to 3000 and hope she doesn’t raise. She doesn’t and the flop comes 5 3 queen, I bet 7000 hoping she has a queen, she goes all in I call and show her my two pair. Nicole shows A 4 and has a gut shot, 3 comes on the turn full house and I finally win at Bristol St Night Club and Casino.

    Prophet 22
  • Mmmm... I LOVE the bubble. Love it. Haha... no, it sucks, but I had a really great time and a good first Bristol experience. I had a solid chip lead over Brent for a few hands, but ran into some trouble and never really recovered. The tallspin saw me land just out of the money, which is never fun. But I would like to thank Rob for the great game, and every one I played agianst for the good time. Peace. (Farve WILL come back to Bristol - And the packers WILL win their next 6 games). :s:
  • [ And the packers WILL win their next 6 games). 

    You never did take my 20.00 bet.

    Prophet 22
  • Congrats Brent on winning Bristol!!!
  • Congrats Brent, one of the people I truly respect as a friend and as a player. You deserve it brother.

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