PartyPoker Support

I originally posted this on RGP because their general level of hating is so much higher than that of this forum.  I thought it would be more appropriate over there.  However, if you're in a mood to be frustrated with the incompetence of big-businesses minions, then by all means, read this and revel in it.

I was playing in the Super Wednesday tournament last night.  We started with 1K in chips.  $150 buy-in plus $12 entry.  I had about 1400 in chips when a pop-up appeared that said the tournament was cancelled.  Then in the chat window a line appeared that said "this table is being closed".

Then the lobby disappeared, never to return.

Then the clock stopped running.  We played with 7 minutes left in the 50/100 level IIRC for about 20 minutes.  But they kept dealing cards.  With the clock not moving, the lobby gone, and the various announcements of cancellation, I decided that the thing was over, and we were playing for no reason.

Expecting an easy, full refund, I left.

I just received an email from Party saying that my account has been credited with $131.  When they have to cancel a tournament, I guess they do some kind of a combo even split/chip count deal.  They said my chips at the time of cancellation totalled 180.


So, I guess they were just joking when they said the tournament was cancelled.  And just kidding around with the whole 'clock freezing/lobby disappearing' thing.  Had I stayed, and ignored their messages, and kept playing 50/100 for another half hour, I would have received more money.  Ridiculous.

I sent them this email in response.  I'll let you know what happens.  I know it's only a difference of 80 bucks or so, but still....

"Actually, when the popup appeared telling me the tournament had been cancelled, and I quit, I had well over 1000 chips.  Why does your statement say that I only had 180 chips when it was cancelled?  The pop up appeared, the lobby disappeared, the limits stopped going up.... that to me is the end of the tournament.  Please explain this discrepency to me."

Since then, I have received this response:

"Thank you for contacting us.

I am very sorry that Super Wednesday ($150/$12) tournament #502937 on 03-NOV-2005 was cancelled and appreciate your understanding in this matter.

A refund of $$131.52 has been applied to your account in line with our disconnection and cancellation policy. The refunds has been made to the account as per the standard Cancellation policy"

Jesus.  Christ.  It's pretty much the exact same email that pissed me off in the first place, minus the fancy flow chart illustrating to me exactly how I was being ripped off.

I am speaking to people at PartyPoker who either don't understand what I wrote in my email, or don't care.  Probably both.


  • Oh it's not over.  Here is part 2. 

    I was playing in a $200 CPC qualifier at the same time.  Their prize structure should have shown that 3 seats would be given away and 3 spots would get a bit of cash, for a total of 6 'winners'.  Instead, they had it broken down like a regular cash tournament, with top 20 getting paid... no seats, just regular cash distribution.  As we got closer and closer to the money, we were all wondering: are they going to fix the prize pool chart?  The answer: no.  And to make things worse, we started hand-for-hand play with 30 people left.

    30 people left, and we're hand for hand.  6 spots get paid, but the software's all screwed up.  This is bad for two reasons: with the blinds as they were, we could have used the extra hands/level, and also, bubble psychology affects people's play.  The tournament was a farce in this respect, because the bubble was being falsely represented as being WAAAAAAAAAY earlier than it actually was.

    So, I sent them this email:

    "Subject: CPC sat.[#3962467]

    why are we hand for hand at like 30 players when only 3 seats are given away

    we are getting less hands per level in because of this, and as a result, this
    satellite is affected."

    And, I sent them this email:

    "The payouts are listed incorrectly for tonight's CPC sat.  Please correct them before we get to the "money", as the prize structure will effect how people play."

    In response, they sent me this email:

    "Dear Player,

    Thank you for contacting us.

    Hand-For-Hand (HFH) is a feature used in all Multi Table Poker Tournaments that allows tables to play the exact same number of hands at critical times. Noted exceptions are in tournaments where set prizes are given away (for example - Million Semi Finals).

    Hand for hand starts 10 places out of money, and stops when the number of players left in the tournament is equal to the number of places to be paid.

    To see the chart specifying when the HFH feature starts and stops, please check the following URL for our website"

    It's almost funny.  Almost.
  • I originally posted this on RGP because their general level of hating is so much higher than that of this forum.

    I'll give it a shot.

    [deep breath]

    PARTY F@#&ERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I've gotten a bunch of generic responses like that too from various sites. Real pain in the ass. Makes me think that they just scan the email for some "key word" and just reply with some genereal explanation. Threaten to take your manoey out, then maye they'll listen to what you're saying.
  • Geez, I'm dreading the day I have to bug them for support. One of those classic, "Forward this to someone who knows what they're talking about, as I'm not a @#$%ing idiot..." Keep us posted on whether this gets resolved or not...
  • Instead of emailing them where they can just pull a form letter response out of their ass, try giving their phone support a try. At least that way you can stay on the phone with them until they give you a satisfactory response.

    Something else to try... you're right though, their email and chat support is sketchy at best.
  • I say we just spam on every porn and add site on the internet. That will learn em'.
  • If you feel the uncontrollable urge to vicariously bang your head against a wall, read on...

    I received this, the latest "response" from PartyPoker:
    Dear Aces_All,
    Due to unforeseen circumstances we were forced to cancel tournament "Super Wednesday".

    At the time of cancellation, players were awarded prize money corresponding to the rank to be awarded to the next eliminated player. Following this 50% of the remaining prize pool has been divided equally and 50% has been divided based on the chip count of each remaining player.

    $131.52 have been added into your account as per the following statement:

    Tournament id: 502937 Name: Super Wednesday
    Buy-In/Entry Fee: Super Wednesday $150.00 / $12.00 Total Players to start: 687
    Players at the time of cancellation: 486     Level at the time of cancellation: 4 
    Limit: 50.00 / 100.00 Total Chips in play: 687000

    Total Buy-in collected = $103,050.00
    Prize Money already given = $0.00
    Total prize pool = $103,050.00 - $0.00 = $103,050.00
    Minimum prize pool award = $0.00 * 486 = $0.00

    Prize pool to be divided equally = ($103,050.00 - $0.00) / 2 = $51,525.00
    Prize pool to be divided based on chip count = ($103,050.00 - $0.00) / 2 = $51,525.00
    Entry Fee to be refunded = $5,832.00

    When the tournament was called off, you were seated at 'Table 350228' and you had 180 tournament chips.

    Your share of the minimum prize pool award = $0.00
    Your share in money equally divided = $51,525.00/486 = $106.02
    Your share based on your chip count = $51,525.00 * (180/687000) = $13.50
    Your entry fee refunded = $12.00
    Total money refunded = $131.52

    We apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused you. Thank you for playing

    OK.  So.  Nothing new there... in fact nothing that even came close to addressing any of the points I made in my last emails.  So, I sent them this little beauty here:
    The fundamental problem here is that we disagree about WHEN the tournament was "cancelled".  I say it was cancelled when the pop-up appeared that said it was cancelled, followed by a message in the chatbox saying our table was going to be closed, followed by the disappearance of the lobby, followed by the blinds freezing at 7 minutes remaining in the 50/100 level.

    At the time when the pop-up appeared telling us the tournament was cancelled, I had 1155 chips.  The hand history and the accompanying chat from the table have been included with this email to prove this point.

    For some reason, you believe it was cancelled long after the cancellation notice, the chatbox message, the closure of the lobby, and the freezing of the blinds.  Perhaps by as much as 20 or 30 minutes after these events.  I don't know exactly how long after, because I left after seeing that the clock was no longer moving, that the lobby was gone, and after having read the two notices of cancellation your site posted for us to read.

    It is this difference of 20 or 30 minutes between your first pop-up and the time the cards stopped being dealt that explains our disagreement about how many chips I had at the moment of cancellation.  The reason for this disagreement is because we can't seem to agree upon--actually, you haven't really spoken to this issue yet--exactly when that moment was.

    Again, I believe the tournament was cancelled when the pop-up appeared telling us it was being cancelled, followed by a notice in the chatbox that our table was being closed, followed by the closure of the lobby, followed by the freezing of the clock.  These four individual factors, to me, when combined, or even on their own, indicated the end of the tournament.  I had 1155 chips at that moment.

    I have been trying to make this very point--about the MOMENT of cancellation--in every email I've sent to you regarding this issue, but so far I've received 2 replies and neither of them have addressed this concern.

    Here is the hand history of the specific hand that was being played at the moment your notice of cancellation pop-up appeared.  As you will see, I had 1155 in chips.  The "message" that pokerpatty32 is referring to is the cancellation pop-up that appeared over our table.  The line immediately following pokerpattys... "This table is being closed"... was not typed in by any of us.  It was a message from your site.  This hand, to me, is when the tournament was cancelled, because that's what we were told.  So I left.

    #Game No : 2971548817
    ***** Hand History for Game 2971548817 *****
    Texas Hold'em  Trny:17087330 Level:4 Stakes (50/100) - Wednesday, November
    02, 22:17:30 EDT 2005
    Table Super Wednesday(502937) Table #3 (Real Money)
    Seat 9 is the button
    Total number of players : 10
    Seat 1: nomoballer ( $665 )
    Seat 2: general_5 ( $1435 )
    Seat 3: Aces_All ( $1155 )
    Seat 4: zareef ( $633 )
    Seat 5: Sdyke ( $1634 )
    Seat 6: TLT45 ( $1142 )
    Seat 7: pokerpatty32 ( $2669 )
    Seat 8: chuiwon ( $2405 )
    Seat 10: Tuna28 ( $2632 )
    Seat 9: icrazy ( $870 )
    Trny:17087330 Level:4
    Stakes (50/100)
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to Aces_All [  5d 2h ]
    general_5 folds.
    Aces_All folds.
    zareef folds.
    Sdyke folds.
    TLT45 folds.
    pokerpatty32 folds.
    chuiwon folds.
    icrazy raises [100].
    pokerpatty32: did you guiys get that message?
    This table is being closed.
    >You have options at ($200/15) CPC Satellite(494635) Table #6 Table!.
    freakiing party
    Tuna28 will be using his time bank for this hand.
    this is XXXX
    >You have options at ($200/15) CPC Satellite(494635) Table #6 Table!.
    what happens now?
    Tuna28 calls [75].
    nomoballer folds.
    ** Dealing Flop ** [ Tc, Jh, 9h ]
    Tuna28 checks.
    icrazy bets [50].
    Tuna28 raises [100].
    icrazy calls [50].
    ** Dealing Turn ** [ 5c ]
    Tuna28 bets [100].
    icrazy calls [100].
    ** Dealing River ** [ Ad ]
    Tuna28 bets [100].
    icrazy raises [200].
    Tuna28 calls [100].
    icrazy shows [ Ah, Qc ] a pair of aces.
    Tuna28 doesn't show [ Ts, 7h ] a pair of tens.
    divde the cash
    tourney being cancelled
    due to difficultiys
    >You have options at ($200/15) CPC Satellite(494635) Table #6 Table!.
    >You have options at ($200/15) CPC Satellite(494635) Table #6 Table!.
    >You have options at ($200/15) CPC Satellite(494635) Table #6 Table!.
    icrazy wins 1050 chips from  the main pot  with a pair of aces.
    split cash based on chips?
    Game #2971563041 starts.

    In case it isn't already blindingly obvious, I don't really care about the extra ~$40 this might get me.  I don't think I ever did.  I'm on a mission to prove something now.  What?  I'm not exactly sure.  Simply that I'm right, and that they're wrong?  Probably.  They haven't heard the last of this, that I can guarantee.

    I am a sick, sick man.  Please send help.   
  • Looking over the transcripts of that cancelled tournament, I came across some of the chat dialogue, taken from after the pop-up appeared.  It's actually more of a monologue.. nobody would answer me.  We were all still playing, pretending, I guess, that the clock was still running, the lobby was still there, and that we were still participating in a real tournament.  PartyPoker would tell you that we were indeed doing just that, but that's not the point here.

    This is over the course of many hands during about 15 or 20 minutes of post-"cancellation" play.

    Aces_All: is this... ummm... a real tournament
    Aces_All: are we still here

    Aces_All: i feel like i'm on the island in lost
    Aces_All: are we the only ten players still playing this

    Aces_All: the clock isn't running
    Aces_All: the limits aren't raising
    Aces_All: we are doing this for nothing
    Aces_All: for absolutely no reason, we are reacting to the cards going around
    Aces_All: the tournament is over
    Aces_All: get your money back
    Aces_All: this is essentially practice
    Aces_All: i am practicing how to play against an overly aggressive opponent
    Aces_All: named tuna
    Aces_All: and i'm learning how to fold 45o

    Aces_All: hopefully we are all using this time wisely
    Aces_All: there's 7 minutes left in this level
    Aces_All: tighten up
    Aces_All: oh wait
    Aces_All: only 7 minutes left in this level

    Aces_All: alright seriously
    Aces_All: this isn't a real tournament guys
    Aces_All: it's been 50/100 for like a half an hour
    Aces_All: even if it restarts
    Aces_All: it's not real
    Aces_All: and everyone will be refunded

    Aces_All: this is actually an experiment designed by the government
    Aces_All: to determine how addicted we are
    Aces_All: the question "will they play even after they know it's for nothing"
    Aces_All: is being answered
    Aces_All: and then some

    chuiwon: anybody got the 800 #

    Aces_All: i thought i was playing with bots
    Aces_All: until that moment
    Aces_All: i suspect their 800 number tells you you're on hold
    Aces_All: but you're really in limbo
    Aces_All: not unlike this experience

    Aces_All: so, zareef, how's PLACENTIA treating you?  (cleverly, zareef is listed as being from "PLACENTIA")
    Aces_All: sticky?
    Aces_All: would you say?

    Aces_All: tough crowd
    Aces_All: hey look
    Aces_All: tuna raised
    Aces_All: i'm shocked

  • Woke up this morning, and found this little beauty in my inbox:
    Thank you for contacting us.

    I understand your concern. As per our records I see that since you were placed in the tournament to of the prize pool of $150, you were paid out $131.52 as per your chip count of 180.

    The break of which would be as follows:

    50%of the prize pool is distributed among all the active players of the tournament. The remaining 50% is multiplied with the players remaining chip count by the total chip count of the tournament.

    Also, the refunds are being made according to the standard cancellation policy to ensure fairness to all the players.

    For further details please go through the link mentioned below:

    Clearly, they were toying with me.  Sending me the same response, again, to see if they could break me.  I wouldn't be broken quite so easily, and sent them this in response:
    Please address the points in my email instead of sending me the same thing, over and over again.  I am posting all of this correspondence on two different newsgroups, and your replies are laughable.  Please re-read the last email I sent to you and actually answer it, instead of sending me the same reply, over and over again.  Here is the email again.

    That's what I'm talkin' about.  In response, they sent me this shocking email:
    We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

    We understand that you thought the tournament is cancelled at that time. However, the tournament continued for a couple of hands where you lost some chips.

    Tournament is cancelled at the time when the table is closed. As at that time you had 180 tournament chips, you received a refund of $131.52. However, as you are a special player on our site, we have added $20 bonus (no restriction) into your real money account.

    Well I'll be darned.  They're paying me off so I'll leave them alone.  I never thought big businesses did that sort of thing.  Oh wait.  That's exactly what they do, all the time.  I don't know where to go from here.  They've thrown me a bone, yes, but I still feel so... unsatisfied.  I am considering calling them out on the whole "tournament continued for a couple of hands where you lost some chips" thing.  In actual fact, the tournament continued for at least 25 minutes, with the clock stopped.  That is more than a couple of hands.  I just don't know whether to pursue this any further.  They want me to go away.  They gave me twenty bucks.  I'm conflicted. 
  • 20 dollars??? Ask for the 20K you were on your way to winning!! Good thing you hadn't blinded out by then or you'd be REALLY pissed. On a serious note I don't know what to do about this. I doubt you will get very far but this really sucks to just ignore.
  • I'm not sure what to do about it either.  I don't think I've ever invested more time and energy into what could amount to fifty bucks.  I think I'm just going to have to let it go.  I've made my point, repeatedly, and they still don't seem to get where I'm coming from. 

    There is a lesson in this, though.  If PartyPoker tells you a tournament is cancelled, it's not REALLY cancelled.  Only kinda.

    And, 20 minutes+ of play at PartyPoker is considered, by them, to be "a couple of hands".

    A part of me wants to yank my money off of that site.  But I won't, and they know I won't, because no other site offers up the kind of sit-and-go action that they do. 
  • Just to keep with the theme of Party bashing, I got an email today saying that if I didn't sign in and play in a real money game by the 14th (apparently you have to do this at least once every 30 days), that I would lose all of my accumulated Party points. As I've been busy with life and other bonuses, I haven't played on Party since their monthly reloads have gone the way of the dodo. But this still pissed me off a bit. I have no doubts that Stars wouldn't try this BS with FPPs.
  • I just don't know whether to pursue this any further. They want me to go away. They gave me twenty bucks. I'm conflicted.

    Go buy yourself a nice McDeal combo on Party, and, at least temporarily, give up playing on Party.

    Do you really want to play at an online poker site that has gotten into your head to the point of requiring you to rant about an insignificant (by your admission) amount of money on two different internet forums?

    Playing on tilt is a recipe for disaster, and my guess is, with respect to all things PartyPoker, you're on it.


    P.S. If you do decide to take a hiatus from Party, withdrawing all (or at least some tasty portion of) of your PartyPoker money into your Neteller account might send them the message you haven't been able to get through to them by email.

    Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.
    A part of me wants to yank my money off of that site. But I won't, and they know I won't, because no other site offers up the kind of sit-and-go action that they do.

    P.P.S. Okay, forget this post. :)
  • Fight damnit fight.  If Canada can't win the softwood lumber issue you should at least win this one for us.  Do not fold to big business that is the normal reaction.  I am too small to make a difference.  You can do it!!!!!
  • Admit it all_aces. You're playing on PartyPoker right now.

    You sick puppy.

  • I am, at the moment, playing in a $200 sng on PartyPoker. It is my second, or possibly third, of the day.
  • I had a bonus issue with Interpoker and they all of a sudden decided there was an expiry to a bonus.  I was relentless in my pursuit to this bonus as I was within 3 hours of play to release a one time $300 bonus.  $300 being a worth while bonus for me especially since 95% of it was cleared.  They threw a punch and I threw one back it went on for about a week going up the food chain when finally I received an email saying we have $267.38 into your account which represents the % of the bonus you had cleared.  Needless to say I have played there a lot since as I thought they earned my respect when they did what I believed was the right thing.  
  • did this push you to tilt?
  • all_aces wrote:
    I am, at the moment, playing in a $200 sng on PartyPoker.

    I think it's been cancelled.

  • If so. Do you think he is sick enough to play #4?
  • ScottyZ wrote:
    all_aces wrote:
    I am, at the moment, playing in a $200 sng on PartyPoker.

    I think it's been cancelled.


    Cancelled cancelled, or just cancelled?
    PUNKYMISHA wrote:
    did this push you to tilt?

    It takes more than this to tilt me.
    PUNKYMISHA wrote:
    If so. Do you think he is sick enough to play #4?

    That is a no-brainer.
  • all_aces wrote:
    ScottyZ wrote:
    all_aces wrote:
    I am, at the moment, playing in a $200 sng on PartyPoker.

    I think it's been cancelled.


    Cancelled cancelled, or just cancelled?

    You'd better play a couple of hands to make sure.

  • Scoob; I got the same e mail..... sooooooo I order a busload of hats to send to me.. and a tote bag.... and no I won't play there anytime soon. Give me my points baby..... JackA$$'s ....... they have just gotten so anal these days.
  • I feel like I'm having a damn flashback.... everytime I start typing either Scotty or All-Aces types something...... wild.....
  • So when you play the sit-n-go, does hand-for-hand start at hand #1 or just when you get close to the bubble?

    I never really understood their hand-for-hand policy. I asked their support about it once, and they replied by apologizing profusely and adding $250 and 7000 Party Points to my account.
  • I asked their support about it once, and they replied by apologizing profusely and adding $250 and 7000 Party Points to my account.

    So how did you end up spending the $7000 and 250 Party Points?

  • roflmfao
  • I read someone say call their 800 number and talk with them. Do not let this go, ask for more for the time wasted on them from having to keep sending them replies. It was their fault, fight fight fight.
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