I mucked KK pre-flop at Lucky Lou

I finally did it, and it was a great fold.  My opponents had a pair of aces, and I felt something was awry.  Into the muck they went.  When the board came AJ5 I felt even better.  Wow, my game is on these days!

Ok, ok, time to fess up.  We had some single table tournaments running last night, and some of the folks convinced me to play.  But I was still trying to chat with the players and do my best to ensure eveyrone's having a good time.  So, I muck an insignificant hand and get up from my seat to start talking with someone who just busted out of the main tournament.

A few moments later, I hear DrTyore (dealer) saying "Lou you in this hand".  I'm on the button and say "No, muck me".  A few seconds later, DrTyore says "You really not in this hand".  I still say no, and he flashes me my hand -- pocket kings!  Yikes, well I can't say I'm in the hand now.  Low and behold, there's two MPs, and LP all-in and the blinds that see the flop of AJ5, and the two MPs split the side pot with A9, and the LP set of tens (on the turn I believe) took the main pot.

Wow, did I feel good about that muck!  Same thing happened on another STT, with me mucking TT pre-flop.  On that hand I would have made a boat and taken down two stacks! Ouch.  At least I know when to muck kings!



  • With weak-tight play like this, you'll never go anywhere in the poker world :D
  • I told ya' Lou, you couldn't have played any better, even if you were actually at the table!!!

    Nice hand.


    side note: Thanks to Mark the dealer for dealing me :ah :ac for the first time in months. I know that you are supposed to get Pocket Aces every 220 hands or so, but I swear I haven't seen them in a home game in 2200 hands. How about next time I get them the tournament, eh? lol
  • I hear DrTyore (dealer) saying "Lou you in this hand". I'm on the button and say "No, muck me". A few seconds later, DrTyore says "You really not in this hand". I still say no, and he flashes me my hand -- pocket kings!

    DrTyore dealing off the bottom of the deck or something?
  • BBC Z wrote:

    DrTyore dealing off the bottom of the deck or something?

    Buddy, I know which palms to grease around this town :)


    P.S. Johnnie... no worries on the Aces, but I still scared the bejeezus outta you with the board!
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