20 dollar 20 table sng's on stars

I love these new tourny's
here's my record in them
2nd - $720

Tonight I played 2 and WON BOTH!!!!
1st - $1080
1st - $928 ( <-- took a chip count deal with a fello Canadian)

I played both at the same time tonight.. I was HU on both at the same time.. LOL it was a FUN night!!

ok sorry had to brag.. I'm done now


  • 1st - $1080
    1st - $928 ( <-- took a chip count deal with a fello Canadian)

    Sounds like you got a better than usual deal on that chop.

    I think the new skill we poker players need is negotiating a chop. People are willing to give up large amounts of EV to lock in a few measly dollars.
  • I played a few of these a couple nights ago and placed 4th in one due to some terrible luck. I have never seen so many weak-tight players in one place before, I was running them over ruthlessly and tey never played back without aces. My favourite part is that they were talking about how weak tight they were in chat saying it wasn't worth risking all their chips and missing a FT. One guy limped in EP with 10 people left I knew this meant he was scared so I pushed with A6 from the SB (I had about 4-5 times his chips and my cards just didn't matter here) and he said he folded queens, I have no reason to doubt him. Another player kept saying how he was flding AQ, AT to standard steal raises or desperation pushes. He then picked up AA/KK about 572057209 times at the FT and probably won the thing but these guys were baaaaaaaad.
  • People are willing to give up large amounts of EV to lock in a few measly dollars.

    I chopped a SNG the other day too, and in hindsight sort of regretted my decision.

    My reasons for chopping:

    1) At the headsup point we were both basically even in chips.
    2) The blinds were getting big, so luck was an increasing factor.
    3) I was getting tired.

    My reasons against chopping:

    1) I felt I could outplay him heads up.

    He had an extreme tendency to push back at what he thought was a steal, so I felt I could trap him for all his chips. What made me regret it more was the fact that it was the other guy that proposed the chop. Part of me still feels like he knew he wasn't a great headsup player and I probably had an edge (not that I'm great either, but like a typical poker player I THINK I am :) ). So, for all those tourney specialists out there, how do you guys weigh a skill edge when someone proposes a chop? Politely decline? Demand more? Take the chop?
  • I don't like chops, but since they're a part of the game I've decided I should learn to use them to my advantage. My new approach is to take any chop that is +EV over playing on. If you have a skill advntage you can ask for more or just kindly decline if you're afraid of looking like a jerk (I would usually trade a random person on the internet thinking I'm a jerk for some extra $$ anyday). Basically the key thing to realize is that the shortstacks are never in as bad shape as they seem and should be getting more than their chip share since the big stacks extra chip aren't really worth as much. I wouldn't take a deal by chip count if i was the shortstack under most circumstances, but as the big stack I would almost always accept one.
  • Yeah I was playing 2 finals at once so when the guy asked to chop I figured it would be smart.
    I suggested a chip count deal and he agreed before we had support there so we both sat out and a friend emailed while I played the other one..
    I had a 159k to 70k lead so chip count deal worked well..
    I actually asked for more when the support guy showed but my opponent didn't like it so I took what I got..

    I was loosing on the other table 2:1 after blowing the chip lead.. then managaed to come back and double with 72s catching a duece on the turn to double through :) then took him out about 4 hands later.. he may of tilted!
  • I've been playing these as well, the level of play is absoultely horrible so its a good investment.

    Hopefully I can avoid being at the same table as Tigerscott next time.
  • Nice Tiger! I've gotta get in on these when I have some more time.

    How long do they usually take from start to finish?
  • They average about 3.5 hours..

    I took a badbeat tonight in the one I played .. finished 15th..
    It wasn't as bad as Josh's loss to runner runner quad queens but it still hurt...
  • Tigerscott wrote:
    I took a badbeat tonight in the one I played .. finished 15th..

    Yeah, I just checked out that hand through the cnpl forums... that's a tough one man, runner freakin' runner.
  • Tigerscott wrote:
    I took a badbeat tonight in the one I played .. finished 15th..
    It wasn't as bad as Josh's loss to runner runner quad queens but it still hurt...

    Screen shot: http://www.pokerplayer.ca/pokerhatesme.gif
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