Emerald in Saskatoon

I've been in Halifax for a few months here, and am coming back to Saskatoon over Christmas - playing in some of the Wed. night tourneys and some side game action. The Emerald might be the dungiest, most depressing casino I've ever been to. Saying that, what's the word on the Dakota Dunes Casino that is supposed to be taking over the employees of the Emerald - when is it supposed to open, etc.?


  • This is no set date for opening yet as far as I know, as the Government and SIGA continue to bicker over the casino size and budget for building. I was out at the golf course this summer that the casino will overlook, and at that point they were still leveling the land etc. Looks like it will be a ways away yet, but like you I am looking foward to it.
  • yeah no doubt - the Emerald is just a disgusting place to play some poker. my degenerate gambling friends won't even play blackjack there cause it sucks so much :D
  • The Emerald was built as a pig barn. Then converted to a curling rink. And then a casino. You got with what you've got. It is a HUGE step up from when it was a rotating casino in whatever building wasn't in use. And, it's come a long way from where it started int he current facility.

    It's not the prettiest place in the world, but sheesh, it's not THAT bad. Remember that it is Canada's last remaining exhibition casino. It is a very modest operation that serves Saskatoon by supporting the local exhibition board. It's clean. It not a "Vegas style casino" but it's not trying to be.
  • The Emerald was built as a pig barn. Then converted to a curling rink. And then a casino. You got with what you've got. It is a HUGE step up from when it was a rotating casino in whatever building wasn't in use. And, it's come a long way from where it started int he current facility.

    It's not the prettiest place in the world, but sheesh, it's not THAT bad. Remember that it is Canada's last remaining exhibition casino.

    It is also the most beautiful exhibition casino in Canada.

    I have worked for the old Exhibition Casinos in Prince Albert and North Battleford. Believe me, the Emerald is the Taj Mahal compared to some of the locations these types of casinos used to be set up in. I would rather play at Casino Regina anyday compared to the Emerald, but for those who live in proximity to it, the casino serves their purpose well.

    It could be worse. You could be playing in an underground game where collusion and your personal safety are more on your mind than your cards.
  • fellas - someone in Regina last weekend was telling me that the new Dakota Dunes casino is not having a poker room. I told this guy no way and he was adamant that this was the case. Have you guys heard anything of the sort.
  • I have spoken specifically to the V.P. of Marketing for S.I.G.A. and asked him specifically whether there will be poker room. He confirmed that there WILL be a poker room.
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