Looking for $1/$2 NL game tonight in the KW area

anyone having a gmae tonight?



  • hey Johnny,
    I sent a pm to the people that hosted the game we were at last Thursday inquiring about this week. My suspicion is that they're takin' a week off 'cause I haven't heard back yet. If I do I'll send you a message and let ya know.

  • Sorry 'bout the awful grammar in my previous post. I should have read it before I posted (lol). Now everyone's gonna think that I get "Hollywood" to right my posts for me. Also, I figured my total posts could use a bump anyway.
  • thanks steve, i have called them too and cant get an answer.

    Are they still having it tomorrow night?

  • hey guys! sorry for the lack of reply...
    just haven't been feeling too well tonite to run anything, but tomorrow is a definite go.

    we'll try to start early 8-9ish?
    lemme know =)
  • I'm definitely in for Thursday. The earlier the better for me. 8 would be great if it worked for other people.

  • Yeah I'm the same... the earlier the better :)
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