
$20,000 Guaranteed Fall Blow Out @ Training Room

This thursday, Nov 10th, is our, Fall Blow Out. Seats are moving like hotcakes, over 50 people have deposited!
The event is structured like this...
$500 Buy-in(4000 chips Issued)
$250 Rebuys(4000 chips Issued, max 2 rebuys per entry)
$250 Add-On(8000 chips Issued, at the end of first hour)
Blinds start 25/50, and increases every 20 minutes. There is a break every hour.

We will be serving a buffet dinner @ 7pm. The event will start @ 8pm. The deadline to register will be 8pm. No-entries shall be consider afterwards. If you are interested in playing contact 905.471.7264, if no one answers leave a message. For directions PM me. This event will be huge. We are guaranteeing $20,000 to the winner!!!!
Hope to see you out!


  • Over 50 people are pre-registered for this event!
  • Are you going to rake 20% of the buy-in plus 20% of the prize pool like you did in the $1000 tournament?

    That's a sweet deal. :D
  • The total rake off the $1000 dollar tournament was 18%, not 40%. The problem with the previous tournament had to do with how it was marketed, it was advertised as a $1000+ $100 tourney.

    We try and provide the best service possible, there are costs in doing this. On most tournaments we are lucky to break even, the costs are high. We serve excellent food, and provide great service! We do not run tournaments to make a fortune or gouge people.

    This tournament is going to be huge. The prize pool is going to be very large. It is looking like we will have between 60-70 players, maybe more depending on walk-ins. It will be an excellent event!
  • I do like the food, just don't like seeing naive players getting screwed, thanks for clarifying.
  • So, who went to the tourney and how did it go?
  • my sources tell me they had 47 paid entries. or there abouts.

    These guys are really trying to erase the legacy left by previous owners. If anyone wasnt aware...the previous owners were known for gauging. The new guys are nice guys, and can hopefully bring a positive spin back to thier organization.

    One thing is certain for anyone who is Naive as it was put. The place is a great poker tournament facility, (I have run big ones there myself in the past) All the infrastructure is in place (Tables room chips etc...) With a prize pool as big as it was..........they made plenty of money given a 20% rake or so. One does not need to be a mathmetician to know that dealer costs do not rise, venue costs don't rise, and the price of the wonderfull food doesn't rise either. Just the prize pool.

    Don't get me wrong, I believe the proprietors are completely entitled. I actually wish there were less complainers out there about the huslters who painstakingly get it done and organize the events that pay out so much money! There is a market for it. Where else that isn't 2 hours away, are you going to find action like that.

    By the way, as far as people feeling like they are being ripped off. Do you actually think that any of the prize winners are even a bit concerned that their 5K 3rd prize or 20K first prize, could have been 200$ higher but for the rake. Heck if I got into the money, I would consider giving more than that as a tip to the dealers. Generally money winners dont whine......it is usually the guy who did not finish in the money, or hasn't even played in the tourney yet. Those people are usually concerned about the extra 2 or 3% they are donating, and on top of it all they fail to realize that they have a 90% shot or higher of losing anyway, makiing any rake contribution irrelivant to them in the first place. Just play, Have fun, enjoy the fact that the facility is there for all of our poker fixes, and setlle on the fact that you may in fact be eating a 20$ veal sandwich. (the food is great homemade stuff) If all else fails, just eat yourself silly untill you feel you are getting value!! :D

    I am also hoping that Forum members begin to appreciate tournaments run by others who's name rhymes with " River Rat BOSH" that advertise rake for freezeouts at 15% and still find a way to complain.

    Please forgive this shameless self promotion "Intraining". My Dealers tell me your event went extremely well, I look forward to attending the next one myself.
  • Yeah, who cares if they used to sneak up to $20 a pot as rake in the 20 40 games, odds are you were going to lose anyways, may as well make them happy.

    Hey Josh, since you're hijacking another post, do you have games more often than every other Thursday? I couldn't make it last night, but wanted to come play. Cash games or tournies, let me know.
  • Our room is run straight, all accross the board. GTA poker, there is no 20 chop on a single hand, everything is run straight. There is no extra chop, other than maybe -once in a blue moon- where a factor known as human error occurs. I cannot speak for the past histroy of any place, but I will state very clearly that everything runs fairly and openly, and has for the last 2 months.

    Josh is perfectly welcome to promote anything he wants in any thread. He is a great guy, i wish all the best in all his endevors!

    As for our event, there were 50 players, we had alot of last minute cancelations, (life happens one of my best friends was coming, he was hooked $4000 at Port Perry on 30/60, so he did not make it). All in all the tournament was really good. It was definately a strong field. There really were not alot of rebuys. There were bad beats, clear victories and rivers like any event. Overall everything ran very well.

    We structured the prizes as follows...
    The players decided to take $3000 off of first prize to make it so every player on the final table of ten recieved at least $1000. I completely agree with their choice, no point in playing for 5+hrs hit final table and make nothing. Everything ran really well, we had 3 live games afterwards. Everyone playing cash games got to watch the final table on camera! All and all, it was a great night.

    It was really nice to see alot of faces I had not seen in 8-9 months. Some fo the strongest tournament players in the GTA were in attendance, it was definately a tough field. To everyone who attended, I want to say thank you! To those who did not hope to see you next time!
  • I'm not saying that the current management does that, just that it's ridiculous to say that the rake is irrelevant. They definitely were raking up to $20 a pot in the 20 40 days, I witnessed it myself and was close friends with the guy that ran the game most days.

    Until Josh's post I did not realize that there was new management, my comments were all relating to back when there was a 20 40 running almost daily.

    I'll definitely come out and play with you guys, maybe I'll make it out Sunday.

    Sounds like you are trying to run a good game, and the facilities have always been very good.
  • GTA Poker wrote:

    Until Josh's post I did not realize that there was new management,

    Neither did I. You may want to make this fact known.. (In Training)

    I too will make more of an effort to get back out there.
  • Wow, its as simple as announcing new management, and interest is re kindled!!.....

    hmmmmmmm............OK I've decided RiverRatJosh's events are under new management as of today....right now in fact!!.......

    ahhhhhhhh that should bring out better numbers....

    But seriously, I agree with these guys.......(in training) you should, because of the apparent pre conceived notions about past proprietors, let everyone know on the forum that youre back with a new outlook and new owners.

    if these two forum junkies did not know then maybe more should know!

    a new thread perhaps?
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