Bounty Poker League in Guelph, Saturday Sept. 29

Looks like we're gonna need a second game in Guelph this week, so I am going to run one on Saturday at 2 pm if enough people are interested.

We are going to need at least 8 people signed up by Friday night to make this a go.

1.Rich B.
2. Dawn B.
3. Mark "One Hand" Pairaloafers
4. Cowboy Mike
5. pparent (allegedly)


  • I'll probly play!
    we'll see tho...nah..i'll probly play.....hopefully past the first frigg'in hand!
  • Hey Rich, put me in a spot for Saturday afternoon.

    Cowboy Mike
  • You're in, you want in the Omaha game too?
    Also, do you need a ride?

    And whatcha gonna do, brother, when the league leader runs wild on you? (In my best hogan voice)
  • add pparent tentatively
  • OK folks, we're gonna need at least 4 more for sures before I can commit to running this game.

    So I will sweeten the pot a little, an extra $2 in Brantford Charity Casino chips and $3 in Casino Niagara chips to the player that takes me out. That's $5 in chips that I will put on my own head, seeing how supremely confident I am that I can cream you all.

    So, like I said, 4 more for sure players to get this game off the ground.
  • Rich, can the extra bounty offer be retroactive to last Friday? You know, when I took you out? Or maybe it should be double since it was a heads up take out? Just thinking out loud:)
    BTW, can't play this Saturday.
  • Seeing as I wasn't the LEAGUE LEADER last week, no, no retroactivities on this one, and no doubling at heads up either, 'cause that is the only place that anyone is gonna take me out, if even then.

    Geez, I'm starting to soud like Phil Helmuth, better tone it down a little.

    But seriously, you guys don't stand a chance, especially since no one wants to challenge my claims to greatness. C'mon, step up people.
  • can have your poker...
    i'm going to start
    and i'll KILL you at blackjack!
  • Hey Rich,

    Me and a buddy wouldn't mind catching a game or two on Saturday, but it would have
    to be after supper...7 or 8ish... :(

  • It has been suggested that we play on Sunday instead, which would be OK with me, what are your opinions people, let me know and if we can get a better turn out for Sunday then I will switch the game.

  • Afternoon is better for me
  • hey me and a couple buddies are really looking for a league to play in, we play quite a bit at casinos and what not but i dont like it there....I was wonderin if you could maybe point me in the right direction at least...
  • Hey Rich,
    I can't play Sat. but could play Sunday.
  • Does anyone have a problem if we bump the game to 3:30?

    It's just that my wife works until 3 and by the time she gets home it will be 3:30.

    And we need 4 more players still.
  • I can only make it at 2. I have Dinner with my parents that night and i have to be at the house at 5.

    Cowboy Mike :10c :3d
  • Well, shiiiiiiitttttt.

    Look like we just can't get enough people together at the same time today, so barring some inconceivable event, there will be no game today, sorry about that.

    If anyone has a suggestion, please let me know.
  • rich...i'm gonna bitch slap you.
    watchout for'll wont know when..and you wont know why.....oh...wait..yes you'll know why...
    it's all good..are you guys coming to the game on monday?
    i know you work...we could all work together to bust you out early! :)
  • hey i can play at 4 if the game is still on. Let me know

  • Sorry, we still only have 4 confirmed players.

    And I need at least 8 for a game from now on.
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