Home games

Just curious what people are looking for in a game.


  • I didn't vote, because none of these entice me to go to a NL cash game, because Hold'em is like my Grandmothers Thanksgiving turkey.....overdone.

    Can no one be original and hold a Pot Limit game, or a stud game, maybe triple draw? Hell, I'd even play Euchre, let's just get off this "my balls are bigger than yours, I'm all in before the flop" ridiculousness. Please.
  • Yes, I'm getting sick of people going all in before the flop and after they get no callers show AJs. Then they will say something like "I had to".
  • ...because Hold'em is like my Grandmothers Thanksgiving turkey.....overdone.

    Where does the OP mention Hold 'Em???
  • Hell, I'd even play Euchre,...

    #1. Why can't Euchre be No Limit?
    #2. Since when is Euchre poker?
  • im a clown wrote:
    Yes, I'm getting sick of people going all in before the flop and after they get no callers show AJs. Then they will say something like "I had to".

    Are you referring to cash games or tournaments?

    I have no problem with loose cannons when I play...just sit tight and soon their reckless pre-flop all-in will ruin them when they meet a real monster hand that dominates them.
  • Well, it is generally accepted that NL cash game means hold'em. If it was a different game, I am certain it would have been mentioned.

    And I have no idea how to even bet on Euchre, I was just stressing the "down with hold'em"point.
  • 13CARDS wrote:
    im a clown wrote:
    Yes, I'm getting sick of people going all in before the flop and after they get no callers show AJs. Then they will say something like "I had to".

    Are you referring to cash games or tournaments?

    I have no problem with loose cannons when I play...just sit tight and soon their reckless pre-flop all-in will ruin them when they meet a real monster hand that dominates them.

    In tournaments.
  • im a clown wrote:
    In tournaments.

    See the origianl post and poll..."cash game". Tournaments are totally different.
  • 13CARDS wrote:
    im a clown wrote:
    In tournaments.

    See the origianl post and poll..."cash game". Tournaments are totally different.

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