Cambridge - Monday Night Poker League -

Hi Everyone,

I have been thinking of starting a league instead of regular Monday night games, I came up with the following format.

At this point there is nothing set in stone

There are currently about 12 players interested. And I hope we can get everyone out next Monday for a regular game, (October 31st)the last one before the league starts) where every one can be heard and where we can dot the i's and cross the t's.

Below Is what I am suggesting. please let me know if you are interested in playing !!! (Ps Thaks AJ - from Brampton for helping with the setup)




BUYIN: $50/week, of which $20 goes to the Final Tournament of Champions pot
STARTING CHIP: 5000 in chips
8 White worth 25 (200)
8 Red worth 100 (800)
6 Blue worth 500 (3000)
1 Green worth 1000 (1000)

BLIND SCHEDULE: Blinds will be 20 minutes in duration for each level(starting at 25-50). Please see the Blind schedule for more details. There will be a 10min break at the end of the third and sixth blind levels to allow for bathroom breaks, smoke breaks, and chip colour ups.

Each league session will consist of 12 weekly games, played on MONDAY NIGHTS starting at 8:00 pm sharp. Standard buy in for each weekly game will be $50, of which, $20 of each player’s buy in will go directly to the Tournament of Champions event at the end of the 12 week period. Therefore, the more players show up each week, the bigger the pot for the Tournament of Champions.

*** One re-buy allowed per player, if you are busted out before the end of the third round of blinds. ($30 for 5000 chips). There will be no re-buys or add-on at the Tournament of Champions Game.

Each weekly event, the pot will be split on a 50/30/20


There will a point system that will be used to augment each players chip stack for the Tournament of Champions. I will email the spreadsheet after every game to all league members for their own records (including the Money Leader Board).

Show up to play 25 points each week
First Place Victory 150 points
Second Place Victory 75 points
Third Place Victory 50 points
Bubble 25 points (Making it this far SHOULD get you something)

These points will be accumulated and will be worth equivalent value of extra chips for the Tournament of Champions. These chips will be awarded at the start of the final tournament.


At the end of the twelve-week regular game period, we will hold the TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS. If you show up for each nightly game during the 12 week period, your buyin for the Tournament of Champions is ZERO!!

However, to keep things on an even keel, those who don’t make it every week will have to make up for the lost weeks by contributing $20 for each week missed to the Tournament of Champions pot. Therefore, you make it out to 11 regular games, your buyin is $20, 10 games is $40, and so on down the line. You must attend at least 7 games to qualify for the Tournament of Champions, therefore you maximum buyin for this game will be $100. You will still get whatever bonus chips you have accumulated through the point system, regardless of your buyin.

All players will initially receive 5000 in chips PLUS the bonus chips from the points they have earned.

The prize pool for this game will be whatever amount has been collected from the weekly $20 gathered, PLUS the outstanding buyins owed, PLUS whatever rebuys and addons bring in, MINUS expenses (Soft drinks & munchies, trophy, etc). The payouts will remain 50/30/20.


Snacks are provided, as well as soft drinks.
Bring your own Alcohol
Smoking only outside

For the most part, these games are meant to be fun and enjoyable social events, but still keep a fairly high level of competition. Although most of us take the game seriously enough to want to try to win consistently, we still have fun and enjoy each other’s company first and foremost. Everyone loses with the same attitude as we win with. Anybody NOT having fun or NOT enjoying themselves need not return to any future games/tournaments.

Depending on how many players come out, and how fast they bust out of the tournament, there will be small 10$ buy in side games or tournaments. Players will decide this on a weekly basis.


For the most part, ROBERT’S RULES OF POKER
will govern all games. If you don’t have a copy of these rules, then I suggest you download a copy for your personal review. You can find a download version on and it’s free. In the event of a dispute that cannot be resolved, reference will be made to this document and settled. All resolutions based on these rules will be final.

Other than above, the rules are pretty standard:
1) No string betting – best to call your bet/raise before moving your chips. That way, if you are unclear on the chip values, everyone will know what you meant. Once you call your bet/raise, you must move in the appropriate amount of chips
2) No coaching during a hand – if you’re out of the hand, but a buddy is still in, DO NOT tell him/her what the board reads, nor edge them along in any way. It’s their hand, their decision.
3) If asked by a player in the hand, the dealer will do chip counts of the pot and/or other player’s chips. Again, if you’re not in the hand, don’t ask.
4) Seating is done randomly. There will be no choice in seat selection.
5) Game time is the time the cards are DEALT. BE THERE OR BE BLINDED OUT.
6) If you commit to play, PLAN ON ATTENDING. Nothing worse than planning a night of poker only to find someone expected to show up doesn’t show up. If you can’t make it, call ahead of time.
7) All games during the 12-week period are freezeouts…no rebuys, no addons. If you bust out, you’re out. All participants of the side game will agree to the format for any side games being organized outside of the tourney table. You will be notified ahead of time if the particular tourney is not a freezeout. The final Tournament of Champions will have one rebuy and one addon.
8) Get a bad beat??? Live with it!! It’s part of the game and should be expected to happen to everyone at one time or another. Anyone flipping out on a bad beat will be beaten badly.
9) Cards talk. So if you declare your hand a trip and it’s actually a full house, it’s considered a full house.
10) Show one/show all. If you show a card, either on purpose or accidentally, all players must see the card. DO NOT show a hand you intend to fold to another player still in the hand.
These rules are subject to change at the discretion of the governing body of the league based upon ROBERT’S RULES OF POKER.


  • This was sent to my work email, and I though it might interest everyone interested..

    Hey Carlos,

    After thinking about it some more I do have a few questions or issues that I
    wouldn't mind getting some feedback on. I’m still thinking about whether to
    commit for sure. I may still join the league as is but I do have some
    questions I should think about first.

    1) Are the "$30 weekly" and "$20/week = $240 end" prices pretty much set at
    this point or is there room for leeway. For example, what about "$20 weekly"
    and "$10/week = $120 end” prices? For me, $240 is a lot of money to enter a
    tournament for. Also, if the stakes for the final pot are in the thousands,
    will the tone of the games take on a serious demeanor? I really just want to
    play more for fun then worry about people being too serious.

    No the prices are not set in stone. I Do like the idea of a big pot at the end. I was tinkering with the idea of dropping the nightly tournament back to $20 with a re-load (same as you played before) and making the the amount we collect for the TOC (tournament of Champions) $10 or 15 dollars.

    I am also thinking about giving each player 2 by weeks, where they can either miss a game and/or (not pay towards the TOC - if they already have paied for 10 games)

    2) Will the 12 weeks be 12 consecutive Mondays? I may be away for several
    weeks over Christmas season so this could impact things for me.

    Things will defiantly be schedule around the holidays. No tournament game in or around Christmas and New'Years.

    3) If someone is not in the league can they still show up to play just for the
    nightly prizes? For example, ante up the $30 only and not pay the league fee.
    In this case, if they can, how would the points be allocated to the league
    players? Whoever among the league players finished highest (e.g. perhaps 2nd
    or 3rd in the actual tourney) gets the 125 points?

    I think this will depend on how many league players we have. There have been a few other players that are interested. Some that I have played with in the past and some that I have not. Don't worry I also want to have a good time, if there is anyone who joins the league and turns out to be an ASS, I'll gladly refund their tournament money and will NOT let them return.

    4) Do you know how many players there would be? Who will the other players
    joining be?

    There are currently about 12 players interested. And I hope we can get everyone out Next monday for a regular game, (the last one before the league starts) where every one can be heard and where we can dot the i's and cross the t's.

    At this point there is nothing set in stone.

  • I thought this format looked familiar :D

    Good luck with you league AAKKK.
  • It looks like we'll be going with the 20$ for the night and 10$ for the Final Tournament game

    Confirmed players are:

    1. Carlos "AAKKK"
    2. Jason
    3. Terry
    4. Dave
    5. Brian
  • im in were r u located and what time is start time
  • nilad wrote:
    im in were r u located and what time is start time
    Ummm.... I can't speak for AAKKK, but this post is almost a year old. I suggest PM'ing him and seeing if he's still running games.

  • at least his first post wasn't spam!
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