Game 1 Winner IS....


Congradulations!!! It was Eleanor and Pkrfce9 head to head for while, Eleanor being the massive chip leader. Pkrfce doubled up a couple of times, but it was not enough to dent into Eleanor's stack.

Pics, board updates, and more info later.

Thanks to everyone who came out. It was a great night.



  • STR82ACE wrote:

  • Some much for the bracelet being all thick and manly. :D

    Congrats El
  • Great opening night everyone!!!!
    Once again, BIG THANKS to AJ for putting this whole thing together and hosting.
    Can't wait until the next week.
    One more thing, I think that it is safe to say that we had 'the queen' show all of us jokers, who's the boss.

    See you all there soon,
    K :c:  
  • Argh! I had QQ four times. Won 2 and lost 2. The second loss against K8 late in the tourney really hurt. Mind you, the quad 5's came at a good time...

    Eleanor played a solid game. Actually, everyone played well. The blinds were so high by the final table that there wasn't a lot of room for finesse.

    "Sal is going all-in. Sal is going home. Sal is gonna wear some PokerStars apparel." Too funny.

    Thanks, AJ. See ya next week!
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Mind you, the quad 5's came at a good time...

    Seeing the Quad's Fives was a nice treat.

    I had a feeling the bracelet would be at my house this week, just didn't realize I would have to ask the wife to see it.

    Great game guys, see you all next week.
  • But is she parading about proudly with that 'loch ness monster' on her wrist?
  • I had a feeling the bracelet would be at my house this week, just didn't realize I would have to ask the wife to see it.

    Does she make you call her CHAMP now?
  • Should have warned you guys before the game started....

    HIGH TOP PAIR IN MY HOUSE DOESN'T WORK! Just ask ACDC! Aces have been busted more times in my place than on PokerStars, and that's saying something.

    Solid game played by everyone, even Derek who chumped out first. Man, the look on his face was priceless! Gonna blow that pic up and post in the room for the next game :D

    Eleanor, you take care of the fine piece of jewelry now. And don't let your hubby 'borrow' it! You earned it. If he wants to look at it, tell him he has to call you CHAMP!
  • Indeed great night! this being my first tourney, turned out better then I expected...congrats Eleanor!
    I cant believe :ah :kh screwed me again!
  • Thanks everyone! Even though the bracelet is "man-sized", it sure did feel nice to wear it home. I look forward to defending my title next week ;)

    I really have to commend AJ....last night's game ran so smoothly. He's a wonderful host!
  • ElElliott wrote:
    Thanks everyone! Even though the bracelet is "man-sized", it sure did feel nice to wear it home. I look forward to defending my title next week ;)

    I really have to commend AJ....last night's game ran so smoothly. He's a wonderful host!

    And of course, the cash windfall was only a secondary consideration, right ;-)

    Now don't make me blush...I had a great time planning it, and to see it come off so well was thanks enough for me.
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