Multitabling Stars Turbo SNGs

I know all_aces used to play (maybe still does) the high buy-in turbos on Stars and any comments from others are appreciated as always. I've decided to give up on shorthanded limit ring games for a while since my results basically sucked and I feel I'm a much better tournament player right now. So I'm starting at the 55+5s and if all goes well I'll move up the ladder as i get comfortable/increase bankroll. I'm used to playing the normal SNGs on Stars but if you want to always have 4 tables going you need to go turbo. Just want to make sure i'm not missing anything strategically. I start out normal hoping to flop hands cheaply and playing pretty tight. As the blinds get big I steal when reasonable and then when blinds get huge I'm basically in their gambling it up pushing anything decent in position, but staying somewhat tight out of position, the usual tournament strategy. I will sometimes slowdown a bit in bubble situations but I find it hard to pass up any +EV (chipwise) situation because I know it's going to become a big crapshoot anyways. So does this all sound good? Any specific tips you might have would be appreciated and comments about the general level of play I should expect and what winrate (ITM% and ROI in particular) I could hope to achieve. Also remarks on variance for those hard times would be appreciated. I suppose i could go looks this up on 2+2 but it'd be nice to hear it from a "real" person. Also if I'm going to play turbos anwyays would I be better off playing on party instead? Without rakeback I'm thinking Stars might be ok now.

My impressions so far over a statistically insignificant 25 or so SNGs:

1. I can not expect to have a huge winrate because the fast blinds take a lot of the play out.
2. 4-tabling is pretty easy since you're playing tight mostly and most of the play is preflop which I have tons of experience with playing tournaments. Even heads up the blinds are so huge that there's not much skill left (I usually just adopt a modified all-in strategy unless myopponent has an obvious weakness I can exploit another way)
3. The fact that these tournaments run quickly and I can handle many at a time should make up for my decreased ROI and then some.
4. Luck will play a big factor in the short term since you're going to be getting all-in fairly frequently with marginal hands.
5. So far I've been running pretty hot but I feel I have enough of an edge to be successful in the long run. There are still some bad players as well.


  • Why the turbos? If yer 4-tabling, normal SnG's make far more sense..

    If it's due to a lack of players at your level, considering 4-tabling multiple sites..
  • Right now I'm only on Stars and I used to only play the normals SNGs on there., but I tried the turbos and I can think of several reasons to play them instead of the normal ones that offset my theoretically lower winrate:
    More tournaments per hour = more $. Less difficult decisions makes multitabling easier (though this is basically where I lose my edge on the field as well). They are always running as mentioned. It seems like there are some psychological reasons too like if I'm not on my game I only need to keep it together for 30 mins instead of an hour before i can take a break and I don't really need to worry much about being outplayed with these fast structures which is always something you're a little worried about when you move up limits etc...

    I know party basically has a turbo structure in their tournaments as well so I'm not sure where else I would go to find a combination of weak players/good structure if I wanted to play normal structure SNGs anyways. If anything it seems like I should move to party since apparently they have more weak players, but I'm happy enough on Stars for now since it's hwere I've always played tournaments and had my best results, plus I'm used to their structure even with faster blinds I know when I have to be making my moves.
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