Bristol St. Classic XX - Results!

The Bristol Street Classic turned 20 this past week! To celebrate the fact, we had a healthy mix of new faces, old faces and familiar faces. Both two-time Bristol Street Champion, "Slippery" Pete and "Big Daddy" Paul were also in attendance looking for a third title. This also marked the first time in Bristol Street History that the waiting list went beyond 7 players. It was shattered with 21 people ending up on the waiting list. And, behind it all, with one tournament left to go after this, the Points Standing race was on everyone's mind. Would anyone be able to dethrone Tyson before the end of year?

A the tournament went on, most of the players in the top standings dropped early making an excellent opportunity for others further down to catch up. People in the race were thrilled to see Tyson drop out first, and the race was back on for Player of Year points.

Heading to the final table, tight play coupled with the short stacks always doubling up, left an even play field with quickly approaching blinds. When defending Bristol Street XIX champion, Tom N, was knocked out in 9th to form the final table, the blinds had already 1,000-2,000(300), the level at which there were three players left at the last tournament. Seats were re-drawn and the final table was formed..


Seat 1: "beanie42" Trevor (21,500)
Seat 2: "Oragami" Jonathan C. (5,600)
Seat 3: "SirWatts" Mike (28,000)
Seat 4: "JohnnieH" Johhnie H (10,100)
Seat 5: "Slug" Jamal (21,800)
Seat 6: Adam (24,000)
Seat 7: "moose4" Rob S. (15,500)
Seat 8: "Dirty Whore" Mark B. (19,000)

The table started and almost immediately, Jonthan doubled up as the short stack to even out the playing field again. In a second hand, Mark B. raised to 10,000, was pushed all-in by Trevor and Mark called turning over A6. Trevor mentioned, "Guess what I have?" to which Mark responded, "Oh no." as Trevor turned over the DREADED A9. Luckily for Mark, the Board came high and the pot was split.

8th Place : "moose4" Rob S. - 12:08am

With no eliminations in the first blind level, the blinds rose to 1,500-3,000 with a 500 ante. Rob's starting stack of 15,000 shrunk to 4,000 and he finally pushed all-in showing AJ. Called by A4, Rob looked to be good until a 4 on the turn sealed his fate.

Just missing the final table in his last (and first) appearance, Rob improved to the final table and played a great tournament.

7th Place : "JohnnieH" Johhnie H. - 12:18am

Pushing the table around, Mark moves all in on Johnnie, who calls, turning over AT. Mark shows Q9 and the flop helps no one. The dreaded Queen on the turn seals Johhnie's fate and he's out in 7th place, matching his finish from Bristol Street XIX. This was Johnnie's second final table of 2005 but the money eluded him once again. Still, it was another strong finish and the second strong finish in a row for this Bristol Street Regular.

6th Place : Adam - 12:30am (BUBBLE-BOY)

In his first Bristol Street appearance, Adam decided to go card dead on the final table, blind away nearly his stack. As the blinds rose to 2,000-4,000 (500), Adam was forced all-in on the BB for his last 1,500 with 53o. The small. Both Mike and Jamal called and the flop came T high. Jamal push Mike out of the pot turning over KT, ending Adam's first appearance at Bristol Street. An excellent run for the day, ending with the Title of Bubble-Boy for his initiation!

5th Place : "Oragami" Jonathan C. - 12:42 ($30)

Jonathan was determined to make the money this tournament and survived long enough to do so. Jonathan's bust out hand was the classic QQ v. AK coin flip again Mark. An Ace came off as the first card on the flop ending Jonathan's tournament in 5th place. This was Jonathan's second final table of the year, a great run!

4th Place : "SirWatts" Mike - 12:52 ($60)

A regular to the Bristol Street scene in 2004, SirWatts can mostly be found taking other people's money in the mid-limit tables on PokerStars. Mike returns to the scene and puts in an excellent showing! With the blinds now at 3,000-6,000 (1,000) and Mike all-in again Mark(?)'s A7, the flop comes 9T9 and Mike is solidly in front. Once again, the turn card is the widow-maker as an Ace rolls off. No help on the river for Mike puts him out at 4th place.

3rd Place : "Slug" Jamal - 1:04am ($90)

What comes next almost turned out to be one of the greatest comebacks in Bristol Street History. Both on a Short stack, Jamal moves in and, after much hestiation, Mark finally calls showing J9. Jamal was caught on a steal as he turns over 43. Both players look evenly matched and the flop is a remarkable 32T, giving Jamal middle pair. The turn is a 6 and Mark is left with 6 outs reamaining. 12% is enough for Mark as the J peels off deck to go in the river slot and Jamal is decimated. The chips are counted and Jamal out-chips Mark by only a single yellow, 1,000 chip (currently the lowest denomination chip in the game). With three player's left Jamal is litteral down to a chip and chair as he's forced to go all-in in the ante.

Jamal surives one hand and triples up 3,000 and his forced all in again, winning and moving to 9,000. Over the course of the next few hands, Jamal's stack grow to 18,000, 24,000, to 49,000 and then wins one last pot to take the chip lead in the tournament. Trevor and Mark are in disbelief and it looks at is Jamal is poised to pull off the impossible.

Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be as Jamal's luck ran out after the mad rush he went on. He finally found himself all-in with 93 against Mark's A4. No help for anyone puts him out in 3rd place. One hell of a run giving him his second money finish in a row. Great job!!!


"beanie" Trevor : (47,000)
"Dirty Whore" Mark : (98,000)

With a two to one chip lead and the blinds capped at 5,000-10,000 (1,000) there tournament lasts one more hand as Mark is all-in with A3 against Trevor's pocket tens.

The flop comes 54J, which gives the gut-shot straight draw to Mark. The turn is an 8, leaving Mark to catch an Ace or a two to knock Trevor out. The river brings the miracle 2 and in just one hand, Mark eliminates Trevor to takes first place, $260, and the title of "Bristol Street XX Champion"!! Mark is a long time regular of Bristol and finally captures his first title. Well deserved!!!

Trevor, for second place, gets $140 for his trouble, earns A LOT of POY points and has simply had an incredible run in 2005, appearing at his third final table including one Championship title. Fantastic finish!!

As always, feel free to post your own favorite story / favorite hands below. And we'll see you in a couple weeks at Bristol Street XXI!! In the meantime, feel free to look for the clues...



    1st - "Dirty Whore" Mark B. - 1:07am ($260)
    2nd - "beanie42" Trevor - 1:07am ($140)
    3rd - "Slug" jamal - 1:02am ($90)
    4th - "SirWatts" Mike - 12:52 am ($60)
    5th - "Oragami" Jonathan C. - 12:42am ($30)
    6th - Adam - (BUBBLE-BOY!) - 12:30am
    7th - "JohnnieH" Johnnie H. - 12:18am
    8th - "moose4" Rob - 12:08am
    9th - "TNORTH" Tom N. - 11:35pm
    10th - "Ionstorm" Ian. - 11:34pm
    11th - "Zithal" Rob L. - 11:01pm
    12th - "Skittlepoker" Bill S - 10:53pm
    13th - "Dumb Fluck" Adam - 10:38pm
    14th - "g2" Greg T. - 10:35pm
    15th - "compuease" Jeff C - 10:28pm
    16th - "Slippery" Pete A. - 10:10pm
    17th - "8Ball" Tye Z. - 10:01pm
    18th - "Big Daddy" Paul W. - 9:44pm
    19th - Bob S. - 9:41pm
    20th - Dave D. - 9:37pm
    21st - "The Prophet" Brent - 9:31pm
    22nd - "Shopsy" Jeff S. - 9:14pm
    23rd - "hughjazz" Dom - 9:01pm
    24th - "ItsaMe" Mario - 9:00pm
    25th - "Waterlooser" Adam - 8:58pm
    26th - Mandy - 8:57pm
    27th - "westwide" Wesley - 8:56pm
    28th - "Morty" Sean - 8:53pm
    29th - Larry L. - 8:52pm
    30th - "Fallen Angel" Gow - 8:49pm
    31st - Nicole - 8:45pm
    32nd - "Redington" Tyson J. - 8:42pm
  • Top 30 Standings (number in brackets is current 4th lowest score)

    The biggest mover out of this tournament was "beanie" Trevor who is now is a serious spot to challenge Tyson for Player of the Year honors. He's 3 points behind the lead, but his lowest score is 6 points behind Tyson. For Trevor to win, he first needs at least 20 points if Tyson doesn't get at least 23. If Tyson gets points, Trever can finish no less than two places behind Tyson. If we go to a tie, we use the fifth best score as tie-breaker which is currently 19 for Tyson and 11 for Trevor. What makes this really incredible is the fact that Trevor has only played five tournaments this year!

    Third place goes to the current champion, Mark. With 18 as his fourth lowest score, Mark can earn a potential of 14 points (assuming 32 players show). So, Mark has a shot at Player of the Year, but in order for this to happen, Mark needs to finish 1st, Tyson needs to finish with 22 or less points and Trevor needs to finish with 19 or less points.

    With one tournament to go, those are the only players currently in contention for the Title of Player of the year. Since we want a nice dramatic finish. All three will be pre-placed on the reserve list for the next tournament.

    1 - "Redington" Tyson J. - 107 (22)
    2 - "beanie" Trevor - 104** (16)
    3 - "Dirty Whore" Mark B. - 94** (18)
    4 - "ItsaMe" Mario - 90 (22)
    - "Slippery" Pete A. - 90** (17)
    6 - Kevin F. - 89 (19)
    - "8Ball" Tye Z. - 89 (16)
    - "Zithal" Rob L. - 89 (18)
    9 - "Shopsy" Jeff S. - 87 (20)
    - "Oragami" Jonathan C. - 87 (17)
    11 - "Ionstorm" Ian. - 82 (18)
    12 - Johnnie H. - 81 (13)
    13 - "Lamb Of" Johnny A. - 79** (15)
    14 - "g2" Greg - 77 (7)
    15 - "Skittlepoker" Bill S. - 74 (13)
    16 - "Brava" Dave Sel. - 73 (15)
    17 - "Ineedanick" Dave P. - 69** (15)
    18 - "batmankw" David Sin. - 64 (0)
    19 - "Wolfhound" Dave - 63 (6)
    20 - "Big Daddy" Paul W. - 62** (4)
    21 - "Comic Book" Dave - 61 (5)
    22 - "Flint Bones" Andrew - 59** (9)
    - "Slug" Jamal - 59 (0)
    24 - "TNORTH" Tom N. - 56** (0)
    25 - "Fallen Angel" Gow - 55 (5)
    26 - Mandy - 54 (0)
    27 - "stpboy" Shannon M. - 52 (0)
    28 - "carmaker" Geoff C. - 49 (2)
    29 - Larry L. - 48 (0)
    30 - "Moose" Rob S. - 47 (0)

    **indicates the player has already won entry into the Bristol Street Classic Grand final.
  • wow I thought I was untouchable....

    Ok I guesss I will see everyone on the 17th!
  • Zithal wrote:
    4th Place : "SirWatts" Mike - 12:52 ($60)

    A regular to the Bristol Street scene in 2004, SirWatts can mostly be found donking off the money he wins playing tournaments trying to qualify for the Bahamas onPokerStars. Mike returns to the scene and puts in an excellent showing! With the blinds now at 3,000-6,000 (1,000) and Mike all-in again with T6o against Mark's A7 , the flop comes 9T9 and Mike is solidly in front. Once again, the turn card is the widow-maker as an Ace rolls off. No help on the river for Mike puts him out at 4th place.
  • 7th Place : "JohnnieH" Johhnie H. - 12:18am

    Pushing the table around, Mark moves all in on Johnnie, who calls, turning over AT. Mark shows Q9 and the flop helps no one. The dreaded Queen on the turn seals Johhnie's fate and he's out in 7th place, matching his finish from Bristol Street XIX. This was Johnnie's second final table of 2005 but the money eluded him once again. Still, it was another strong finish and the second strong finish in a row for this Bristol Street Regular.

    Thanks Rob for another excellent tournament.

  • Zithal wrote:
    All three will be pre-placed on the reserve list for the next tournament.

    1 - "Redington" Tyson J. - 107 (22)
    2 - "beanie" Trevor - 104** (16)
    3 - "Dirty Whore" Mark B. - 94** (18)

    Congrats again to Mark on his recent win, especially since it makes a 3-horse race. Good luck to you both, and thanks to Rob for pre-registering us so we can finish this "properly". I'm especially looking forward to this since I can't make the final tourney.

    Now to wait ...
  • Redington wrote:
    Ok I guesss I will see everyone on the 17th!
    Is this the actual date for the next Bristol?
  • Maybe. I need to find out when my next Board meeting for KWLT, then I can announce the next date. Should know by mid Monday
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