Chinguacousy Hill NOW OPEN


This league is for primarily local Brampton Ontario players looking for regular tournament style home games. Members play regularily either weekly or biweekly (to be determined at this time) for cash payouts as well as earn points towards the final Tournament of Champions at the end of the season.

For those already signed up, thanks. Special thanks to escool and Pkrfce9 for all their help in getting this league off the ground.

I will be posting the Rules and Regulations soon. We are also looking for a few more players interested (all levels of play are welcome to participate), so if you're interested in signing onto the league, either post here or send me a PM and I will forward everything to you.

Thanks to Sloth for allowing us to develop and maintain our own league here on



  • Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet! You are a mod now. Does that mean you can ban people? Bwa-ha-ha...

    I'm looking forward to this. Let's get those sign ups going folks. You won't find many places around NW GTA where you can get a good game every Thursday night.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet! You are a mod now. Does that mean you can ban people? Bwa-ha-ha...

    I'm looking forward to this. Let's get those sign ups going folks. You won't find many places around NW GTA where you can get a good game every Thursday night.

    Hmmm, not sure about the banning people part, will have to find out about that...POWER! I LOVE IT! :D

    This IS Sweet though...our own place right here on pokerforum!! Gotta love it.

    So far, we have at least 10 people already signed up for our very first game on November 3. I have room for at least 8 more interested in joining, so just PM me for all the details.

  • sounds great but I am already involved in a league on Thurs. until the end of Nov. After that I'm more than interested :D
  • i think your league is a great idea and i would like to come play on a thurs soon

  • Happy, when you finish your other league, you can come over and play in ours. Be great to have you in.

    Calliou, let me know what Thrusdays work best for you, and you're more than welcome as well.

    We are still looking for more regular players, as well as those that would like to pop in once in awhile to play as well. Good people, good games...that's what it's all about.
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