any poker action at york university?

my sister lives on rez and york and im down there quite a bit and i was wondering if there is any action on campus?

i played with a few people in her dorm but was only $5 lol

get back to me



  • The Unit is located close to York University.
  • Hey Warren, how was your weekend game?
  • York use to have a poker club. I'm not sure if they still have it, but that would be the best place to start.
    Does anyone know if Yorkpoker still posts on here?
  • im a clown wrote:
    Hey Warren, how was your weekend game?

    was alright made it to the final table then got pushed around by bg stack lol

    but saturday night me and a few friends went down to that "bird cage" place by square one, was pretty cool, nice people

    only made 30 bucks though, my friends took a beating lol
  • i know theres a yahoo group but they dont answer anything from me lol

    my sister found it

    here it is
  • The Unit wrote:
    The Unit is located close to York University.

    where abouts is it from the school? better not be on jane and finch haha
  • I have played at the tournaments at St. Louis Bar & Grill near Finch.  Two of the regular players that play there and at Mr. Greek Mediterranean Grill made it to the final table of the $10,000 Great Canadian Poker tournament.
  • I'm really interested in this as well.. anyone find out anything?
  • Hmm. This is from 05. Better off starting from scratch then trying to find out about 'this' game.
  • There is a poker game at Bathurst St. and Lawrence Ave. West, if you're interested.
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