Halloween SPOOKY Poker Guelph

Alright ya'll....i figured that some people will be partying for halloween on saturday and friday...and thought to myself...self..you should have a halloween poker game.
So here it is..the first anual spookerthon....or...halloween night poker.
If i dont have at least 6 players intersted by sunday this weekend then the game will be cancelled...i've 3/4 of the way there so it should be a good time!
I will give 1000 in extra chips (that's one extra black one) to anyone who showes up in costume and or brings me candy for the game.
We will have a pumpkin carved and it should generally be a good time...
PM me or post on here if you want to go trick or treating for chips at my place!
also..this will be my last poker game before i go to england..then i'll be gone for 2 weeks and then i'll be back for poker mayhem!

1. One Hand Mark
2. Velma (nadine)
3. Haren the sri-lankin wonder
4. River Rat Mike
5. Probably cowboy mike (i mean, what else are you gonna do? ;) )
6. Vegas Tim
7. Meese (not moose)
8. Pat


  • Hey Quaine,

    I am also having people over for a game. It was actually suppose to be a soccer team party, but that didnot pan out. Right now there are 15 friends (most wearing costumes coming out).

    We'll just be playing for fun.... Let me know if you want to join forces and perhaps have more people and diffrent games.

    All I'll ask if for people not to drink and drive, and contribute towards the Keg (5$ or 10$) depending on how many people decide to come..

    Give me a call on my cell 241-9094.

  • I like the team up idea! we could have a decent sized tourney, or a couple tourney's or whatever combination of both :D. Sign me up for whatever you decide.

    patric "the irish fish"

    I went to Niagra on a school trip last night and raked 3Bills!!! look out I'm on a roll :fish: + 1500 in 3 weeks!!
  • Now is this going to be a real poker game, or an opportunity to get, in the immortal words of Val Kilmer, "defiled"?

    'Cause I could really go for a real party about right now.

    Ah, but wait, you are having it on Halloween night? Blasted kids and their candy!! "What? You think just because it's Halloween I should stay home and take you out so you an get candy like all the other kids?" Selfish bastards!

    What time are you thinking of getting started? The kids only go out until about 8 and they are usually in bed by 9, and I could really use a good drunkeness.

  • Ah, but wait, you are having it on Halloween night? Blasted kids and their candy!! "What? You think just because it's Halloween I should stay home and take you out so you an get candy like all the other kids?" Selfish bastards!

    If it were me, I'd go to the store and buy 2 or 3 bags of assorted candy, and then tell them to stay home. lol
  • Oh, I could tell them to stay home......and give all that candy to the other kids!!!! Bwahahaha. But really, I need to know what time it's at.
  • i was thinking of starting at 7ish...Carlos i'll get back to you, but i'm thinking of keeping it local for me. Rich, if yer up for some drunkenness i'm headed to paul macleod on monday night...i'm not getting drunk (cuz i still have to get up the next morning for work at 6:30!!!) but i'm up for going for the bar!
    ohh halloween!
  • Nah, I have to work midnight on Monday, but thanks for the offer.

    Besides, bar drinking is too expensive
  • I meant buy the candy for them..... lol
  • I will take the money I would have wasted on candy to hand out, and invest that in the poker game. It's a win-win. Except for the kids. Who lose.
  • Alright, we do indeed have ourselves a game...around 7:30 this time round fellows!
  • Just a friendly bump..we have room for 5 or 6 more on monday night! :)
  • I'd be in for Sunday.
  • Quiane wrote:
    i was thinking of starting at 7ish...Carlos i'll get back to you, but i'm thinking of keeping it local for me. Rich, if yer up for some drunkenness i'm headed to paul macleod on monday night...i'm not getting drunk (cuz i still have to get up the next morning for work at 6:30!!!) but i'm up for going for the bar!
    ohh halloween!

    Hey Quine... if you bust out early, you can come to my place... we are not starting until well past 9pm.. and I am sure the games will go on late... Even with 15 people already copming, there's still alot of beer in the keg.... call me you decide to come 241-9094

  • I'm down with the program!!!!
    gigidy gigidy!!!
  • glad to have you sir!
    it starts at 7:30..despite what i've said before....
    it's 7:30 ya'll!
  • I'll Be Bringing the Candy for those little monsters and some for the kids as well!
    2/7Mike :d:
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