Fall Fiesta at Crown Casino

The next Crown Casino event has been planned. The Fall Fiesta is a great way to warm up with all the Tourament of Champions happening in December.

:ah Saturday November 26, 2005 @ 2 PM. :as

32 entries max. $25 entry fee (no rake) with 1 rebuy at anytime if you bust for $25. Top 5 will be paid out (if we hit 32) at 40% 25% 17.5% 10% and 7.5% Blinds will be 20 minutes in duration (schedule same as SS open)

PM me here or e mail crowncasino@winning.com


  • Count me in! :D:D
  • this is an online tournament? thanks.
  • It's not an online tourney. It's live in the South Simcoe area approximately 11 km north of Newmarket. I hold 4 or 5 a year.
  • Joe save us seats. Will have to confirm later but I don't want to lose a seat if it fills. Thanks.
  • Joe holds wicked tourny's! Tons of fun :D
  • Hey Wait a second here......

    Dont i get any credit at all for Joe's Tourament.... After all i do all the prep for it ... Man you guys always forgeting the real one behind the big picture :)
  • OK here's the list so far.

    1.   Acidjoe
    2.    Aimee P.
    3.    350Zpower
    4     Wicked
    5     Prophet22
    6     Donny
    7     Two Three
    8     Kid poker
    9     Kid poker +1
    10    Kid poker +2
    11    Pokerjim
    12    Bill R.
    13    Kaspar 
    14    welshman Mark
    15    MDS guy
    16    Trevor K
    17    Charlie C.
    18    Shopsy
    19    Bigcat
    20    Bob KGB
    21    Tony
    22    Kavak
    23    Mike A
    24    Kevin T
    25    Reno
    26    Clint K.
    27    Anthony
    28    Chad
    29    Todd
    30    Chad +1
    31    Bigmark
    32    Michael J
  • email sent; looking forward to it!

  • email sent from work so may not reach u

    count me in

    id :wicked

  • cndbrat wrote:
    Hey Wait a second here......

    Dont i get any credit at all for Joe's Tourament.... After all i do all the prep for it ... Man you guys always forgeting the real one behind the big picture :)

    i know what you mean I finally got the guys to acknowledge that they play at Trev and JENN'S :)
  • Sorry AIMEE. We can't make it now.
  • Just a bump as the date approaches. I will be sending out directions etc on November 21/22 either by e mail or PM here. If you don't receive anything by November 23 please let me know and I'll resend.
  • Can you reserve 3 spots for me please?

    Trevor K.
    Charlie C.
  • All 3 are added for now. Once you know about charlie please let me know. Thanks
  • Charlie is a definite now, and he asked if he could check with some guys at work. Maybe 2 or 3 more if there is room?
  • NP just let me know.
  • Charlie has come though for 3 more.

    Mike A.
    Andy E.
    Clint K.

    Thanks Joe!
  • They have been added.
  • One more from Charlie, please add Michael J.

    One week to go and only 3 spots left! Looking forward to it Joe.
  • It appears we are now full. I didn't start a waiting list but I will if anyone else wants in. Usually there are a few no shows. If someone can't make it please let me know. See everyone on Saturday.
  • Directions will be sent tomorrow, if you don't receive them let me know. Hopefully I will get everyone on the first go.
  • Hey Joe, any chance of havin you out to my next freeze out. You would be a celebrity you know...

    see my posting for dertails.

  • Directions were sent tho apparently I made an error. Go WEST if using the 404, go EAST if using the 400. Google or mapquest will work as the address is correct. Sorry.
  • This time I'm going for 1st! no 2nd place this time!
  • I'd just like to win one of my own tourney's two three never mind you LOL.

    There was a couple of cancellations which have been filled off the waiting list. If you can't make it please let me know so I can keep a 32 person field full.

    See everyone tomorrow at 2 pm.
  • Another seat has opened up. If anyone is interested please let me know.
  • Ok the list should be up to date reflecting all the latest changes. See you at 2 pm today.
  • Thanx for everyone showing up.

    i finally won one..... but the chidkey didnt' plahy wel.....
  • Was alot of fun Joe, Thanks for having us out again! hats off!
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