Changes at Akwesasne

Some changes at the my local poker room, just across the river from Cornwall...

The Good
  • Poker room has been moved to the back corner... much quieter, can't hear the band at all, much more room between tables... no more bumping and shoving when you have to go to the little boys (or girls) room
  • They're doing away with the "must move" tables soon (the floor mentioned this to me, but I didn't get an exact date)... Although this never really bothered me, now I won't have to listen to anyone else moan about it!

The Bad
  • They started spreading 1/2 NL (buy-in $40-$100)... I guess its a demand thing, but they rarely get a 2/5NL (buy-in $200-$1000) going anymore since they introduced 1/3 (buy-in $100-$500) and I haven't seen a limit game higher than 3-6 there since last year
  • Just this week they started making all dealers bring their own decks (2) to the tables with them. On breaks, the dealers have to check and sort their decks... I guess this is in response to the incident a couple weeks ago! Unfreaken believable!! See this thread
  • The "annoying" hat & sunglass types have apperantly brought similarly attired friends with them... OK... this might not be as bad as I first thought!

It's been much busier here lately... 7 tables open last night, so I guess this poker thingy is catching on... The weather may be a factor as well... it's always busier in the winter months.
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