30th Birthday plans?

Alright so my birthday is coming up late this month and I'm getting a rash of emails about what the plans are. Emails from friends, family and co-workers. I'm trying to figure something out that I could accomodate some or all of them, sure I could spread my 30th out for 3 days. I'm actually booked off the 18th, 19th and 20th (day).
Anyway, I'm looking for some cool ideas poker related and NON- poker related to celebrate. I have thought about throwing a party but some of my closer friends cannot all make it. I'm pretty much into anything so throw your ideas out there for me, thanks.



  • Indoor Paintball in the afternoon...BBQ...Freezeout at night.
  • Casino Niagara in the morning/afternoon and evening, Sundowner the rest of the night. Sambuca shooters with hte waitress Lisa, and ice cold beer in a tub right beside the table. MMMMMMmmmmmm!!!
  • Were you thinking of going to the Leafs game, or just watching in a bar somewhere?

    I would love do something on Saturday, so let me know.

    Zithal told me about a pub in Hamiltion (can't remember the name) that he LOVES, if your heart isnt' set on Toronto.


    PS: who is willing to drive? If there is a bunch of us, we should draw for the right to NOT drive. Draw cards, and the lowest card is the DD?
  • So we've decided on going into Toronto on Saturday night and hit Greztky's Restuarant to watch the leaf game on TV. After this perhaps either hit up an Irish Pub or some type of club. Likely the pub, all I know is that I wont be driving. We are either going to be staying at a hotel (might be able to get cheap prices through a friend of mine) or stay at a friends house in T.O. It be great if you could come Johnny along with a few of the other KW forumers. It should be a blast!

  • stpboy wrote:
    So we've decided on going into Toronto on Saturday night and hit Greztky's Restuarant to watch the leaf game on TV. After this perhaps either hit up an Irish Pub or some type of club. Likely the pub, all I know is that I wont be driving. We are either going to be staying at a hotel (might be able to get cheap prices through a friend of mine) or stay at a friends house in T.O. It be great if you could come Johnny along with a few of the other KW forumers. It should be a blast!


    Sounds good. Keep me updated
  • Is this a guys night out type celebration or are you bringing your dames? I will most likely be in TO that night visiting my girlfriend and would love to stop bye for a few beers but I don't want to estrogen the place up if she's the only girl. I would go solo but we don't get to see each other all that often. Also, trying to explain to her that I was in Toronto but couldn't get together with her simply "because" might not go over too well.

  • Steve there will several "dames" there, come along. I'm thinking about making a list of the "players" coming lol. Will update again closer to the date...

  • stpboy wrote:
    Steve there will several "dames" there, come along. I'm thinking about making a list of the "players" coming lol. Will update again closer to the date...


    I am currently in negotiations (ok, I'm begging) with Wraychel to see if she'll drive. If we come then, we'd probally come home that night. So could probally take a few locals with me. Mark and Mario I'm looking in your direction....
  • Thanks for a kick ass night, Shannon. Wraych and I had a blast. Loved your karoking and your general drunken goofiness!!


    I'd also like to give DrTyore Mark a HUGE high five for making sure we all got home safe. Thanks again Mark, you rock.

  • Yes, thanks to all that came last night. It was a blast, I'm recovering as we speak...not nearly fast enough though :( Thanks for the sentiments Johnnie.

  • SUNDOWNER- Strippers! lap dances! I wish I saw this post a few days ago, "I hook you up real good"
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