Bounty Poker League--Saturday @ 8pm ONE SPOT JUST OPENED UP!!!

Bounty League Game at my house, Saturday November 5, 2005. Game starts a 8 pm, PM me if you need directions or parking info.

BYOB, I am willing to drive people home once the game is finished.


  • Updates are coming tonight.
  • :fish: :c: :d: :s: :h: :fish:
  • I can play Friday night, not any other time this weekend.
  • friendly bump.
  • Dean and John would play Saturday night.
  • Rich I know of 3 players looking for the Saturday night slot. John, Dean and Jen. We do have 3 new players in tonights game that need to make up a few games in the schedule and might be able to make it. Miranda and I could fill in if needed. Let me know if Saturday night works.
  • I believe the consensus is a Saturday night game.  In which case I will start a list here.  I believe Rich will be hosting if not we will advise.

    1. Sandro
    2. Dawn
    3. Jen
    4. John
    5. Andrew
    6. Chris
    7. Miranda
    8. Rich
    9. Ali

    Waiting List
  • That list is good, and the game is at my house, except I don't think I am on the list.
    I might, but it doesn't look like it right now. Dawn is playing though.
  • You know what, put me on that list, tentatively, unless someone can definetly fill the seat, there might be a chance I can play.

    And i have a great country music mix, unless someone wants to bring something that is NOT HIP HOP OR '80's

    See everyone at around 8 pm, I will start shuffling and dealing at 8 pm, be there or be square.
  • add me to the list too
  • OK I am "officially" signing up.......for a game at my own house. Weird, right?
  • Hey, my friends and I are looking for a game tonight...we're interested in much is the buyin? Also, what ages?

  • I can't make it but John is definately in! Can't remember your address number to pass on to him. Can you PM me the address again?

    Thanks -- Dean
  • dean its at richs i sent u a message
  • Bryce, this is a league game buddy, but I will let you know if I run a game that isn't league in the next little while.
  • If he plans on playing the league there is still time. We had 4 newbies on Thursday. Let us know Bryce
  • Atta be Jen, way to take me out for the top spot.

    Points went to Jen - 70, Rich - 15, and Dawn - 5
  • could you give me the details on the league?


    Check out this thread for details.

    The TOC stands at $340.
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